Tag Archives: benefits

The Health Benefits of THC CBD to Know

The legalization of cannabis and hemp in most states and countries has brought numerous changes in the health sector. Many people have come to understand the health benefits of THC CBD. They react with your body’s endocannabinoid system, hence creating a relaxing feeling. 

THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. However, there is less to be said when it comes to health benefits of THC alone. Below are some of the health benefits of THC CBD. 

Pain Relief 

There are those body pains that you just cannot ignore. Headaches, muscle pain, arthritis, you name it. THC CBD products, like those sold by laurelcrest.com, are known for relieving such pain. You can incorporate THC CBD oils in your meals or take them as gummies. When consumed, they send signals to receptors in the body. This creates pain relieving effects. 

For Stress Management 

Lifestyle is one of the most common causes of stress especially being under lots of pressure at work or being financially unstable. Every day one or two people commit suicide just because of PTSD. Sometimes, prescription stress medication can be addictive, hence damaging your body. Therefore, you need to think of alternatives such as delta-8 THC carts and other THC CBD products, which can help in stress management. You can consume them orally or vape them.  Royal CBD offers both forms made only with the highest quality, lab tested ingredients.

Reduced Chances of Cancer 

The human body can function better with the help of a plant. The body has an endocannabinoid structure waiting to be activated. When you consume thc cbd products, the plant endocannabinoid activators interact with the body’s receptors, which actually reduces the chances of tumor cells developing. 

Treatment of Glaucoma 

There are a variety of research studies that claim THC CBD can aid in the treatment of glaucoma, improving your eye health. Glaucoma leads to an increase in pressure, which can damage the optic nerve and retina. If not treated early, it can lead to blindness. When THC CBD is consumed, pressure is reduced within the eye. 

More research has yet to be done on precisely how THC CBD helps with glaucoma. Therefore, you should consult your doctor first before considering using THC CBD for glaucoma. 

Anxiety and Depression Relief 

Depression has claimed the lives of many people, but most people fail to recognize and treat it. The endocannabinoids found in THC CBD help to improve mood, reducing anxiety and depression. 

Helps with Skin Conditions 

Another health benefit of THC CBD is that it promotes good and healthy skin. If you are suffering from acne or other skin conditions, then THC CBD products are ideal for you. You can use CBD oil directly on your skin or take THC CBD capsules. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties and lack of harsh chemicals in THC CBD skin care can nurture the health of the skin.

How can I use THC CBD?

The combination of THC and CBD is powerful, and there are more studies and research done all the time. Medical options are becoming more prevalent, too – one thing that puts people off is that they don’t like the idea of rolling and smoking. There are so many other options though, like gummies, dabbing, vaping, baking, and tinctures. You can find the right option for you, from Cheap Dab Rigs to an under-the-tongue tincture.


CBD and THC both have health benefits to individuals. They are both considered safe for medicinal purposes. However, before considering using them, review the laws on cannabis. You do not want to end up on the wrong side of the law. Also, consult your doctor first before using any THC CBD product. He or she will give further information on the subject.

4 Awesome Health Benefits Of Green Tea

green tea, health, benefits, drinks, caffeine, healthy
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Green tea is one of those ‘trending’ drinks that everyone raves about. But, what will it actually do for your health? Can you see significant health benefits from drinking green tea every day? Well, you can never guarantee that something will happen or not. However, there are many health benefits that have been strongly linked to green tea consumption. Here are four of the best:

Potentially lower the risk of cancer

Some cancers are less likely to form when you drink green tea. This is because it is full of antioxidants that protect your body from cell damage. Green tea is seen as particularly important for prostate health and can prevent prostate cancer. It’s also shown to be somewhat effective at lowering the risk of breast and colon cancers. The great thing about green tea is that the antioxidants enter your body almost immediately because you drink them. With other things – like fruit and veg – the food has to be digested and absorbed before your body gets the antioxidants. 

Stimulates brain function and keeps you alert

Green tea is a fantastic source of natural caffeine. Now, you could drink a cup of coffee to enjoy the benefits of caffeine, but green tea is better. It has a more concentrated amount, and you will also see the other benefits listed in this post! Effectively, the caffeine in green tea stimulates brain function and will keep you alert. Also, green tea contains an amino acid that is also shown to aid brain function. So, if you need help concentrating at work, drink some green tea!

Improve your oral health

There’s something in green tea called catechins, and they’re amazing for your oral health. In short, this ingredient will kill bacteria and stop it from growing inside your mouth. This is perfect as it can prevent plaque from forming, stopping you from getting dental cavities. Also, it does a brilliant job at stopping bad breath. If you suffer from smelly breath, think about drinking a cup of green tea now and then.

Help you lose weight

Now, green tea may be used to help you lose weight. You should always be careful when you see something with a claim like this. How will it help you lose weight? Well, it can increase your metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories throughout the day. This is fantastic, but don’t assume that you can just drink green tea and lose weight! You still need to follow an exercise routine that makes you burn more calories than you consume. This is the only way to lose body fat, so keep that in mind. Think of green tea as a sort of natural health supplement that aids the weight loss process. 

As you can see, green tea has some considerable health benefits. The crazy thing is that we’ve barely scratched the surface. I’m sure if you did some more research you’d find loads of other health benefits. Oh, one last thing to add, green tea is basically just water with a teabag in it, so it’s great for hydration purposes as well!

Keep Your Body in Mint Condition With This Herb

One of our first landscaping projects when we moved into our home in 2012 was building a turtle home/vegetable and herb garden. We had mint, basil, tomatoes, and squash to start. It was a beautiful blank slate for planting and a great home for our box turtle, Tash, who since escaped into the wild.

mint, garden, turtle, backyard

Our tomatoes produced maybe 3 edible fruits before making an exit just like our turtle. The other plants soon followed suit with the exception of one……mint.

mint, healthy, food, herbs, garden

The mint literally took over the place! Going Mom has trimmed and removed whole plants to tame it down, but it simply keeps flourishing. Soooo, when life hands you mint, pick it!

mint, healthy, food, herbs, garden

Like daddy like daughter, I’ve enlisted a little helper.


Together, we’ll pick the mint leaves and eat them right in the back yard as we play. We have to keep an eye on Avery as we catch her sneaking bites by herself.


The leaves taste just like you would expect mint to taste….minty. They are pleasant, refreshing, and, unknown to many, loaded with a host of body boosting benefits. Here’s a long list of the major benefits mint provides I found on the site Organic Facts.

Benefits of Mint

Digestion: Mint is a great appetizer or palate cleanser, and it promotes digestion. It also soothes stomachs in cases of indigestion or inflammation. When you feel sick to your stomach, drinking a cup of mint tea can give you relief. Also, if you are someone who travels long distances via plane or boat, the menthol oil derived from mint can be very soothing for nausea and related motion sickness.

The aroma of mint activates the salivary glands in our mouth as well as glands which secrete digestive enzymes, thereby facilitating digestion. These attributes are why mint is extensively used in the culinary arts. Much of the western world includes mint as a part of appetizers or as an element of palate cleansers, to be eaten before the main course so the food will digest comfortably.

Nausea & Headache: Again, the strong and refreshing aroma of mint is a quick and effective remedy for nausea. Even just the smell of mint oil or freshly crushed mint leaves or the use of any product with mint flavor, and your stomach issues will be alleviated. In fact, many people keep menthol oil or mint-flavored products with them at all time to avoid nausea. Balms with a mint base or basic mint oil, when rubbed on the forehead and nose, gives quick relief in case of headache. Mint is a naturally soothing substance, so it can alleviate the inflammation and temperature rise that is often associated with headaches and migraines.

Respiratory Disorders and Coughs: The strong aroma of mint is very effective in clearing up congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi and lungs, which gives relief for respiratory disorders that often result from asthma and the common cold. As mint cools and soothes the throat, nose and other respiratory channels, it relieves the irritation which causes chronic coughing. This is the main reason why so many balms are based on mint. Unlike the inhalers that are based on aerosols, those with mint as the fundamental component tend to be more effective and eco-friendly as well.

Asthma: Regular use of mint is very beneficial for asthma patients, as it is a good relaxant and relieves congestion. That being said, using too much mint in this way can also irritate the nose and throat.

Breast Feeding: For many women,breastfeeding is a beautiful part of raising a child, but it can seriously damage your breasts and nipples. Studies have shown that mint oil can reduce the nipple cracks and nipple pain that so often accompany breastfeeding.

Depression and Fatigue: Mint is a natural stimulant, and the smell alone can be enough to charge your batteries and get your brain functioning on a high level again. If you are feeling sluggish, anxious, depressed, or simply exhausted, mint and its derivative essential oils can help. It can be ingested, applied topically in a salve form, or inhaled as a vapor, and all of those techniques can give you a much-needed boost! A popular way to get good results in an easy manner is to put a few drops of mint essential oil or menthol oil on your pillow at night and let it work on your body and mind while you sleep.

Skin Care and Pimples: While mint oil is a good antiseptic and anti-pruritic material, mint juice is an excellent skin cleanser. It soothes skin, and helps to cure infections and itchiness, as well as being a good way to reduce pimples, and it can even relieve some of the symptoms of acne. Its anti-pruritic properties can be used for treating insect bites like those of mosquitoes, honeybees, hornets, wasps, and gnats. The cooling sensation will relieve you of the irritating sensation to scratch, and the anti-inflammatory nature of mint will bring down swelling! In that same vein, mint oil is often a basic component of bug repellent products like citronella candles, because the strong aroma is unappealing to most insects.

Memory Loss: A recent study explored the effects that mint has on alertness, retention, and cognitive function. It found that people who frequently use chewing gum, whose major active ingredient is mint, had higher levels of memory retention and mental alertness than those who did not. The stimulant qualities of mint, once again, have shown yet another reason to pop that stick of gum in your mouth, or chew some leaves when you’re feeling less than brilliant!

Weight Loss: Aside from all the other health benefits of mint, it also can help in your efforts to lose weight in a healthy way! Mint is a stimulant, as we’ve already mentioned, but it also stimulates the digestive enzymesthat absorb nutrients from food and consume fat and turn it into usable energy. Therefore, by adding mint to your diet, you are increasing the amount of fat that is being consumed and put to use, rather than being stored and contributing to your weight gain!

Female Sterility: There are mixed opinions regarding the role of mint in treating this condition. Some argue that prolonged use of menthol may cause sterility, reducing a woman’s ability to conceive by interfering with the production of ova and killing these gametes. This is due to the germicidal and insecticidal properties of mint, which are beneficial for so many other health concerns. Other research has claimed that men who smoke menthol cigarettes are more likely to suffer from impotency than those who smoke normal cigarettes. It is not certain whether this is due to the tobacco alone or if the mentholated aspect has anything do with it. Another group or researchers suggest that mint may actually be used to treat sterility in females. Suffice to say, a great deal of further research must be done on the effects of mint in both male impotency and female sterility.

Oral Care: Improving the health of a person’s mouth is a well known benefit of mint. Since it has germicidal qualities and quickly freshens breath, it adds to oral health by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth inside the mouth and by cleaning the tongue and teeth. This is why mint used to be rubbed directly on the teeth and gums to refresh the mouth and eliminate dangerous forms of growth. In modern times, for the same reason, mint is one of the most common elements in toothpastes, mouthwashes, and other dental hygiene products. Of course, the easiest way to get these results is to simply chew on the leaves.

Allergies and Hay Fever: Season allergies and hay fever (also known as rhinitis) affect millions of people around the world at certain times of the year. Extracts from mint leaves have been shown to inhibit the release of histamines, which often spur on the severe nasal symptoms that are associated with hay fever and seasonal allergies.

Cancer: Current research shows that certain enzymes that can be found in mint may help prevent and treat cancer.

Other Benefits: Besides its wide industrial use in foods like ice-cream and chocolates, as well as in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, medicines, inhalers and breath fresheners, it is also used as a condiment and a decorative item in culinary preparation around the world. Drinks and foods containing mint cool you off in the summer, and it is often included in summer cocktails for a refreshing burst of flavor. It is also a good relaxant.

One peculiar property of mint that seems quite contrary to its traditional cooling and soothing effects is that it induces sweating if consumed during fever, thereby breaking the fever and speeding the rate of recovery. Mint juice can also be applied to heal and soothe burns. It is also beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism. Furthermore, mint is also said to improve the activity of the brain, although legitimate and consistent research on its neurological impact has yet to be completed.

That’s a lot of benefits from one little green leaf. This list further confirms why I happily feed Avery a few mint leaves a day.


I guess she cares about Daddy’s health because she always returns the favor.


If you have room in or out of your home, plant some mint and start reaping its plentiful benefits. As you can see, it’s not hard to grow as literally do nothing to foster its growth. Do you think you can plant, grow, and harvest this healthy herb? I’ll just leave you with these words of encourage-mint. 🙂
