Tag Archives: avery & daddy

Working on Animal Sounds: Avery & Daddy Episode 4

Here we are again with another episode of Avery and me vlogging it up in style! And by “style”, I mean a yogurt face toddler and her dad who’s doing good just to have a shirt on for the camera. You’re welcome.

You might’ve noticed I dropped the “Vlog” part of the title to shorten it a little. Obviously, it’s a Vlog, so no need for redundancy. Oh, and I have plenty to share about our Fourth of July weekend full of 5k fun and co-sleeping before fireworks were done, so be on the lookout for that story soon.

My wife and I praise Avery for always responding when we ask her to make a certain animal sound, but a lot them sound the same. I know in her head it’s different, and we’re proud of her efforts, so I just wanted to a record it here.

You’ll have to pardon my corny intro, it’s just part of being a Dad. Right? Right?  Plus, I thought I played it off pretty well actually. Call me biased, but…..well, just call me biased.

Hope you were able to hear her animal sounds good enough. I blame the fact I’m using the built-in audio/video from my laptop, so can’t expect high quality anything. But hey, she’s a cutie! And I bet you didn’t know a pig and a mouse sounded so similar, huh?

There will be more animal sound videos in the future, so stay tuned. Until then, hope your Monday is off to a great start and everyone’s fully recovered from the Fourth of July….if you’re in the U.S. that is.

What animal sounds are your kids making or did they make as a toddler?

Be honest, did you like my “caught off guard” intro?