Tag Archives: friday

A Random List of Puns

I try to post puns on my personal Facebook page at least 4 times per week. While I don’t always succeed, I come pretty close at sharing my cringe-worthy puns on a consistent basis. It’s hard work, but the the chance that someone will actually laugh at what I write makes it all worth the wasted time standing around thinking of how to make a pun out of whatever idea I have in my head.

pun, puns, funny, humor, laugh, friday

We can never have too much laughter (or groans……sorry about that), so I hope to make this a recurring a post to share the collection of puns I posted for the past week or two and maybe any others I found and want to share. Besides being an easy post to write, I get to laugh at each pun all over again. Then another time when proofreading.

I’ll stop talking writing now, and give you the list.

  1. My teacher kept bugging me to write a preposition, so I finally gave in.
  2. The baby bird had trouble learning to fly, so it decided to just wing it.
  3. I saw a novel about crime and asked the bookstore employee if it was any good. He said it has it’s prose and cons.
  4. A great way to help the environment is to cut down on deforestation.
  5. His candy cane collection must be worth a fortune. It’s all in mint condition.
  6. I bought a new book about infinity, it just goes on forever!
  7. When asked if he could help, the TV repairman nodded and said he just needs to get set to work.
  8. I made strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate ice cream for my short friend, but he said he can make some much better. He has a neapolitan complex.
  9. The fullback’s girlfriend broke up with him since he never made time for her because he was always rushing.
  10. If you eat sweets before dinner, your appetite will dessert you since more food will seem off-pudding.

Hopefully these, or at least one of them, put a smile on your face. Please share with others and keep an eye out for the next installment!

A Conversation With My Baby

This is a post from 2 years ago when Avery was still a baby. The conversation may or may not of actually happened. 🙂

Me: Hey, Avery!

baby, parenting, kids, funny, humor

Avery: Yes?

Me: Want to know something pretty cool?

baby, parenting, kids, funny, humor

Avery: I’m listening….

Me: Well, for one thing, you’re an outrageously cute baby and I love you!

baby, parenting, kids, funny, humor, cute

Avery: Ahh, get out, you’re just saying that so I’ll finish that bottle without putting up a fight.

Me: Nope, it’s true, you’re a cutie. But, if you wouldn’t mind helping daddy out, it would be much appreciated if you just took the bottle without jerking your head every 30 seconds; please? Anyway, did you know we’re going somewhere tomorrow?


Avery: It’s not the doctor’s office, is it?

Me: Ha ha, nope, that will be later this month though.


Avery: Whaaaaaaa! I don’t wanna go!

Me: Calm down dear, you have a nice doctor and we’ll be there for you the whole time, I promise.


Avery: Okay, only if you’re there the whole time. And no funny stuff! Or else I won’t cooperate for your next baby workout video, which is pretty silly if you ask me.

Me: Thanks for understanding, and I do appreciate your cooperation at all times. So, tomorrow we are going to G-ma’s house. Remember, she watched you last weekend when mommy and daddy went to the Imagine Dragons concert. The last time you were there you were only 5 weeks old, and now you’re 15 weeks! You’re growing so fast and just keep getting cuter, I swear.


Avery: Oh, dad, you’re crazy! I can’t wait to see G-ma again, we had a great time together last weekend! Plus, she doesn’t swaddle me so tight where I can’t move my hands to my mouth to suck them.

Me: Well, I’m glad you’re excited and I’m sure we’ll have a great time. Just remember, we can’t bring your crib, so you’ll have to sleep in your bassinet for the first time. Will you promise to be good while we visit?


Avery: I’m sorry, what? I wasn’t paying attention.

Me: I said we’re going to G-ma’s and I asked if you promise to be a good baby while we’re there. And always, for that matter….


Avery: Ha ha, I know, I heard you the first time! Yes, I’ll be good, but I can’t make any promises about the bassinet.

Me: Okay, that’s good enough, I’ll just depend on my super swaddle powers to keep you content and sleeping well. I guess it’s time to work on this bottle now. How about giving your dad a break and just finishing it like a growing baby should? If you do, we can play airplane and make clicky noises with our tongue.


Avery: Okay, it’s a deal daddy!

Me: Thanks, dear, mommy and daddy love you!


Avery: Awwww, and I love the both of you.

Does anyone else ever make up conversations with their babies? I feel like I might be going crazy, but then again, maybe I already was…

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Bananas Don’t Grow on Trees + More Fun Facts

Avery has become a banana-loving toddler and she will throw a fit when there’s one in site and she doesn’t get to make it disappear. Add NuttZo to the equation, and, well, telling her “No” is not an option!

With our daughter’s current love for bananas, I figured I’d bring up an old post from my past foodie blog, Just Add Cayenne, and share some fun facts about bananas you probably didn’t know. I found them interesting before, and after reading (because we all forget), found them interesting again.

The following is taken directly from the post titled 15 Fun Facts for Friday: Bananas.


We all know and love bananas…right?  Well, most of us do.  In an attempt to make a quick, but interesting post, I wanted to share this list of 15 Facts You Probaly Didn’t Know About Bananas.  Have a look; that’s scary to think a fungus could wipe out the whole banana population.


Imagine, a world without bananas…..

No peanut butter and banana sandwiches or wraps. : (
No mashed banana to make Low-fat Peanut Butter Bread. : (
No cool and creamy easy banana ice cream. : (
No chocolate peanut butter banana smoothies. : O

And the list can go on and on…

I enjoy bananas, and from the other bloggers I read out there, you like them too.  Here’s a post I made a while back on banana benefits and how to enjoy them. Sometimes, I just unwrap a banana, mash several dry roasted almonds inside, and then proceed to eat.  I’ll do this when there’s no peanut butter around or when I want a sweet, salty, and crunchy treat.

Q: How do you enjoy using bananas?  If you don’t like them, is it allergies or just plain repulsed by the green/yellow/black-spotted yellow fruit?

Now go get yourself a banana, a jar of NuttZo (or nut butter of choice) and enjoy your Friday!