Tag Archives: recycle

Are We Recycling As Much As We Should Be?

There is no denying that we all know the importance of doing our bit in order to protect the planet. This is something that all businesses and individuals know; we have to do more if we want our world to not only survive but thrive. 

At the most basic level, we know that we need to recycle items, rather than simply throwing them in the bin. But are we doing enough? Unfortunately, the statistics show that there is still a long way to go. In the U.S., 262.4 million tons of trash are produced per annum. However, only 67.8 million tons of trash gets recycled. This shows that there is a significant way to go when it comes to recycling the trash that we are responsible for. The quest to be sustainable is still far from being complete.

This is why we all need to do our bit and educate ourselves on recycling. Knowing what to recycle, and how to recycle it, is key. After all, you cannot simply throw everything in your curbside recycling bin. The likes of batteries, electronics, and aerosol cans can be hazardous, and so there are specialist processes in place for recycling items like this. 

For more details about recycling and the right way to go about it, check out the infographic below. You will find out everything that you need to know about recycling and where we stand on the matter right now.

Infographic Design By educationconnection