Tag Archives: fun

By the Time You Read This, We’ll Be Finished

It’s the night before my first race with Avery and I should probably be sleeping. But instead, I’m sitting down in my running shorts while eating and writing this post.


Yep, my nightly big salad with a mix of kale, Brussels sprouts, salmon, broccoli, jicama, pumpkin seeds, and mustard and salsa for dressing. The perfect pre 5k meal! Hey, it worked for my 10k the other week.

So, ummm, yeah, like the title says, this will have posted 30 minutes after the start of the race and I’m fairly confident I will be done well before 30 minutes. Hopefully Avery is good and enjoys the ride!

Today is the eve of my 30th birthday, and my mom (G-ma) and her boyfriend, Paul, are meeting us at the race for a fun day together. We are going to a new restaurant called Brewed that serves local fare and then heading to a local brewery, Martin House Brewery.

Seems weird, huh? A guy who despises eating out and normally just shares a beer with his wife is doing this for his birthday? Well, it helps that Brewed serves local food and fair trade coffee and I’m still a fan of craft beer and will happily have a few of for a special occasion! I’ll probably skip on the food and just enjoy some good coffee; then head to the brewery for beer.

Hmmm, coffee then beer; I’m sure I won’t be going pee a lot….NOT! Oh well, despite my aversion to restaurants, it’ll be in good company and I’m sure we’ll all have a great time. Of course, Avery will have the final say on that!

Who me? I'm always good....
Who me? I’m always good….

I don’t ever get to a “buzzed” feeling often since I hardly have much alcohol when I drink because I can’t justify it’s non-nutritive contribution to my body. Yep, I’m serious. But for my 30th, since Kelley is offering to hold off and drive home, maybe I’ll have *gasp* 2 or 3 beers! Hey, that’s a lot for this lightweight!

I don’t want to be an alcoholic dad, and I’m perfectly fine with just sipping some good stuff every now and then. Enough with the drink talk though, I’m just thinking in the future at this point, so I’ll fill you in early next week.

For now, I should probably get some rest before our “big” race tomorrow. I’ll leave with one of my favorite pictures of Avery this week; her smile makes me grin every time and flushes away any stress I may have.


There were about 10 carrots around here just a minute before this picture. She didn’t eat them, but strategically hid them in various places….the floor, her lap, her diaper (seriously), and behind her.

Any special plans for the weekend?

Do you ever go places you usually don’t enjoy but when you’re with your loved ones it’s okay?

Another “BLW” Fail and Avery Meets our Turtle

Yep, baby-led weaning was another no-go today. After our first attempt with a fussy baby just the day before, we were sure trying mid-morning the next day would yield success.


I could feel the excitement run through my veins as she grasped the green bean as I thought “This is it!” Is it sad to get so excited over our baby gripping a flimsy green bean? C’mon, I know other parents are the same! But the excitement quickly dissipated as she hastily tossed it aside.


You can see it in the corner just barely hanging on to the tray. We sat and stared with cameras in hand a while longer, but finally gave up as Avery’s mood worsened. Another tasty meal for our box turtle, Tash, was served; compliments of Avery.


At least Tash is enjoying the whole baby-led weaning experience thus far. Thanks to several of you for your comments on your own BLW experiences we will keep trying and have patience with Avery. In time, our girl will “pick up” on what to do with her food and she’ll be eating like a champ in no time. So we hope!!

G-Ma came over in the afternoon to stay with us for the night and she was excited to see and play with Avery. Going Mom and I took care of things around the house while G-Ma kept Avery occupied which was extremely helpful!


All four of us wound up outside and I thought it would be the perfect time to take Tash out of her outside pen and introduce her to Avery. At first, Avery didn’t notice the Terrapene walking under her nose; maybe those puffy cheeks blocked her view!


But it wasn’t long before she noticed Tash trying to distance herself from us humans.


She became very interested in this new hard-shelled creature and tried to reach and feel for herself.


It’s definitely not soft and fluffy like the cat and dog she already knows, and it was great watching her reaction. With Avery’s attention solely on our pet reptile, I explained their unique shell and anatomy to her as if she was taking notes.


Did you know turtles have feelings in their shells? Yep, their shells are a part of their body and they cannot leave them like certain crabs can. There’s a little turtle info for the day; you’re welcome.

Poor Tash kept trying to get away, but we made sure to safely keep her around us. Intrigued, Avery continued to reach for Tash as she walked away and would just miss making contact. Probably for the best because baby fingers look awfully similar to plump grubs or worms!


We all enjoyed watching Avery witness something new in her world and it’s awesome how interested she can get!


I know as Avery gets older, she’ll be able to see and learn more about our turtle and the species as a whole since her dad is such a reptile fanatic. Yep, mainly snakes and turtles, but they all interest me. Maybe the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have something to do with? Hmmmm.

It was a great Sunday that went by too fast, but luckily Going Mom only has a four day work week ahead! Yay, the weekend starts early and lasts longer! Oh, wait, it’s Avery’s 6 month shots and check-up on the first day Kelley is off, but hopefully that won’t dampen Avery’s spirits the whole time!

Do you have any other pets besides a dog and cat that your children loves or hates or is scared of?

Are you a reptile lover or can’t stand the critters?

Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (2): Baby Play Ideas

I’m an impatient dad when it comes to playtime. I was ready to start playing games with Avery right after cutting her umbilical cord at the hospital! But, I reluctantly held off.

Once we brought her home, I attempted playtime in some form or fashion on a daily basis. It wasn’t well received….


I kept trying, but she kept tight-lipped.

I'd be more amused if you actually shut-up, dad!
I’d be more amused if you actually shut-up, dad!

And then finally she acknowledged my stupid noises and facial expressions making them all worth my while!

Ha ha, hey, those dumb noises are kinda fun!
Ha ha, hey, those dumb noises are kinda fun!

Now that Avery’s coming up on 5 months and is becoming more active every day, Kelley and I have been finding new ways to play and keep her entertained. Although she still can’t crawl, I feel the time is drawing near and she’s pretty good in her jumper or standing with our assistance.

At a loss of ideas for what to do with Avery now and in the near future, I sought out Pinterest for some fresh ideas. And thus, my list of top ten activities to do with your baby is born (semi-pun intended). Some ideas are good to do before your baby can even crawl, like Avery, and others are just great for when the time comes. Check them out and let me know if you’ve tried these or plan on trying soon. Enjoy!

1. Baby Treasure Baskets. This is simple and fun. I want to use fruit and veggies too!

2. Homemade Material Box. Save your tissues!

3. Homemade Sensory Bag

4. Discovery Bottles

5. Ball Pit!

6. Muffin Tin Sorter. I never made good muffins anyway!

7. Obstacle Course for Crawling. Pretty sure I’ll go through it too!

8. Baby Bounce. I just tried this with Avery, but all she did was stand and smile; no bouncing yet.

9. This is just a link explaining the benefits of “Peek-a-Boo”. Very interesting and I’m trying to do it more now!

10. 24 Activity Ideas to do with your Baby. Yeah, I know this isn’t one thing, but they are all pretty neat!