Tag Archives: avery photos

16 Month Photo Session: Mad to Glad in a Second

I completely lost track of Avery’s photo session posts with the last one being her 10 month photos. But, hopefully this will get me back on track to capture her growth month by month.

Let me play catch-up and post at least one photo for each month missed.

10 Months


11 Months

11 Months

12 Months / 1 year


13 Months

13 Months

14 Months

14 Months

15 Months

15 Months

Yeah, so we botched her birthday and never took a pic of her in the chair with the bear. Ha, I love unconscious rhyming!

She turned 16 months on March 15, but we were a couple days late at taking the photos. As usual, it was late and she was cranky for the shoot, as you can see at the beginning. Luckily, her bear knows how to instantly cheer her up! She went from mad….


…..to calm/kind of smirking with her bear….


…..to full on giggle-fest 2015!


And she even stopped and smiled for a good picture. This is very rare!


But, just like most monthly photo sessions, the bear got the shaft.


Annndddd off you go, bear!


“Oops, did I do that?”

We set the bear back on the chair several times, but Avery finds a way to make kick him off every time.


All in all, the session went better than I expected. One thing’s for sure, our girl is growing, fast, and we need to make the most of each day with her while we can. From what I hear, kids grow into unruly pre-adolescents that are embarrassed to hang out with their cool parents. What gives?!

Glad to play catch-up and get Avery’s monthly progression published for the world to see! It won’t be long until I’m posting her 17 month photos…..shhheeeesh!

Surfing in the Kitchen

She just turned 15 months old and she’s already moving on to bigger and better things. Like, for instance, surfing……in the kitchen.

It’s everything you’d see a real surfer (please note: I have absolutely no clue about surfing) do when out catching the waves. Starting with paddling out away from the shore.


Then it’s time for action as she gets in her goofy footed stance and acts as if she’s taking “the drop” down the face of a gnarly wave.


But, oftentimes she get’s a little too daring while carving the other direction and will eat it.


No worries, though, it takes more than that to dampen this girl’s spirit! She just shrugs it off with a cheesy, close-eyed shimmy smile and prepares to try again.


Awwww, bummer! It’s flat; no waves!


That’s it for surfing today, but the party has just begun. She just hangs up the wet suit and gets to dancing all night day long.


What kind of unconventional activities usually done outdoors does your kid bring inside?

Instant Happiness with Pictures of a Smiling Baby

Hi there and Happy Sunday!

Hope you’re having a great weekend and the greatness continues for all of today right into next week.

I posted pictures of our smiling Avery back in April of this year to help provide instant stress relief, so I figured it’s time for some updated smiles from our rapidly growing and ever so beautiful daughter.

Instant stress relief and happiness are sure to follow as you scroll down below. Start your day with a smile and enjoy the pics, I know Going Mom and I will be doing the same!
















Thanks for stopping by, and if you feel gravity pulling the corners of your mouth southward, come back and…..wait for….yep…..”turn that frown upside-down!”