Tag Archives: deep thoughts

I Didn’t Have To Write This

Nope, not a single word or post is something I ever have to or had to do. Even when blogging for a campaign, the ultimate decision is always in my hands. Literally.

I recently signed up for and was accepted to participate in a paid campaign that I ended up turning down. I won’t go into details since I have full respect with the entities working with the brand, but if I were to take part, it would’ve taken a huge bite out of my integrity.

I politely declined the offer I selfishly signed up, apologizing for wasting time, and luckily there were no hard feelings, but I still felt bad for even putting myself out there in the first place. It was related to food, something I obviously have strong feelings about, and required me to buy some products. Anyway, nothing about it lined up with what I preach on nutrition, so I am just thankful there are no hard feelings.

But this made me think back to my original intention of even blogging in the first place. When I started, and even in my About page, I state how this blog is to detail my journey as a stay-at-home dad to Avery. I also mentioned that I’ll post on various topics related to healthy and fitness, which I have and do.

Along the way, I’ve been honored to have the opportunity for several great product reviews and become ambassador for a healthy food company, NuttZo, and awesome made-in-the USA minimal shoes, Soft Star Shotes. The products I reviewed and the companies I promote should all reflect my true beliefs, and so far they have. Now I just need to keep it that way!

There are times when I feel lost without a direction on where to go, in life and just in terms of blogging, but only because I over think everything. I stress about what I should make my hard-working wife for dinner each day even though she’s completely happy with black beans, sweet potato and steamed veggies……..and goat cheese of course. And then I get worked up on if I should use a freakin’ plate or bowl. C’mon, really, R.C.?!

Luckily, I have many friends in the blog-o-sphere that can relate and we are able to support each other as well as love from my friends and family around me. Especially my wife who is always supportive and helps keep me in check.

I’m always thinking when going on one of my several daily walks and I try to figure out just what direction to take the blog and future self. But that’s dumb. I have the most adorable little girl with me every day that I get to hang out with and raise to be a strong, healthy person who loves her Mommy and Daddy. That’s my #1 thing; period.

Blogging is and always will be a part of me, though, so it’s time to find a better way to keep true to my roots and not become a slave to what should be my solace.

I will still blog to my heart’s content on my views of health, fitness, and everything between, but want to try to keep it about the daily happenings here at home. I bring Avery to workout with me in the garage almost every day, and want to share that since each time should be cherished.

This blog is meant to be something I can look back on with my family and say “Oh yeah, I remember when we used to do that.” and smile. But no more treating this blog like a job I have to go to, that’s dumb.

There will always be a question of what I should write about, that goes with the territory, but at least I know to keep it simple and just write about life. So, to those reading, thank you, I hope you continue to enjoy the content I churn out and know that it’s my true feelings, campaign or not, all the time.

I’ll still participate in campaigns because we could all use a little extra cash and I have a dream car to save up for.

Kidding, I’ll have to win the lotto or find a high-paying job before I get another car. Since I don’t play the lotto and enjoy being and at-home dad too much, guess it will have to wait. It’s nice to look at though.

But then again, this is world’s better!


Look, she’s already wanting to help me bake something! Add my beautiful wife in the picture and that’s really all I need.


Again, thanks to all who read and hope you have a great week. See you soon to talk about what recently happened in the “Going” household. Hey, my butt is almost better! Cool, huh?

Do you ever get too wound up worrying over things that you should never fret about?

How do you manage stress? Or do you?

The Best Way to Celebrate Memorial Day

Last year, for Memorial Day, I ran a 10k that honored our nation’s fallen heroes. This year, I’m not running a race, but I will still pay my full respects to those who died in battle.

I won’t try to act like I know all the ins and outs of how our nation formed to what it is today, because I don’t, but I know that many men and women put their life on the line to make it possible for me to sit here and write this in the comfort of my home. For that, and for everything else they have done, I am forever grateful.

Although I’m not lining up at a commemorative race or have an American flag in my yard (I really need to get on that), I will celebrate Memorial Day the best way possible; with silence.

Just taking a moment of silence to think about the hardships so many had to go through and how appreciative I am to be staring at this precious food covered face every day as a result is the best way I can think of to celebrate today.


Matter of fact, I think that celebrating the heroic efforts of so many should be a daily thing. I know not every day can be a holiday, but we can still be thankful for what other’s have sacrificed, right?

There are many other things at work (like my dear wife) that enable me to stay home to raise our retirement plan Avery, but without those we are remembering today, none of it would be possible.

So as you gather with friends and family over good food and drink, please take a moment to appreciate more than just an extra day off work (if you get that) and think about things we have that truly matter….love, live, and freedom. Unless you have baby gates all over your home which block you just as much as it does them.

Happy Memorial Day!

The Toddler Trance: #MySundayPhoto – 05.03.15

Kids and adults alike find themselves locked in a trance of deep thought almost daily. A toddler may ponder something as simple as what to make of the family pet. It’s nothing like mommy or daddy and certainly doesn’t poop or eat like anyone else in the house. Well, maybe…

But as adults, we have plenty of things swarming our brains that cause us to hold a trance of perplexity as we try and make sense of it all. I’m sure for many parents, myself included, that perplexity is comprises what’s going on inside our kids’ head. Especially as toddlers when they lack the verbal skills to better relay their needs/feelings.

Anyway, what I’m getting at, is that every time I catch my daughter in deep thought like this, I can’t help but to wonder what it is she’s thinking. Maybe why her bottom lip feels bigger than normal, or maybe she’s just pausing to poop in her diaper. Who knows?

Okay, I’m done being philosophical for the day. This week’s pic is the day after Avery busted her lip, hence its swollen redness, and she’s caught in a trance thinking about who knows what. Here’s the original…


…and a B&W version I probably tried to hard to edit.

Deep Thought_B&W

I wanted to keep the color of her beautiful eyes, but fear they look more bloodshot than anything else. Regardless, the picture captures that ever-growing mind working hard, I only wish I knew for what!

Do you ever try to decipher what your kids are thinking?

How do you like the b&w with colored eyes? Would it be better just straight b&w with no color?
