Tag Archives: poop

1st and 2nd Place and Our Daughter Feeds Her Face

Rhyming, it just comes naturally as a parent, don’t you think?

So, um, wow, the weekend is gone! Going Mom had four days off and now they’re all gone; what happened?! I guess that’s what happens when you’re having fun….

On that note, Kelley, G-Ma, Avery, and I had a fun and exciting Memorial Day. The day started not bright (because the sun wasn’t up) and early as we had to get ready to head to my last 10k race in my twenties. Kelley actually had to wake Avery up for a change, but she didn’t protest about it at all! I would’ve lost that bet.

It was a cloud-covered morning with a light rain at the race, and it didn’t let up until after everyone finished running. I, for one, happen to love running in the rain as long as it’s not cold, so the conditions were perfect to me. We arrived a little early, so I just hung out with my beautiful support crew for a while.


Luckily, my concern about using the bathroom before the start was never an issue and I was “relieved”! I don’t know, do you think I was just a little too excited about this?


Maybe I was, but it’s better than being really bummed, true?

The race started with both the 5k and 10k runners at the same time, and then we split about 2.5 miles out. I had a great pace to start with and was able maintain it through the finish. I really had not clue how I would do since I only had a few solo runs and the rest have been with Avery in the stroller and our dog, Abby.

I didn’t say it out loud, but my goal was to finish in under 40 minutes, and I just barely made it with a time of 39:59.7! Holy crap, it’s hard to get any closer than that! With an average pace of 6:26/mile, I surprised myself and am very happy with my time. My wonderful and supporting wife, mother, and daughter were at the finish to cheer me on which helped give me that extra push.


I was maxed out at that point! A big thanks to my wife for snapping this action shot! My time put me 1st in my age group, 25 to 29, and 2nd overall. It wasn’t a huge race, but I’m still proud and feel good about it being my last solo race before getting bumped to the 30 to 34 bracket.

Even though I was gassed, I knew I had to get my daily dose of 30 burpees in while I was still warmed up, so I found a spot on the sidewalk and went to work. Thanks again to Kelley for capturing the moment.


Then, probably against her will since I was still sweaty, I posed for a picture with my beautiful mom.


It took forever for all of the awards to be announce, but finally they got to the 10k runners and announced my name. I brought Avery with me and she was given the medal for placing.


She deserves it for being such and awesome baby the whole day! Love our little girl!

Speaking of awesome, our little girl is catching on to eating solids more and more each day. I just posted about her first actual consumption and how I had to “help” by holding the food to her mouth, but now she’s using her own hands!


This was on Sunday before G-Ma arrived to witness what I thought would take forever! But, without my assistance this time, she brought both broccoli and carrot to her mouth and actually ate a little of both!


And, as we all know, along with the consumption of solids, comes the ejection of poop! Avery blessed us twice with the confirmation of her new food groups and needless to say, I installed our diaper sprayer posthaste. Now I finally get to put our Spray Pal through its first test! I’ll let you know how it goes soon!

Since G-Ma missed out on Avery eating on Sunday, we decided to try another BLW moment after we arrived home from the race. I’d say she’s definitely getting the hang of it now; look at that firm grasp on the broccoli and her delicate bite into the floret. Attagirl!!

Avery eating broccoli

Good things happening around here! It’s sad when a great weekend has to end, but I know there will be many more great times ahead! Times like spraying a poopy diaper for the first time……or something like that. :/

Okay, I’ll leave it at that for today. Hope everyone enjoyed an extra day off and made sure to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Have a great day!

Any plans for a race of your own yet? Do you even care?

I’m still being stubborn and don’t want anything too sweet, but any suggestions on what to try feeding Avery next?



The Bathroom of Solace

Old Bathroom

Bathroom – A room containing a bathtub or shower and usually also a sink and a toilet.

Solace – Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness

No, I’m not sad, far from, but as a parent, aren’t we all a little distressed? If you said no, what pills are you taking?

As I was minding my own business looking at other people’s business on Facebook, I happened upon this picture from Someecards.com:

Bathroom Solace

I am not a woman, and I only have one baby, but this pretty much sums up how I feel.

One reason I look forward to the weekend so much is that Going Mom will be home and I can sit in peace in the bathroom when the need arises. And shi….I mean sit in peace I do!

For the other five days, Avery gets to hang with me every morning around the same time (consistency is good!) while she stares. Or, sometimes, I get lucky and she’ll just fall asleep…

Even Freddy the Firefly is out!
Even Freddy the Firefly is out!

Poor wife, she has to wait on me to make breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning, but I usually have an extended “me time” in the bathroom. 30 minutes is usually the max, then it gets uncomfortable; probably like you if I go any more into detail. Sorry.

But at the same time, not sorry. I mean, as a parent, you have to be comfortable with bathroom (i.e. potty) talk. I’ve only been a dad for 5 months, but I have a feeling poop, pee, and even puke (the three P’s) are a big part of raising a child.

If you’re a soon-to-be parent, get comfortable with the three P’s now. Practice by talking about how you need to tend to your “business” with your friends and family.

While at a big social gathering for the holidays or any occasion, just announce when you need to go; add how badly for extra points. Awkward looks will follow, but stand strong and flash a confident smile as you walk to your announced destination!

Many people see potty talk as taboo, but it’s something we all have to do and should be able to speak freely about. You don’t have to go into specifics, I do with certain people, but there’s no reason not to talk about it with others in general.

It’s quite obvious I am comfortable with and even enjoy bathroom talk from some of my previous posts…..

  1. How Our Daughter Saves us Water
  2. Are You a Paranoid Parent?
  3. Toilet Seats Up!
  4. Baby Compliments at a Urinal
  5. 10 Things Baby Wearing Dads Should Never Say In a Public Bathroom
  6. Just Go Poop!

Going Mom and I are very open about our bathroom ventures and I feel our relationship is that much stronger because of this. Hiding anything is never good in a relationship. I mean, amiright? We even all go to the bathroom together! Whoa, not like that, just to clean it….

Protesting the cleaning by slouching and kicking her Firefly toy off...
Protesting the cleaning by slouching and kicking her Firefly toy off…

I don’t want Avery to be scared to discuss her bathroom needs either, so we’ll all be open together. If you ever engage in conversation with us, just be prepared!

I have always enjoyed bathroom time as my peace and quiet time, but now I’ve grown to seriously cherish it. Vacation? No thanks, I’ll just go poop.

What are your thoughts towards talking about the bathroom?

Do you refuge in bathroom often?

6 Miles and Smiles

We are being graced with great weather here in Texas and making the most of it! This Tuesday was my first day back on the job since Going Mom had to Go (ha ha ha, I’m corny) back to work today.

I was hesitant about today since Avery hasn’t been the best the past couple of days and basically had been refusing the to take a bottle. But, to my surprise she did a complete 180 and it ended up being a great day!

The morning started out a little rough, but she finally finished her bottle and, more importantly, pooped! She later pooped again, and then again tonight. Three times in one day? Guess that makes up for the past two days of nothing. Look at me, blogging about my baby pooping…….I’m cool. But seriously, no shame here, I believe babies pooping relieve parents just as much as the baby.

After crying about mommy going back to work, Avery helped console me, and then I returned the favor and put her down for a nap. She slept great and allowed me to get my squat day workout in as well as a good steamed veggie and egg white breakfast. I even made Kelley’s breakfast ahead of time; score!

You know your baby is sleeping good when YOU have to go and wake them from their nap, and this was the case twice today. For the first nap, I came in with camera in hand to try and capture a smile from this sleeping beauty…

Good Sleep; check
Good Sleep; check

But then I startled her with my voice which led to this….

Next time I won't pop the balloon!
Next time I won’t pop the balloon!

Luckily, she was quick to forgive me and then finished another bottle. Things were going pretty good, so I figured a nice ride in the stroller should be attempted. Avery usually gets fussy at first, and I have to start running with the B.O.B. stroller before she’ll calm down. But, she didn’t make any sounds of protest as I strapped her in and put Abby,our Golden Retriever, on the leash.

I started off at a steady run in the nice weather and settled into a good pace. Mind you, a good pace with a dog and stroller creating drag in the stupid wind is nothing fast, but it’s still a run. I kept checking on her as I ran, but she never let out a peep, and I could see she was asleep. How? I have no clue since there were bumps all along the way, but I didn’t want to stop until she had a good nap.

5 miles later and Abby was panting and dragging pretty bad, so I had to bring her inside for water. I let her in, Avery not budging, so I went back at it for some more running. By the time she finally woke up, we had run 6 miles and walked a little extra. Breaking new ground feels great! Avery even awarded me with a smile as we returned home.

Avery finished another bottle as we watched the Nordic Combined Olympics and then had a little play time. Well, I thought it would be play time….
Mad Avery in Seat
Hey, she holds herself up pretty well though, so that’s something.

I put her down for her afternoon nap and again, I had to wake her up. Something just felt too good about today. I made sure not to abruptly come in with a booming voice like the first time, and I’d say she was happier about that….

From Sleepy to Bashful.
From Sleepy to Bashful.

Not sure how, but she finished her fourth bottle of the day right as mom walked in. Man was I happy to report on the good day, and even happier that Avery stayed that way for the night. I love having a happy baby for Kelley to come home to and I strive for this every day.

We enjoyed each other’s company for a while and “talked” with Avery until her bath time and then she was down for the night. I can only hope for another successful day tomorrow. Oh please Avery, please!

Do you ever have what seems to be a completely different baby than what you had the day before? Any good stories?