Tag Archives: pinterest picks

Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (9): Random Humor for the Systematic Life

Sometimes, okay, a lot of times, we all need a good, hearty laugh. Really, we should all laugh more throughout the day every day. Smiling and laughing release “feel good” hormones that actually decrease stress, and even forcing a smile has been proven to lower stress levels!

To all parents, including myself, consider this news you can use and force that grin!

Me reducing stress....
Me reducing stress….

Seriously, try it out when you’re feeling stressed; just stop and force a smile. It actually works! What also works is Pinterest and the infinite posts of memes, quotes, pictures, and more of hilarious content.

For no particular reason, I recently felt the weight of stress bearing down on me and sought refuge in Pinterest. Guess what? It worked! And then it kept on working for way too long; that site is addicting!

Anyway, figured all of us could use a little laughing medicine to start another week off on the right…..errr, emotions. Enjoy these random Pinterest posts of humor to assist in an otherwise systematic week ahead!

1. Something Going Mom and I deal with daily.

2. Maybe it’s for swim lessons? Or maybe the duck was tired of them riding her tail feathers!

3. One bad bird…

4. I could do a whole post on Grumpy Cat memes….hmmmm

5. It may not be with dinosaurs, but we’re doing this to Avery some day for sure!

6. So many good cat memes!

7. They had one job…

8. This is all I’ll ever think of when I see these stickers now.

9. Had to have some puns in here, since I obviously love them all!

10. Kinda funny, sad, and true all at once.

That only took me half the day to put these together since I kept getting sidetracked. Damn you, Pinterest!

Anyway, enjoy your Monday and this week!

Any plans for the week ahead? Avery is turning 9 months on the 15, and G-Ma will be watching her the entire weekend as Kelley and I celebrate our 7th anniversary at Embassy Suites. We’re just a little excited. I’ll fill you in soon!

Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (7): Food Matters!

Do you know exactly what went into the last meal you ate? If it wasn’t you making the meal, chances are, you may not.

This way of thinking has had me making my own meals for several years now. There are times when I go out to eat, not by my choice, and I have to pick apart the menu and annoy the crap out of our wait staff. But, I have no shame when it comes to wanting to know exactly what I’m being served and how it was prepared.

I wasn’t always like this, I used to go out all the time and the words macronutrients, calories, trans-fat, high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, etc. were never a consideration. If it looked and sounded good, I ate it. Back then, I was being “healthy” when I requested no cheese on my double-meat hamburger from McD’s.

Yeah, things have changed and now I’m a health food advocate who questions any and all ingredients. If it’s packaged, I have to scrutinize the label several times and maybe even perform a Google search. For the several years I’ve been like this, I get extremely irritated at how food companies advertise their “healthy” products and at the ignorance of the average consumer.

And now, as a parent, I’m disgusted at what some parents feed their children. I might get a lot of negative responses here, but I see no reason any kid should have to eat fast food. There is a wealth of information out there on what is healthy vs. unhealthy and enough buzz on the topic to claim you “didn’t know.”

I know Going Mom and I will instill our healthy values in Avery, but I fear how powerful the influence of her peers will be. I remember what it’s like being in grade school, and how no one wants to be the odd one of the group! All I can do is hope Avery values health and knows what is good and what is not when she’s faced with choices on her own.

Hopefully, these ten food related Pinterest Pins help open your eyes and inform you in a way to be able to make changes for the better. I know right after I changed my eating habits, I felt, looked, performed, and recovered better than ever before. I could easily go way beyond ten, but for these are a great to start with to make changes today!



3. 10 reasons not to eat at most restaurants.

4. Convenience, not price, limits veggie consumption.

5. A 20-ounce soda contains 65 grams of sugar, that is approximately 22 packets of sugar in just one bottle.






Hopefully you found some or all of these thought-provoking and useful to help you start making changes for yourself and loved ones. Or maybe you’re already in the know and these are nothing new to you.

If you already are a health living advocate and you have older children, how have you worked to keep your little ones from eating fast food or other processed junk when at school or a friend’s house?

I would love to hear anyone’s tips/advice as I feel like we are a minority when it comes to caring about what we eat.

Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (6): Baby Proof Your Home!

You had to of known this one was coming, right? At this point, I’d expect to make these posts related to what we’re currently experiencing/learning with Avery.

Right now, she can sit up without even trying. Seriously, she’ll wake in the middle of the night and all of the sudden, she’s upright…..and crying.

Avery Sitting Up_Monitor

She eventually tumbles over and will (usually) fall back asleep.

Now the next big milestone is crawling and/or walking, and we need to get our house prepared! Of course there’s always something we’ll miss and won’t find out until she finds it for us, but thankfully Pinterest is here to offer a helping hand.

By the way Avery is able to move around just by rolling and scooting, it’s only a matter of time before she’s getting into anything within reach. If you have a baby that’s about to be or already is becoming more mobile, I hope these top ten picks help get you prepared.

1. 10+ Tips for childproofing. Practical tips and advice we all should read up on!

2.  Pict-o-graphs are fun and a great way to have important info all on one giant page. Great for printing! Now I just need a printer…..

3. DIY baby gate? Yes please, the store-bought ones are pricey!!

4. We don’t have stairs in our home, but I’m sure many of you do and would like to NOT put holes anywhere. So, here you go!

5. Pool noodles to the rescue! It may not be the prettiest way to baby proof, but you might as well get used to the fact that having a baby isn’t always pretty! We’re slowly catching on…..

6. I shouldn’t have to explain the reasoning here; babies in trash = no good. I didn’t even think of the trash until seeing this Pin!

7. Well looky here, the pool noodles make another safety appearance. Again, is it pretty? No. But will it save your kid from busting their lip or worse? I sure hope so!

8. Room by room tips on baby proofing. Just skip to the rooms you need and see if there’s any new ideas.

9.  Okay, last pool noodle Pin. Only because I have one left before ten. you could really surround your home in pool noodles! Hmmm, wonder if Going Mom would approve?

10. Just in case we missed something from the above pins, hopefully this will complete your list of to-do’s!

So, are you ready to baby proof your home? Have you already proofed thinking you were all set and found something else?

Let me know where you are in the process and please, share any tips you might have to offer!

You might be interested in my other Top Ten Pinterest Picks for helpful ideas and even a good laugh:

  1. Puns
  2. Baby Play Ideas
  3. Baby Memes
  4. Homemade Baby Food
  5. Baby-Led Weaning