Tag Archives: favorites

June Photo Journal and I Can’t Believe They Did “This” in the 1930’s

Now that Avery is becoming an active baby, I want to start posting some of my favorite photos at the end of each month. I’ll still have plenty of posts documenting every minute detail of her daily activities like any new parent would, but these are just like bonuses.

If you enjoy looking at cute baby pictures and not reading, this is the post for you!

Before I begin, I wanted to share this article about something invented for babies in the 1930’s; a window cage suspended outside of a window! It was proposed as a solution to provide babies with fresh air and sunshine to those living in high buildings with limited access to the outside, but thankfully no longer used! Crazy times…

And now, reliving the month of June with some of my favorite photos.

Placing 1st in our first race together!
Placing 1st in our first race together!
Petting the neighborhood ass.
Petting the neighborhood ass.
Family pool trip!!
Family pool trip!!
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Fun with lasers for the pets and baby!
Fun with lasers for the pets and baby!
Testing out the crib on my birthday.
Testing out the crib on my birthday.
The "I'm not listening." raspberry.
The “I’m not listening.” raspberry.
A very active 7 month photo session.
A very active 7 month photo session.
You can't be mad at me, I'm too cuuuuuttttteeee!
You can’t be mad at me, I’m too cuuuuuttttteeee!
Building an activity board and she likes it!!
Building an activity board and she likes it!!


I can finally wear her on my back in the Onya!!
I can finally wear her on my back in the Onya!!
Frizzy hair smiles!
Frizzy hair smiles!
A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!
A photo book of daddy and Avery from my loving wife!
Door stops are the coolest!!
Door stops are the coolest!!
The demon inside...
The demon inside…
Learning good nutrition from the start!
Learning good nutrition from the start!
An official crawler!
An official crawler!


Keeping my girls contained is tough work!
Keeping my girls contained is tough work!
Getting a much needed baby gate for the new crawler.
Getting a much needed baby gate for the new crawler.


What do you think of having your baby suspended outside of the window of a tall building?

How was your month of June?