Tag Archives: seasons

Why Christmas is Just a Bunch of BS

Yeah, you know, Big Smiles, “BS”. What did you think I meant?

Obviously Christmas, or whatever you celebrate, usually means spending time with loved ones, enjoying good food, and giving and receiving gifts.

Translation: being forced to see the in-laws (but not me, love you, Steve and Kathy!), not always having an ideal choice of food (yes, I’m very particular), and the gifts are something we’ve all stressed over for who knows how long leading up to the one day.

But nonetheless, it really is a wonderful time, and no matter the stress or less-than-ideal situation you may be in, Big Smiles are typically found in most homes on this holiday. I hope to see all of my friends and family exchanging BS all day, and I know I’ll give my fair share of BS as well.

We can all find at least one good reason to show off our dimples, so make sure to do it today, and do it well! I have many reasons to smile big today, and our lovely little family is at the top of the list. Last year on Christmas, we had a squishy little baby..

Liley Family Christmas 2013

….and this Christmas she’s far from squishy!

Squishy? Squish THIS!!!
Squishy? Squish THIS!!!

Okay, so that’s not exactly a Christmas pic, but it was taken this month.  But I think I made my point; our little Avery is growing!

And now it’s time for presents at our house with G-Ma and Uncle Preston, and then we’re heading to the in-laws (which I enjoy wholeheartedly!) for 2nd Christmas. I get to bring roasted Brussels and can’t wait to fill my plate with those tiny cabbages!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a lot of BS!

What are your big reasons for showing a lot of BS today?