Tag Archives: injury

Hard Work Earned Me Atrophy

No, I don’t mean a trophy, I seriously have earned myself atrophy from what I believe to be hard work.

Atrophy Comic Joke

While hard work most certainly can literally earn many people a trophy, pushing too hard or using bad form can result in atrophy. In my case, I’m assuming the latter with improper form from heavy lifting when working out is the main culprit.

That’s right, bench press and overhead press is way more technical than most people are aware. It’s not simply a matter of lifting the bar up and down, but maintaining complete control throughout the entire movement by focusing on the position of every part of your body. There are entire books written on how to perform the major compound lifts, so I won’t get into here, but check out Starting Strength to really learn they biomechanics of the basic barbell lifts.

This book contains the fundamentals of any real strength training program and really all you need to learn out to properly lift to strong and avoid injury. Hmmm, something I should’ve read before trying to lift a heavy (to me) barbell over my head and above my chest.

Last September, I first wrote about my ailing shoulder and how I assumed it was a rotator cuff tear. I still shoveled dirt and helped out with Going Mom’s backyard landscaping project, but it hurt.

After being stubborn and still working out by following the Squat Every Day program, I mentioned that I finally went to a chiropractor for my shoulder. After examining me, he diagnosed my injury as a strained rotator cuff. Who was I to question him? The shoulder area hurt, and rotator cuff injuries are pretty common.

Word of advice….get a second opinion. I went through several sessions with the bone-cracking chiro and never felt better. A good chiropractor will be able to identify issues and come up with a treatment plan that can really help you! At the end of 2015, I quit going and just went back to dealing with it. The pain was not so bad, but my strength and mobility was still severely lacking.

At the beginning of March, I went to the same doctor who saw me while we were trying to conceive for a wellness exam. Without mentioning my shoulder, he immediately noticed an abnormality on my right shoulder blade area. I could tell something wasn’t right when his first words were “Oh my!”

His sound of shock and awe was not that of a glorious sight, but rather something hideous. I never considered anything on my back to be out of whack, and Going Mom never mentioned anything to me. Trust me, she’d let me know too! Within a matter of minutes, my doctor diagnosed what he saw as atrophy in my right infraspinatus muscle. I never heard of the muscle before that visit, so here’s a diagram to help anyone not familiar.

atrophy, infraspinatus, suprascapular
The red indicates the left and right infraspinatus muscles.

Here’s how it looks on me. Notice the concavity on my right?

atrophy, infraspinatus, suprascapular

And flexed just to show how I’m “flexing” nothing on my right side in one area because there is no infraspinatus muscle to flex!

atrophy, infraspinatus, suprascapular

So we know it’s atrophy, but he wanted to know why and what from. I told him all about my ego getting the best of me when lifting, but that didn’t seem to interest him much. Instead, I was sent to have a CT Scan of chest, an EMG (Electromyography) basically all over my body, an MRI of my right shoulder, and an MRI of my brachial plexus.

I was given good reasons for all of these, but since each one was a separate visit, I became extremely tired of the process.  What’s more, after my doc sent me to see a neurosurgeon who simply stated she was not sure why I went to her and not an orthopedic surgeon, I turned livid. Even after asking to see all of the tests/scans I had gone through, they quickly said there was nothing they could do there unless I got another scan. No thanks.

Just another helpful visual reference
Just another helpful visual reference

The neurosurgeon was my most recent visit as of writing this post. The EMG has confirmed my atrophied muscle was due to a damaged/entrapped suprascapular nerve, part of the brachial plexus I had an MRI on, but no one has found exactly what caused that. C’mon, do they just not think that my heavy lifting reason is good enough?

They keep searching for a tumor or some other lesion inside when really, I’m just ready for surgery to fix the nerve or do whatever is done for this type of injury. At one point, my referring doctor simply stated I’d just have to live with it. Seriously, that’s it? A little nerve entrapment can’t be fixed nowadays? I’m calling BS. Not because I’m some know-it-all medical official, but because I’m a dad, and I plan on playing airplane and holding my sweet girl high in the sky whenever I damn well please…..or if she asks. 🙂

Daddy Lifting Avery with Caterpillar Backhoe

Yeah, like that. She’s the only trophy I want or care about. Well, Going Mom too, but as far as kid trophies go.

I have “fired” my doctor and took it upon myself with the help from another doctor friend to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. As of this post being published, the appointment is in 2 days, and hopefully I won’t be sent to have a plethora of other scans, x-rays, MRI’s and enemas (okay, probably not enemas) performed just to further confirm I have a damaged nerve causing my muscle to atrophy and it just needs to be fixed!

This really shows why it’s so important to have a doctor that you can trust and that you believe in. You never know what might happen to your body, from exercise injuries like this to conditions that require your doctor’s help with an Immediate Threat Medical. Make sure your doctor is on your side.

For now, that’s where I stand in the shoulder department. I’m still performing the fundamental barbell lifts, but can only do so much with my lack of a major muscle. Guess I keep hoping the nerve will just magically repair itself and I’ll start getting stronger again. So far, no luck.

But, we have had luck in other areas. Our little two and half year girl is in full potty training mode and doing pretty good. She’s already making “snakes” in the potty multiple times a day. Needless to say, we’re proud parents.

Have you ever dealt with or know someone who has dealt with atrophy?

Ever “fire” your doctor for something?

Weekend Recap: Parental Ailments & Toddler Head Planks

You know how you can make awesome plans for the upcoming weekend only to have them fall out of place for one reason or another? That pretty much happened to us this past weekend.

Not like we had a full agenda lined up, we just planned on being in good health to tackle our backyard project and continue with my Squat Every Day routine. Well, an infected and inflamed eye for Going Mom and some sort of sharp pain (thinking rotator cuff tear) in my right shoulder kinda wiped the whole “in good health” part of our weekend out.

My poor wife has been battling her eye infection for several days and it has only gotten worse. I think, but we’re not entirely certain yet, that it’s on its way to getting better, but only time will tell. It’s driving her, and therefore me, crazy, and I wish I could do something to rid her eye of the crap.

For me, I’m sure my OCD habit to exercise with heavy weights almost daily helps my shoulder pain not one bit, but I keep going anyway. We had a lot of rain which made the ground nice and soft (very muddy), so I did what I could in the backyard by shoveling dirt and moving it out with a wheelbarrow. Yeah, all “smart” moves when you’re nursing an injured shoulder.

I’m hesitant to go to the doctor because, one, sometimes all symptoms disappear when I do, and two, making Avery go to the doc with me after her having to go not long ago would be traumatic for the poor girl. Again, time will tell, and then I’ll tell you here on the blog. I know you’re all concerned, right? 🙂

Speaking of, the one person not ailing this weekend was our growing girl, so that’s a plus!


With a painful eye, Kelley still took some excellent shots of Avery while cleaning all around the house. We aren’t idle people, so even when we’re sick/hurt, we still find stuff to do. The house is much cleaner as a result.

Avery “helped” Mommy clean and rearrange things all over the house this weekend and she hardly wanted anything to do with me. I’d ask her one question and she’d run away whining to Kelley. Meh, I know it’s just a phase. Besides, I was able to get a lot of cooking done for my two beautiful girls without having to worry about tripping over a quiet toddler in the kitchen. Cooking parents, you know what I’m talking about.

Butternut Squash and Kale Fritatta=Winning
Butternut Squash and Kale Fritatta = Winning

She has become great at working out with Mommy and Daddy, and the newest exercise seems to be the plank. Luckily, she’s not doing that in the kitchen, yet, but a more advanced version using her head and rocking chair.


I don’t know about you, but that would hurt my neck amongst other things and I’m proud of her feats. She knows she strong too. How strong you ask? Well…

We never taught her to pump her fist like that, but it’s only right that she does it to show her strength. Right?

Not much outside playtime happened as a result of the rainy weather, and poor Avery didn’t exactly understand.


But getting to spend time with Mommy seemed to make her forget about outside. As is apparent….


Now we’re back to the beginning of another week, but Kelley will be taking off to stay home as I go to the National At-Home Dads Convention from Thursday to Sunday. I’m excited, a lot, but I know I’ll miss my two girls back home and will be eager to see them on Sunday.

I have a little food prep to do so my wife can enjoy my excellent cooking (yeah, I’m biased) while I’m away. I feel this week, short as it may be, will still drag on.

Do you still find things to do when you should really just be resting?

Do you like going to conventions? Any ones in particular if so?

Baby’s First Road Trip, Chasing a Dog, and a Stress Fracture

Most weekend recaps occur on Monday, but I prefer to mimic the “muscle confusion” ideology of P90X and confuse anyone reading. You know, to keep your brain more alert by throwing it off every now and then. Stupid analogy? Yeah, sorry….

This past weekend, we drove up to our old college town, Norman, Oklahoma, to visit our friends, Sean, Erin, and their little 2.5 year old girl, Brooklyn. Remember when they came down to visit us last February?

Brooklyn is growing so fast and is such a pretty girl!


Both of our little girls have grown so much in just 6 months and it was fun watching them kind of play together.


I say kind of, because Brooklyn, is in the stage of not wanting to share things, so when Avery would go to a toy, she sometimes tried to push her away.


I guess this was a good foreshadow for what’s to come! No big deal though, she was quick to allow Avery access to her toys and even say sorry.


The 2.5 hour drive was full of Avery’s pleasant, and not-so-pleasant screams. I thought she’d take a nap since the 10 minute drive to Costco usually has her asleep within minutes, but she slept not once the entire drive. Instead, she’d make her presence known with coos and yells followed by crying fits for no reason.

Kelley eventually climbed in the back to soothe her the rest of the way to our friend’s house. This worked for almost the remainder of the drive, but even Mommy couldn’t qualm our upset baby. But alas, we arrived, exchanged hugs, and brought everything inside to the room we’d be staying in for two nights……with Avery!

We shared the same room with Avery once before at G-ma’s for the 4th of July weekend, but this setup was different, she’d be right beside Kelley instead of at the foot of the bed.


It was weird, but really not as bad as I expected. We were able to sneak into bed without waking Avery fairly easily, but she did wake more often versus when at home. Oh well, just part of parenthood, right?

The past few times we’ve come up to stay with Sean and Erin was for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in April. This always meant my nerves were high and I wasn’t a fun person to be around, so it was nice being there without a major race to prepare for. This time, we were there for Erin’s baby shower. Yes, this beautiful family of three is about to have a little boy in a few weeks which will even out the genders.


They have yet to decide on a name, but have a few one their mind like Ian or Barrett. Care to offer a suggestion?

We had zero plans for Saturday, so we played everything by ear. Going Mom, Avery, and I drove to local coffee shop we enjoyed before in hopes of enjoying again. This time, we were not impressed and a little sorry we didn’t just go to Starbucks.

While in town, we picked up a few groceries for breakfast and since there was a liquor store nearby, I figured I’d bring a few craft beers back. Kelley was trying to eat her long overdue breakfast, so I carried Avery inside with me. Or, at least I made it to the front door with her, but then I was stopped by the owner who let me know no one under 21 is allowed!

This seemed ridiculous since obviously, a baby isn’t going to run around drinking their stock, but the law is law. As I wore a frustrated frown on my face, the owner kindly offered to hold Avery as I perused their beer selection. Ha, a stranger holding my baby while I bought beer? I accepted…

But only because she was non-threatening, gentle woman who obviously worked at the store and I wouldn’t expect to run off. Yeah, yeah, “it’s the least suspecting”, I know, so sue me. Please, not really.

Meanwhile, as I shopped for beer, Kelley was trying to have breakfast in the car when she noticed a woman holding Avery. At first she thought maybe we knew the woman, but after a few minutes, she realized the lady was a stranger and quickly walked out to get our daughter. Luckily only kind, understanding words and a few laughs were shared as Kelley brought Avery back to the car.

Sorry, my dear wife and daughter….Daddy did bad. But, we did get some good beer! Silver lining?

As we returned to Sean and Erin’s, Sean was jumping in his car to search for one of their dogs that escaped. They have a Great Dane, Hudson, and a 100lb mutt, Polly; the latter being the escapee. I changed vehicles to help search and left Kelley with Avery.

I'm not escaping anywhere...
I’m not escaping anywhere…

Our search by car yielded nothing, so Sean hopped on his bike and I took to going for a run around their neighborhood. My foot was hurting from a run I did with Avery before leaving the day before, but I planned on doing some running anyway, so this worked out okay in my mind.

Thirty minutes of running and several hill sprints later (plus my daily dose of “must do” 31 burpees, push-ups, and squats), I was limping with severe pain in my left foot. The pain hasn’t subsided yet, and I have concluded it is a metatarsal stress fracture with the pain and swelling to go along with it.

As a guy who can’t stand sitting (ha, I love that saying), this drives me crazy! As I write this, I’m still standing on one leg with the other propped up on a stool. #stubborn

Sean and Erin continued their search driving to and calling neighbors with no luck. Polly was a stray dog in poor health that Erin nursed (just so happens she is a nurse!) back to health almost 8 years ago. I remember seeing Polly as a pup, and she didn’t look good. But now, well, she’s a sweet, giant, dog in good health.

Polly competing with Avery for attention from Kelley
Polly competing with Avery for attention from Kelley

Needless to say, Erin was distraught at the thought of having lost Polly, and Sean wanted so bad to make his wife happy by finding her. Having exhausted himself with several hours of searching, he was inside trying to recoup when someone knocked on their door.

Yes! It was a neighbor who found Polly and was generous enough to bring the 100+ pound dog back to their house! The mood was instantly lightened in the house, and a very happy yet still pretty pissed Erin, took Polly out back to wash the burr-covered mutt.

With more action than expected on our “no plans” Saturday, we kept it calm the rest of the day and just hung out engaging in conversation. Plus, we kept tabs on the pay-per-view OU vs Louisiana Tech game where the Sooners ruled the game with a final score of 48 – 16! Hopefully they’ll have the same luck with ranked teams this season too!

Supporting OU with preggo Erin.
Supporting OU with preggo Erin.

Kelley and I made it a late night and took over the TV to watch an episode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix after Sean and Erin went to bed. We just started this season after not having our TV on for a few months, and now we’re hooked.

Our Saturday with good friends had come to a close, but we still had most of Sunday before heading back home. Look out for my next post with our Sunday events including a coffee shop win and another long drive fail.

Do you have any road trip with baby stories or tips to share?

Ever inure yourself and go crazy being limited in what you can do? I’ve still found ways to lift weights in the garage and reel mowed as I limped across the lawn. Now my daily 31 burpees are done on one leg which definitely makes it harder!

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