Tag Archives: fatherhood

4 Skills All Dads Should Master

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(Unsplash CC0)

Unfortunately, there is no instruction manual on how to be the perfect dad, so you can be forgiven if you don’t know everything about parenthood! Like most of us, you probably stumble along day by day and learn as you go along. 

Still, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a few skills-based courses now and again, or pick up a few books to improve your learning. You see, there are some skills all dads should master and these include the following. 

#1: First aid

Bee stings, wounded knees, burnt fingers… there are all kinds of ailments and injuries that our children can suffer from. Some of them will be minor while others will require emergency treatment. While you can whisk your children away to the nearest hospital or doctor’s surgery, there will be times when you have to apply some kind of first aid yourself. For this reason, the types of courses available at cprcertificationnow.com could prove invaluable to you. They will also come in handy should you have to assist older members of your family, such as your parents or your in-laws.

#2: Carpet cleaning

Children are rarely the cleanest of people! Not only can they make a mess of their own clothes while eating, drinking, and playing, but they can create a mess within the home too. You will know this already if your carpets have ever been hit with food, drink, and paint spills. There have probably been times when you have had to act quickly to remove such spills before they become stains. But if your carpets are currently every shade of the rainbow, it might be that your efforts were unsuccessful. So, let carpet cleaning be one of the skills you learn. There is lots of great advice at this oldhouse.com so have a read and learn how to keep your carpets clean.

#3: Mediation 

If you have more than one child in the family, you will understand the need for mediation skills. Siblings have a tendency to fall out, even over the silliest of things, and sometimes you will be called upon to solve any issues. If you say or do the wrong thing, slammed doors might be the consequence, and other things your children might do when they get into a temper tantrum. As a dad, your job is to promote family bonding, so arguments need to be nipped into the bud quickly. So, read any books on the subject of family mediation, look for articles online, and sign up for any classes that are happening in your local community. 

#4: Car maintenance 

You will understand the convenience a car can bring to your family. You will have the opportunity to go on road trips together, and such tasks as the school run and grocery shop can be made easier. Of course, cars do have a tendency to break down, so life isn’t all smooth sailing. From punctures to engine faults, all manner of things could go wrong. This is why you should learn a few car maintenance skills. By knowing the basics, you could prevent problems from happening in the first place, and deal with certain issues when they arise. So, consider taking a car maintenance course to improve your skills in this area, and sit down with your car’s user manual to get a handle on your vehicle. 

After learning these skills you will become Super Dad! So, consider our suggestions if you haven’t learned these skills already.

Dad’s Guide To Being More Active

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Image – Pixabay CC0 License

The human body is designed to be active. Sadly, modern life often encourages us to endure fairly sedentary lifestyles. From sitting at an office desk for eight hours per day to being stuck inside due to lockdowns, we’ve all been hit by this issue.

As a dad, keeping your health in good condition is vital for your child’s wellness as well as your own. Staying active is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success. It will enable you to enjoy adventures together and assist them in a range of scenarios. 

Thankfully, the small updates to your daily life can bring significant benefits. Focus on the following points and you won’t go far wrong.

#1. Cut Down On Driving

The family car is naturally one of the most important assets you possess. So, there is no suggestion that you should sell it or stop using it for school runs or dropping the kids off to soccer practice. Still, vehicles do make us lazy. Changing your approach to driving is key.

Firstly, you do not have to drive to the local shops or to the post box down the end of your road. Meanwhile, you could start cycling to work as a way to get some more exercise. As well as the physical benefits, it can actually aid your alertness and energy levels at work.

Alternatively, if you use public transport, you should consider getting off the bus a stop earlier. The extra steps will have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.

#2. Build A Home Gym

OK, so we don’t all have the funds or property space to build a dedicated home gym. Nonetheless, you can benefit greatly from completing a little exercise at home. After all, as a busy dad, it’s unlikely that you’ll get to the gym as often as you’d like.

Buying dumbbells from AmericanFitness is a smart move as they take up minimal space. Even if you only fit a few minutes of training in each day, you’ll find that the benefits are huge. It’s also an ideal way to break free from the stresses of modern life.

If your children are a little older, you can also look at active video games. This will allow you to stay active, encourage your kids to stay active, and spend quality time together.

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Image – Pixabay CC0 License

#3. Get Involved With Little League

Millions of children enjoy Little League. It is an ideal way for them to stay active, enjoy a hobby, develop motor skills, and form friendships. It’s a fantastic outlet for them to grow leadership and communication skills too. As a parent, it can be your ticket to an active life.

Most parents find it difficult to make time for exercise. After all, you’d always prioritize time with your child. Becoming a Little League coach or assistant volunteer can kill two birds with one stone. It additionally enables you to keep an eye on their development.

Besides, by actively helping out as a coach, you can escape kit cleaning duties. Let the other parents take care of that aspect. 

#4. Take Active Adventures

We all love vacations, days out, and short breaks. While there’s nothing wrong with spending a week on a sunlounger, trips designed to keep you active are ideal. For starters, you will feel far less guilt about the food and drink that you will inevitably consume while away.

Besides, campaign trips and trekking breaks are an ideal ways to connect with your kids in a meaningful way. EcoGearFX tactical gear will help you plan the perfect trip. The chance to create magical moments by fishing, trekking, and cycling should be a huge incentive.

City breaks that include a lot of sightseeing can be great too. Physical activity doesn’t have to push your body to the limits. It simply needs to keep you moving.

#5. Get A Dog

You should not get a dog solely to promote an active lifestyle. Only a responsible owner that will give the pet enough love and attention on a daily basis should even consider the purchase. However, there is no doubt that a furry friend will keep you more active.

Daily walks, playing games in the garden, and generally being around the dog will force you to be more active. Moreover, your family will be united by its love of the pet. So, under the right circumstances, it is one of the greatest decisions any dad could ever make.

If you aren’t ready for a dog, other pets can still promote a smaller increase in activity levels. Still, there can be no denying that dogs are the best by far.

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Image – Pixabay CC0 License

#6. Train For An Event

Many of your conscious efforts to live a more active life will include the kids. Nonetheless, you can do things that are for yourself too. Staying motivated is often the hardest challenge, which is why joining an organized event is often the best solution. It creates deadlines.

There are many options to consider. These range from marathons and triathlons to charity basketball tournaments. You can combine this with fundraising duties for charity or your child’s school. This will remove any guilt you feel about training for your physical health.

Training for the event with a schedule will also promote discipline to help establish balance in life. It also inspires your kids and teaches them about the value of hard work. perfect.

#7. Look For Activities Around The Home

We all wish we had more time. So, learning to multitask and stay productive at all times should be high on the agenda. It allows you to do more with your time, ensuring that you stay healthier without compromising on your other commitments.

Taking a phone call? You can stay active by cleaning. Watching your latest Netflix series? Why not use an exercise bike? Some activity is better than no activity. The fact that kids can be involved in the process should provide another incentive.

We all spend more time at home than ever before since the pandemic. So, you need to ensure that you are staying active daily. A healthier and happier dad is a better dad. So, you’re not just doing it for yourself. You’re doing it for the family.

New Fathers Guide: How to Get Rid of Your Unbearable Back Pain?

Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers, and fathering is a very important stage in their development.”
– David Gottesman

A father’s role is as vital as that of a mother in upbringing a baby in an appropriate atmosphere. Where a mother is to take care of the baby in all manners, it’s a father who teaches the infant true learnings of life. From being a shield of protection to exposing the child to several life challenges, fathers are amazing; therefore, they should be appreciated.

Just like new mothers, new fathers do go through a delicate phase. Besides feeling a sense of responsibility, new fathers often sail through multiple health issues. Above all of them, fathers experience back pain issues the most. For once, it may sound like a common body problem, but in no time, it can turn into a massive loggerhead in surviving throughout the day.

What is the common reason for fathers to experience back pain after having a baby?

Undoubtedly, a newborn comes with a lot of excitement and happiness in one’s life. But don’t forget everything has two phases. And the other phase of becoming a new parent is spending sleepless nights, dealing with the infant’s mood swings, changing diapers frequently, washing garments, feeding the baby, and so on. These things make the new parents feel exhausted, leading to headaches and back pain the most.

How to get rid of excessive back pain?

Lift the baby carefully – It’s common for new fathers to experience a degree of back pain after holding the baby frequently. Researchers prove that holding a baby makes fathers ultra-conscious about their posture. While comforting the baby, fathers often keep their body stiff for long, which results in back pain issues. Therefore, it’s wise to learn the proper manner of holding a baby while ensuring complete comfort for yourself. If you already have back pain, ensure to bend your knees when picking the baby from the car seat, bassinet, or cradle. Also, try to keep your back straight and try to hold the baby close to your body.

Work on your muscle development – Although your life may have gone a bit harsh on you, especially after welcoming a little life into your family. Still, make some extra efforts to start your exercise routine once again. If the conditions worsen, we recommend beginning with Physiotherapy to prepare your body for a hardcore workout. Moving forward, practice muscle strengthening exercises which are best to eliminate the chances of back pain.

When talking about the exercises, you can consider doing lat pulldown, single-arm dumbbell row, band pull apart, barbell deadlift, and much more.

The final line –

Being a new father is a lifetime experience to cherish. During this stage, most fathers neglect their health while preserving the baby at its best. However, it’s a genuine feeling of every protective father, but at the same time, you need to remain in good shape. Therefore, practicing light exercises and keeping a check on your diet can help you sail through wisely.