Tag Archives: christmas

A Rocking Bear, Comfy Chair, and Squatty Potty for Christmas

Are you getting out in after Christmas madness mess this weekend? If so, best of luck to you, I’m planting myself at home and that’s that!

Going Mom took off for the week and we’ve been enjoying time together with our beautiful daughter who is walking all over the place now!

So, how was your Christmas if you celebrated? If you don’t celebrate, how was your other holiday or day/week in general? Anything noteworthy you’d like to share? I’m always up for a good story if you care to comment! 🙂

Our Christmas was great and one of the best we’ve had in a while! With Avery so active, it was fun getting her involved in unwrapping the gifts and letting her experience the wonders of the day. Of course, that also means she experienced how long and tiring it can be too!

We woke up early at our house to spend Christmas morning with my mom (G-Ma) and little brother (Uncle Preston) who spent the night. My mom shared the bed with Kelley, and I stayed on the couch and fell asleep watching Die Hard 2 with my brother. Love that movie, and hey, it’s Christmas-y!

I didn’t sleep well and woke up before everyone else so I went for a cold 3 mile walk and listened to a recent podcast from The Shawn Stevenson Model Health Show. Anyone into health and fitness would love the show and I highly recommend a listen. That and the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast are my favorite.

After the walk, I made cinnamon rolls from the Immaculate Baking company for my wife, mom, and brother, but I didn’t care to have them.  They sure looked and smelled delicious though!

Christmas, breakfast, cinnamon buns

The icing comes in a bag that you can put on yourself, but the rolls are sweet enough as is, you hardly need it. Instead of rolls, I opted for copious amounts of black French Press coffee which suited me just fine.

Upon finishing our morning fuel (I continued the coffee drinking), we woke Avery to begin Christmas. Time to unwrap presents!!

family Christmas tree

Our big gift to her was a personalized mini armchair that she has been enjoying since she first sat in it.

I never use real wrapping paper for my gifts, and it’s always easy to spot the ones from me. Old plastic bags, packaging tape, and random placement of used bows are my go-to wrapping essentials.

Yep, that's a gift to my wife.
Yep, that’s a gift to my wife.

I received some great gifts this year, and it might sound weird, but one of my favorite gifts is the Squatty Potty my wife got for me. Holy crap (pun intended), that thing is awesome.


I feel so much better after each trip to the bathroom and can “eliminate” even better than I thought I already could! Seriously, it’s such a simple thing but makes a world of difference!

Boba, the baby wrap and carrier maker, kindly sent me one of their high quality carriers to give to my wife for Christmas.


I have several carriers that I use, but not specifically for her, so now she has her own. Be on the lookout for a future post with a review from both Kelley and myself on the Boba. I can’t wait to give Going Mom’s carrier and try with Avery and to see how she likes her new gift!

After Christmas at our house, it was time to leave to go to Nana and Papa’s, Kelley’s parent’s, house for round 2 of our exciting day. G-Ma and Uncle Preston had to say goodbye first, and Avery is still not sure what to think of her uncle….


The big gift to Avery at Nana and Papa’s was a very soft and fluffy rocking…..polar bear, not horse, and it is awesome!


Avery helped Going Mom unwrap her gifts too. Guess it didn’t take long for her to catch on to how Christmas works!


It was great seeing all of Kelley’s close relatives since it had been awhile, and Avery got to hang out with her cousin Taylor and aunt Stef most of the time. They love playing with her and Going Mom and I love a nice break!

As expected, with any change in the daily routine, sleep is scarce, and Avery hardly napped with so much going on. She did, however, have a quick power nap with Nana that seemed to recharge her for the day.


It was almost dark by the time we arrived back home and Avery was letting us know she hardly had a nap. But, regardless, we still went for a family walk in the gusty wind and even attempted a family Christmas photo in front of our fireplace. Kelley messed with the camera settings and I stood to help as a focal point.


Oops, too close, but check out that totally bodacious Ninja Turtle shirt my mom got me for Christmas! Even cooler is that my mom/G-Ma got me one too, so now I’m set to show my TMNT fan status even more than I already do. Back to the picture, Avery was losing patience as I included her in the focal point testing.


Kelley finally settled on a good setting, but Avery didn’t feel like smiling, so these are the best two photos we captured…

Not happy...
Not happy…
Still not happy...
Still not happy…

Despite the grumpiness, we’re positive Avery had a great, albeit long and tiresome, day, and we look forward to next Christmas being even better!

Oh, before I go, Avery is starting to understand how to wave and say “hi”, even while riding her new rocking bear!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend and stay safe if you are out there returning gifts or shopping for more!

Have you ever seen other rocking animals besides a horse?

Ever hear of or use the Squatty Potty?

Why Christmas is Just a Bunch of BS

Yeah, you know, Big Smiles, “BS”. What did you think I meant?

Obviously Christmas, or whatever you celebrate, usually means spending time with loved ones, enjoying good food, and giving and receiving gifts.

Translation: being forced to see the in-laws (but not me, love you, Steve and Kathy!), not always having an ideal choice of food (yes, I’m very particular), and the gifts are something we’ve all stressed over for who knows how long leading up to the one day.

But nonetheless, it really is a wonderful time, and no matter the stress or less-than-ideal situation you may be in, Big Smiles are typically found in most homes on this holiday. I hope to see all of my friends and family exchanging BS all day, and I know I’ll give my fair share of BS as well.

We can all find at least one good reason to show off our dimples, so make sure to do it today, and do it well! I have many reasons to smile big today, and our lovely little family is at the top of the list. Last year on Christmas, we had a squishy little baby..

Liley Family Christmas 2013

….and this Christmas she’s far from squishy!

Squishy? Squish THIS!!!
Squishy? Squish THIS!!!

Okay, so that’s not exactly a Christmas pic, but it was taken this month.  But I think I made my point; our little Avery is growing!

And now it’s time for presents at our house with G-Ma and Uncle Preston, and then we’re heading to the in-laws (which I enjoy wholeheartedly!) for 2nd Christmas. I get to bring roasted Brussels and can’t wait to fill my plate with those tiny cabbages!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a lot of BS!

What are your big reasons for showing a lot of BS today?

Hurry, there’s Still Time to Buy Crap for People before Christmas!

Is your e-mail inbox still being constantly bombarded by ads claiming “there’s still time but you have to hurry and order NOW!”?

I enjoy giving and getting “crap” every year, but not to the point where I’m having digestive issues from the severe stress of not having bought a super popular Elsa from “Frozen” doll like everyone else is getting this year. Okay, so Avery has no clue about cartoons or movies yet, but hopefully you get my drift.

If you’ve so much as thought about shopping at an online site, it probably seems like your brainwaves fed into your computer’s internet cookies and businesses are using your e-mail address to solicit potential business before it’s too late and you’re totally screwed and all of Christmas is ruined! Or something to that effect. 🙂

The above ad is one of the numerous e-mails littering my inbox with desperate attempts to catch those who procrastinated and are desperate to purchase gifts for others. I think this, along with all of the countless pleas by companies to win your last minute shopping business is PATHETIC!

True, I buy things for friends and family every Christmas, but I simply cannot stand the constant marketing claiming they have what you need to make this Christmas special as they twist your arm into feeling guilty for maybe not having bought enough or nothing at all for that 2nd cousin.

What if, now hear me out here, we quit worrying so much about getting things (read, crap) for others and maybe just give them some of your time? Yeah, like sit and talk, have a meal or just a drink with them and enjoy the moment. In the grand scheme of things, that time you spend together will last a lifetime. The item you rushed to buy? Probably not as long.

Make no mistake, I’m not claiming to be perfect or saying I’ve always done this myself, but I plan on doing it now. Like I said, I’ll buy things that have meaning, make it if/when I can, but also focus more on time as a wonderful gift. Unless you have very materialistic friends and relatives, they might appreciate it more than anything you can buy.

If you must buy something, buy a gift card to a nice coffee shop or restaurant and specify that it’s to use for you and that person or a group of people together.

You get it; focus less on the stressful rush to buy crap, and more on time with those you care about. As a super-major-gigantic plus, spending time instead of money is affordable for anyone. That is, unless, you have little ones that just started walking. Then you might have less time… 🙂

Umm, did you want in the fridge or something?
Umm, did you want in the fridge or something?

Yeah, every day is something new that requires Going Mom and I to figure out a solution. But it’s so worth it and I love seeing Avery walking around everywhere and discovering new abilities. Well, maybe not the outlet plug covers and never mind the fact that she’s constantly running into my legs and appearing out of no where behind me. They’re a lot quieter when on their feet as opposed to their hands and knees making a constant pitter-patter to announce they are coming!

So, this Christmas (and all other holidays/birthdays/special occasions), spend a little quality time with those you care about and don’t worry so much if you didn’t buy some material item.

Please, don’t let these stupid commercials claiming they have the deals to make this a “special Christmas” get to you. A REAL special Christmas is being together and enjoying time.

Have I mentioned to focus on quality time with loved ones? 🙂

Do you fall victim to the last-minute ads/shopping?

Have you tried just offering your time instead of purchased gifts?