Tag Archives: fitness

Resourceful Mini-Workouts for Time Pressed Stay at Home Dads

As stay-at-home dads, many of us strive to squeeze in time to get our heart rates up with our favorite workouts. While during certain weeks, our schedules may, in fact, permit time to fit in our ideal workout, this is only sometimes the case. As our days get squeezed by the demands of our kiddos and never-ending domestic responsibilities, it is tough to consistently find the time to enjoy our optimum workout regime, whether a two-hour ride, swim, or gym session.

The schedule and intentions we set for ourselves at the start of the week need to consider the often erratic nature of looking after youngsters, whose demands can significantly fluctuate at a moment’s notice. If we don’t take into account the unpredictability of caring for our youngsters, we set ourselves up for frustration when our coveted ‘me time’ gets taken away. And if our ‘me time’ is our exercise, our frustration can escalate into irritable behavior, negatively impacting the vibes in our household. In my case, missing just one or two days of intense physical activity can significantly impact my mood. Therefore, I do what I can to be resourceful. When I can’t find the time to go for an hour or two-hour gym session or bike ride, I become innovative and find shorter time increments to exercise while looking after the kids.

What is important for us to recognize is that our exercise regimes don’t always need to be perfect or that lengthy. When time is tight, and we are faced with a full day with the kids, we need not despair. Instead, we can choose to adopt a resourceful mindset by looking for fun and efficient ways to fit in our exercise while keeping the kids engaged. Hey, who said that guys can’t multi-task anyway?

While I’m sure many of you are already well aware of the health benefits of shorter, more intense exercise increments, I thought I would reiterate the significant health impacts these ‘quick hit’ sessions offer. An increasing number of health studies have demonstrated that even twenty minutes of medium to high-intensity exercise can help improve cardiovascular health, strength, and overall well-being. According to Stephen J. Carter, a cardiovascular physiologist at the Indiana University Bloomington School of Public Health, shorter, more intense workouts can be more advantageous for our health than longer, less intense physical activity. Carter states that, among other health benefits, these ‘quick hit’ workouts help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower mortality rates. So, with increasing studies backing their effectiveness, why wouldn’t we incorporate these time efficient high impact exercise sessions into our weekly routines, especially when our little ones demand so much of our time?

So, the next step is strategizing how we can implement these mini-workouts amidst our never-ending childcare responsibilities. Following are some examples of resourceful mini-exercise sessions I have been able to implement with my kids on several occasions that I’m sure most of you can fit in as well. Keep in mind that the ideas presented below will need to be adapted based on the developmental stage of your kiddos.

At the Playground:

Between pushing them on the swing or chasing them around the playground, do some natural bodyweight exercises like chin-ups, dips, push-ups, and lunges. Feel free to give them a good push on the swing or help them onto the slide and then fit in a quick set. You can even jog to and from the kiddos when needed in between sets. As an alternative to box jumps, try some park bench jumps. They are awesome for leg strengthening and jacking up the heart rate. Spinning them on the merry-go-round can be a tremendous oblique strengthening exercise. Don’t worry what the other parents think! They will likely be impressed and perhaps even inspired to do the same at some point.

Jogging while they Bike or Stride:

If they love to bike, jog with them. Understand that the jog may not be at a steady pace, but even if you have to stop now and then to pick them up off the pavement after they crash, it will still get your blood flowing and boost your endorphins.

At the Park:

Play some games of tag or do some fun races (running, hopping, bear crawling, or otherwise). Grab a soccer ball, baseball, or frisbee and sprint between kicking and throwing. Give them a head start while you sprint with them to get the ball.

In the Snow or on the Ice:

If you live in a snowy winter climate or have access to an ice rink, put a leash or rope around your waist and do running intervals by pulling them on a sled or skating rink. My kids love this, and it is a fantastic way to ensure an intense workout while they experience some good fun.

In and Around the House:

If your kids love to be taken on daddy horsey rides and you’ve got the strength for it, get them to sit on your back while crawling around the house and doing push-ups. For the legs, get them to hop on your back while doing squats or lunges. Body weight squat holds are fantastic for quad strength and mental fortitude. Have them count reps and seconds while you feel the burn! Airplane rides can also work the quads as well as stabilizers. Have fun with it!

For those with equipment at home, do circuit training with your kids. They will enjoy the creativity of coming up with their own fun exercises.

On the Trampoline:

If you have access to a trampoline, get on it and bounce with them. Kids love being double-bounced, but be careful not to launch them into your neighbor’s yard. You will be surprised at how much of a workout some good old-fashioned bouncing can provide. The quads and abs will be feeling it for sure.

Of course, you must ensure that these ideas are implemented safely and consider your children’s developmental stage. However, most of them can be adapted to best suit a range of ages. Each of these will also provide a legitimate increase in heart rate, in turn providing the health benefits our bodies need.

So, when you encounter a domestic turn of events and realize that your optimum workout may not happen, feel free to incorporate some of these mini-exercise regimens with your kiddos. Not only will you be gaining valuable health benefits yourself, but you will also model the importance of physical activity for your kids. Just remember to engage your resourceful mindset and have some fun!

I would also love to hear some of your creative mini-workout ideas, so please share them in the comments below.


https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2021&issue=03000&article =00012&type=Fulltext


8 Ways to Take Better Care of Your Body as a Fitness Enthusiast

Photo by Martin  Péchy: 

If you’re like most fitness enthusiasts, you take great care of your body when you’re working out. But what about the other 23 hours of the day? If you’re not careful, all that hard work can be undone by poor nutrition and a lack of rest. In this blog post, we will discuss eight ways to better care of your body as a fitness enthusiast. Following these tips will help you stay healthy and injury-free, so you can continue to enjoy your workouts!

The importance of sleep patterns

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for overall health and fitness. When you’re well-rested, you’re less likely to make poor food choices and more likely to have the energy to stick to your workout routine. In addition, adequate sleep can help improve moods and reduce stress levels. If you’re having trouble getting enough rest, try making minor changes to your sleep habits. For example, avoid watching television or working on the computer in bed, establish a regular sleep schedule, and avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. These simple tips can help you get the most out of your sleep! If you’re still struggling to get enough rest, consider speaking to a doctor about possible sleep disorders.

Proper nutrition

Fitness enthusiasts know that proper nutrition is key to achieving their goals. What you eat can directly impact your energy levels, recovery times, and overall health. Regarding nutrition, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, ensure you’re eating enough calories to support your activity level. If you need to figure out how many calories, speak to a registered dietitian or nutritionist. Second, focus on whole, unprocessed foods. These foods are packed with nutrients that your body needs to function correctly. Lastly, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

How to go about rest and recovery

Rest and recovery are essential for all athletes, including fitness enthusiasts. When you’re constantly pushing your body to its limits, you need time to recover to avoid injury and burnout. So make sure to schedule regular rest days into your workout routine, and take the time to stretch and foam roll after your workouts. In addition, be sure to listen to your body. If you’re feeling unusually tired or sore, it’s probably time to take a few days off training. This is also important for people who don’t work out regularly because even small amounts of exercise can lead to micro-tears in your muscles that need time to heal.

Wearing the proper attire and using the right gear

One of the most important things you can do to take care of your body is to wear the proper attire when you’re working out. This means choosing clothing that’s comfortable, breathable, and moisture-wicking. In addition, make sure your shoes are supportive and appropriate for the type of activity you’re doing. Wearing the proper attire will help you avoid blisters, chafing, and other uncomfortable conditions.

In addition to wearing the proper attire, it’s also essential to use the right gear when you’re working out. This includes everything from choosing the right water bottle to using the proper weightlifting belt. Using the wrong gear can lead to injuries, so it’s essential to do your research before using any new piece of equipment.

Listening to your body

One of the most important things you can do to take care of your body is to listen to what it tells you. For example, stop your workout and rest if you’re feeling pain or discomfort. Continuing to exercise when you’re injured will only make the injury worse. In addition, be sure to pay attention to other warning signs that something might be wrong, such as excessive fatigue, difficulty breathing, or dizziness. If you experience any of these symptoms, you must see a doctor as soon as possible. Also, be sure to listen to your body regarding nutrition. If you’re feeling hungry, make sure to eat something. And if you’re feeling full, don’t force yourself to finish your plate. Eating when you’re not hungry can lead to weight gain and isn’t good for digestion.

Why eating water is essential the entire day

Water is essential for every single function in your body, and that includes exercise. When you work out, your body loses water through sweat. This can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue, cramping, and other problems. To avoid these issues, drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. And if you’re working out for more than an hour, be sure to drink a sports drink that contains electrolytes to help keep your body properly hydrated. You can also try adding a pinch of salt to your water bottle to help replace the electrolytes you’re losing through sweat, this is only one of many ways on How to get rid of a charley horse.

The importance of warming up and cooling down

Warming up and cooling down are essential for any type of exercise. Warming up helps prepare your body for physical activity by increasing your heart rate and blood flow. This can help you avoid injuries and improve your performance. A simple warm-up might include walking or jogging for a few minutes, followed by some dynamic stretching. Cooling down is just as important as warming up because it helps your body recover from exercise. A cool-down might include walking or jogging for a few minutes, followed by static stretching. Make sure to schedule time for both a warm-up and cool-down in your workout routine.

Try to relax every now and then

Even if you love working out, it’s important to take a break from exercise every now and then. This doesn’t mean you have to take a week off from the gym, but it does mean taking a few days off here and there. This will give your body time to recover from your workouts and prevent overtraining. In addition to taking occasional rest days, make sure to incorporate relaxation techniques into your overall wellness routine. This might include yoga, meditation, or simply taking some deep breaths. Relaxation is essential for both your physical and mental health, so make sure to schedule some time for it every day.

These are just a few of the ways you can take better care of your body as a fitness enthusiast. By following these tips, you can avoid injuries, improve your performance, and make the most of your workouts.

Signs that you are Not as Healthy as you Think you Are

If you are worried that you might not be as healthy as you think you are, then you have nothing to worry about. You are not alone in the way that you feel, but there are things that you can do to try and find out once and for all. If you want to find out more, then simply keep on reading.

You Feel Bloated

You may eat your greens, eat organic vegetables where possible, and even workout, but if you are bloated, then this can be a sign that you have a more serious underlying health issue. It may be that you are overeating, that you have reflux or that you are simply constipated. When you eat too much food, or when you eat food that you are not supposed to, then you may find that you end up experiencing some temporary discomfort. This will go away as your digestive system takes over, but if yours is lasting for longer or if you feel as though you get it more than you should then this is a sign that something has to change.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

You Snore at Night

Snoring happens when air cannot move easily through your airways. The muscles that are in your throat relax, causing your tongue to fall back into your throat. If you have had a significant amount to drink or if you are overweight then you are far more likely to snore. Snoring can be a sign that you have sleep apnea as well, so it is imperative that you look into this if you can. Consulting a sleep doctor is always a good idea here as it could make it easier for you to get to the root of the issue. If you struggle with blocked sinuses, then this can also contribute to snoring. If this is the case, then seeing an ear, nose and throat specialist can help, especially if you struggle with blocked ears due to earwax buildup as well.

You’re Tired all the time

If you just always feel tired, regardless of how much sleep you get, it is a good idea for you to talk with your doctor. You may feel tired or drowsy when you need to sleep but at the same time, fatigue can be the result of a serious health issue. This is especially the case if you notice that you have other health issues as well. Missing sleep and even medication can cause, fatigue as well, so make sure that you take the time to get this checked out as soon as you can. If you don’t then you might find that you end up having a hard time maintaining your energy and that you are not able to give your body chance to rest and recover. This alone can lead to other health issues too, so be mindful of that if you can.

So, if you are not as healthy as you think you are, then this guide should help you to find out once and for all. If you want to find out more, make sure that you have a chat with your doctor today.