Tag Archives: healthy living

Welcoming Naturepedic Into Our Home

We got a new Naturepedic organic mattress and our excitement can hardly be contained! After having to deal with getting uncomfortably hot in our old mattress for years, the time has finally arrived to improve an all too often overlooked aspect of health; sleep.

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Not only was our old mattress uncomfortable, but it, like most mattresses, was plagued by flame retardants and a host of chemicals like phthalates that easily spread throughout the house. Basically, lots of nasty stuff that can pose harm to us and our little ones. Even during pregnancy, studies have shown mothers exposed to phthalates have been linked to their children having an increased risk of asthma.

Having grown up with asthma as a kid (luckily I don’t have it now), I know firsthand that it sucks, literally. It’s true, having asthma usually involves sucking wind when you exert yourself too much and have an attack or close to it. It’s not fun and I don’t wish it on anyone. Lets just say my childhood days of playing soccer had me clinging to an inhaler like Frodo Baggins with the One Ring.

Point is, there are things I never even considered to pose a threat to our health, but now know otherwise. One very big thing is the mattress we sleep on. After doing our research, Going Mom and I knew it was time to upgrade our sleep and health by getting a new mattress.

Our last mattress was a queen, but my wife, always thinking ahead, said we need a king for when someone *cough* Avery *cough cough* starts venturing into Mommy and Daddy’s room to join us. I guess the kitchen floor (note the picture above) doesn’t work so well.

Please let me sleep with you, Mommy and Daddy.

Thankfully, the super generous people at Naturepedic provided us the value of their queen mattress so all we had to do was make up the difference to buy a king! I can picture us now…

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Except we won’t have the ocean as a backdrop and Avery will surely be in between or jumping us. You know, standard toddler. Speaking of, they do have crib and kid mattresses too.

Happy doesn’t even begin to describe how we feel about our new mattress. I think flabbergasted or elated would serve as a better word. Avery was excited the day the mattress arrived in, get this, several boxes.

Naturepedic mattress, organic, flame retardant free

That’s right, a king mattress in several boxes. We haven’t opened them since we’re waiting to set it up this weekend, but there are warnings to be careful when opening. I can just picture a giant snake-in-a-can effect happening from trying to be too quick to open! SURPRISE!!! Actually, they provide detailed assembly instructions and have a YouTube video.. It seems easy peasy to me, what do you think?

I guess that means no snake-in-a-can surprise. But seriously, watching that video gets me even more pumped up to set it up this weekend!

Anyway, I’ll be working hard (aka sleeping on this awesome mattress) to write a review post. Over the coming months, look for update posts and please feel free to ask any questions you have anytime. If I can’t answer them, Naturepedic’s website is packed full of useful info.

A big thanks to Naturepedic for allowing us the opportunity to sleep on their high quality organic mattress. I can’t wait to share with everyone how great it feels and why being free of flame retardants and other chemicals is so important.

To see why we’re so excited to welcome Naturepedic in our home, be sure to keep up to date by following them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and their blog.

Are you in the market for a new mattress?

Have you heard of Naturepedic?

Gaining Strength with My Daughter + Immune Support from Ester-C

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias and its Advertiser. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone and should not be construed as medical advice. #24HourEsterC #CollectiveBias


Half-way through my college career, I decided to run a marathon. I hardly trained, and the race hurt….a lot, but I pushed and made it across the finish line. Walking up or down stairs the following 2 weeks brought painful tears to my eyes, but I was hooked and wanted to do another, only better. I know, crazy, right?

Armed with a training and nutrition plan, I learned how important both aspects were to attaining any goal. Training, to prepare the body for the stressors of an endurance event, and nutrition for peak performance, recovery, and especially proper immune support.

Fast-forward to current day; I’ve completed over 10 marathons (including Boston), an ultra-marathon, and too many 5k’s and 10k’s to count. I’m extremely proud of these accomplishments as anyone should be, but I found endurance came at the expense of strength after failing miserably at trying to jump in the air. I certainly lost weight and changed my body composition, but my body lacked muscle and I decided it was time to train for strength.


Strength training and distance running are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but the need for good nutrition and a supported immune system remain key factors. I get all day immune support from Ester-C to keep me “Going” as a dad (see what I did there?) living a healthy lifestyle!


Although good nutrition may help support your immune system, I’m not taking any chances of being sidelined from training again. Now I get 24 hour immune support from Ester-C which enables me to consistently train as well as manage my key role as a stay-at-home dad and loving husband.

When I first became an at-home dad, a big fear of mine (besides nap time) was not having a consistent strength training routine since raising a baby was uncharted territory. That was over a year ago, and thankfully, with a little creativity and determination, that fear is a thing of the past.


When I go into our garage gym complete with a power squat rack, bench, several kettlebells, and Olympic barbell set, Avery comes too. She even has her own toy kettlebell to use when “working out” with Mommy and Daddy. She still needs a little practice on her swings, but she’s already a natural at squatting!

Along with cooking nutritious meals and lots of playtime, working out with Avery is part of the daily routine to keep fit, get stronger, and support our immune system. Thanks to a supported immune system and my motivation providing us to stick to our routine, both Avery and her Daddy (that’s me!) are getting stronger physically and strengthening our daddy-daughter bond.


It’s obvious I’m mindful about what goes into our bodies seeing as to how I cook all of our meals and rarely go out to eat, so why do I make Ester-C my go-to Vitamin C supplement? Among the many benefits 24 Hour Ester-C has to offer, here’s several that make it a no-brainer in our house.

  • Ester-C is a special form of Vitamin C designed to stay in your white blood cells for up to 24-hours, providing you with around-the-clock immune system support.*
  • It is carefully manufactured to contain the same compounds your body produces when it metabolizes vitamin C.
  • Its unique, water-based manufacturing process combines Vitamin C with Calcium using no chemical solvents. The manufacturing process also neutralizes pH, making it non-acidic and gentle on the stomach
  • Comes in 1000mg or 500mg Vegetarian Coated Tablets that are Non-GMO and Free of Sugar, Soy, Gluten, Wheat, and Artificial Flavors & Colors.


Ester-C is easily found at your local Wal-Mart in the Vitamin and Supplement aisle and it’s currently on rollback! I take the 500mg tablets to split my doses since I prefer to take one in the morning and another at night. Keep up to date on the latest immune supporting products and great info on the Ester-C Facebook page and on Twitter too!

Why not let Ester-C help support your health so you can help support what matters most, our children?

Have you dealt with setbacks in training before?

Share how you’re currently training for a certain goal, how are you working to reach it?
