Tag Archives: dad

The Ugly Truth About Being A Great Dad

Being a great dad isn’t all fun and games – although it can be at times! However, there is an ugly side to fatherhood, and parenthood in general, that we ought to talk about. If you and your partner are considering starting a family, then take a read of this article and see if it changes your mind. While the gift of having children is wonderful, it isn’t for everyone – so it is vital that you understand the truth about what it takes to become a great father!

dad, fatherhood, parenting, family, kids, growing up, aging,
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Providing For Your Family

Being the sole bread winner needn’t necessarily fall on your shoulders but providing both financially and emotionally for your family is all part of raising a happy child and being a great dad. This can be tough though, and sometimes it takes long hours in the office or spending your evenings trying to earn a bit of extra cash to make sure that you and your young family have everything you need to pay the bills and enjoy a good quality of life. 

Most fathers find that becoming a Dad often spurs them on in their careers and sees them gain promotions and raises. However, make sure that your new role or increased workload still allows you the time to connect with your son or daughter on an emotional level as they grow up. 

Aches, Pains, And Smelly Diapers 

Be prepared to carry your baby around – as well as all the toys, bottles, and food you will need to have for on the go! Couple that with the piggyback rides and carrying your child on your shoulders and you might need to get used to having a few aches and pains throughout parenthood. Fortunately, these are nothing a chiropractor can’t fix, so you’ll be fine!

The nasty side of parenthood also includes mopping up sick and changing diapers – something you almost certainly won’t have been accustomed to up until this point in your life. Be wary because these tasks are just as unpleasant as they sound!

Paying For College

As your son or daughter gets older, your attention will suddenly turn to their further education and wondering how on earth you are going to find the money for their college fees. The sooner you think about this the better, as it’ll allow you more time to save for the inevitable. 

Sports scholarships could provide a great deal of help – but your son or daughter will need to be competing at a very high-standard to achieve this, and if you are not much of a sports buff, then  helping them along this journey won’t be all that enjoyable for you.

Nevertheless, seeing your fully grown son or daughter graduate from college is one of the most satisfying feelings in life. It can take hard work, plenty of money, dedication, and changing hundreds of smelly diapers to get there, but it is a journey that is very much worthwhile – and that’s the ugly truth about being a great dad!

Avery Got Bit by a Snake Because of Her Dad

I just had to stop and look, didn’t I? Avery was having a good day today being all hunky dory and even sleeping good in her crib.

snake, april fool's, dad, humor, funny

With the nice weather gracing us with its presence, I decided to take Avery out for a run in the B.O.B.


Things were swell, a nice breeze, a little cloud cover, and a great view of the lake.


But, the crazy Canadian goose made an appearance and showed his (hers?) disapproval of us by hissing just like before.


Feeling unwelcomed, I continued through our regular neighborhood loop hoping not to see the goose again. I got my wish, but we saw something else instead.

snake, april fool's, dad, humor, funny

I’m a reptile fanatic and can’t seem to ever mind my own business. I’m very keen on snakes and turtles in particular, so I had to stop and say hi to this guy.


The first snake of the season just basking in the sun on the warm road. How could I not stop and check it out? But, when I stopped, this kind apparently likes to jump and strike. Crap, I’m an idiot.


What kind of dad brings their baby in a stroller so close to a snake? Yep, yours truly. It struck and reached the tip of her right foot! Crying ensued after a very brief pause of terror on her face. I raced back home as quickly as possible with a face red from guilty embarrassment. I practically threw my poor daughter in a snake pit! Once home, I checked to see how the now eerily quiet Avery was holding out.


Ummmmm, not good. I strapped her in the car seat and sped to the nearest Urgent Care. The wait wasn’t too long, but felt like an eternity. Luckily, the nurses found no signs of poisoning and the bite didn’t even draw blood. Phew!!!

Guess I never even checked for blood because I was so frantic. Today, I am Bad Dad #1 and guilt weighs heavy on my conscience! With a pretty bandage on her foot and a grim look on her face, we went back home. I feared telling Kelley the news and how my stupid curiosity caused the whole ordeal.

Kelley took the news better than I expected, but still gave me an earful. I’m surprised she’s still letting me keep my stay-at-home dad job after this one! So, moral of the story, don’t stop for snakes; especially not with your baby in a stroller!

I posted a picture of Avery’s snake below for all who care to see….




Avery_April Fool's