Tag Archives: brewery

Photo Challenge Accepted and Birthday Plans

Remember how I wrote about my divorced dad blogger friend, Gary Mathews? He provides daily entertainment in the form of stories about his life happenings over at Skipah’s Realm and recently nominated me for the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge.

He and I both usually detest such challenges as they take away from what we’d usually blog about and just from our time in general. Time is precious, who wants to spend it dealing with blog challenges? Well, turns out we both do….kinda.

When other friends nominate you, it’s hard to refuse. That’s what made Gary accept, and that’s why I’m accepting now. Plus, I have enough pictures I’m more than happy to share and write about that picking 5 should be easy.Gary followed through with 5 consecutive posts as per the challenge guidelines and he wrote a separate blog post each day on top of that.

For me, I’m taking this as an opportunity to have 5 blog posts essentially created for me over the next 5 days. Beginning tomorrow, June 4th, and ending Monday, June 8th my posts will revolve around one photo and a quick description of its importance to me. The theme will focus on Going Mom and me entering our first days as parents. Hopefully you’ll enjoy each post and it will allow you to look back at your first days of parenthood.

The last post on Monday is not a coincidence, it’s my 31st birthday, so I figured having a post schedules will be best since who knows what crazy plans my wife and/or mom have for me. Okay, I know, there are no crazy plans. Both my mom and Kelley have to work, so I’ll just hang with my daughter which is perfectly fine with me!

Don’t worry, we still have plans, they’re just going to be 2 days early and we’ll celebrate on Saturday. Another good reason to accept and start this challenge. Going Mom and I are going trail hiking around a nearby lake for about 2 hours and then heading over to a local brewery to relax over a few hard-earned brews.

While Avery is no stranger to visiting breweries……

Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.
Visiting a local brewery for my 30th. Avery slept most of the time.

…she’s going to sit this one out at home and hang with G-Ma for the day. I think she’ll have more fun with G-Ma than being with Mom and Dad after a few drinks anyway. Just a hunch.

So there you have it, I have 5 photos to find and 5 stories to write, so I’m off for now. I’m part of an exciting campaign with Life of Dad where dads from the North, South, East, and West regions of the US are uniting to help raise awareness and donations for The Great American Milk Drive which benefits Feeding America. Be on the look out for my post with all of the specifics and how you can help our team of dads from the South raise the most money for this very worthy cause.

Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend, I’ll see you soon to share pictures of the new Ferrari I got for my birthday! Hint: It probably comes surrounded in plastic and blue cardboard if I actually get one. 🙂

Have you heard of the 5 Photos, 5 Stories Challenge?

Do you like or dislike these types of challenges?

What’s your ideal birthday celebration?

My Birthday Weekend and Baby’s First Brewery

Well, it happened, I’m another decade. No more starting with a “2” to enter my age, now it’ll be a big “three-oh.”

I keep thinking I see gray hairs now, but Kelley just laughs telling me I’m crazy/paranoid. Secretly, I think she’s thinking, “Oh crap, those are gray!” Oh well, I’ve come to terms and am learning to embrace the thirties; and hey, at least it’s not the forties!

My birthday weekend was off to a “winning” start when Avery and I placed first overall in a small 5k run.

Avery and Daddy_5k Race Finish

After the race, we headed to a unique restaurant called Brewed that offers local food, coffee, and beer, and an atmosphere that would fit perfectly in Colorado. To us, that’s a good thing, we love Colorado and it’s health-focused environment!

I’ve mentioned before how I am averse to eating out as I am keen on knowing exactly how my food is prepared and want to keep it healthy, so I didn’t expect to eat there. I did see a tasty egg white omelet option, but I have those every day and don’t need to pay $8 for someone else to make it. I know, I’m a fun guy to go out with, huh? You know who else is? This guy….

Sorry, I crack myself up every time with this one!

So, I just ordered an Americano after the waiter promised to give me free refills of their drip coffee. Kelley ordered the egg white entrée and since it included mushrooms, she just requested those be left on the side and kept raw for me to enjoy. Yes, I love mushrooms!

Since I was the non-eater of the group, I held Avery most of the time so everyone else could eat. She was a little squirmy, nothing new, but we made the most of it.

Avery on dad's head_smiling_brewed

Since she’s so cute, I couldn’t keep her all to myself and she made her rounds at the table. While G-ma was holding her, Paul took a picture of Kelley and me since we thought the curtains made a great background. What do you think?

R.C. and Kelley_Brewed

Isn’t she beautiful? That guy in the picture…he’s pretty damn lucky!

The ultimate plan for the day was to visit a small, local brewery called Martin House Brewery, but it didn’t open until later in the afternoon so we had time to burn. We were right next to downtown Forth Worth and decided we’d check out the new (to us) area. I think the “new” things have been around for some time now, but since we don’t get out much (by choice), we haven’t seen it before.

We mainly wanted to see the new splash pad in the center of downtown and headed there first. Our initial thought was that we could let Avery get in there a little bit, but we soon realized the shooting water would be too much right now. So we just stood in front of it for a picture.

Avery and Daddy_Splash Park FW

Not sure what that look on my face is all about; I think I was talking. Meh, oh well. The sun was beaming down on us and with the buildings blocking any breeze, sweat was seeping through our pores like they were tiny faucets. Luckily, we found a nice shaded area to sit down and kill time until we were ready to head off to the brewery. Paul enjoyed a little Avery time as she grabbed at his face in curiosity.

Avery Grabbing Paul's Face

Finally, it was time to head out, so we journeyed back to our parking spots and drove maybe 5 miles to the brewery. They had just opened when we arrived which made for a quick entrance and kept us from standing in the sun. It cost $10 to receive their beer glass and a bracelet allowing 3 drinks.

Kelley was the designated babywearer and driver, so she didn’t have to pay. G-ma, Paul, and I all got our glass and had our first round poured in no time; refreshing!

Mom, Paul, RC_Martin House

Of course, since I just ran that morning and only had several cups of coffee, three beers would’ve put me way under, so I shared with Kelley. Besides that, I’m not the drinker I was in college, which saves a lot of money and my health, so it doesn’t take much anyway.

Within a few sips I was already feeling nice and warm…..oh wait, that’s because it’s Texas and almost Summer! But I was feeling good, and I think it shows in this picture with Kelley and Avery.

R.C. and Kelley_Martin House

G-ma let Kelley borrow her glass so she didn’t look out of place in the picture. Ummm, Kelley, I think you were the only one wearing a baby, so too late dear!

The beer was great and I’ll be buying several of their brews soon. As expected, it was loud inside the brewery with live music and groups of people trying to talk over one another, but that didn’t keep Avery from sleeping soundly.

Kelley and Avery_Martin House

How do they do that?

3 beers and several samples later, and I was feeling good, maybe too good. I was ready to leave as were the rest of us, so we said our goodbyes G-ma and Paul and headed back home.

I fully enjoyed my day with the ones I love and always wish it would last longer. We just need to remember to cherish the “now” and not worry so much about the past and future. I’m the worst about this and need to remind myself every day to calm down.

The day after, Sunday, was my actual birthday and it was spent with Kelley and Avery at home most of the day. I meant to share this day with you, but right now I have a baby calling my name (slash crying) and must tend to her needs. I’ll share the rest of my birthday weekend tomorrow….I think.

Do you celebrate birthdays for more than just one day?

Do you ever get caught up worrying too much about what’s to come or what happened in the past?