Tag Archives: anniversary

Why Do I Feel So Itchy Today?

Oh yeah, it’s our 7th wedding anniversary!! Yay, we made it to 7 years, now we must push past into the 8 year mark and beat the 7 year itch. According to to Wikipedia (it’s on the internet, so it’s gotta be true, right?), the 7 year itch is….

The seven-year itch is a psychological term that suggests that happiness in a relationship declines after around year seven of a marriage.[1] The phrase originated as a name for irritating and contagious skin complaints of a long duration.

Happy Anniversary to my lovely, supportive, and beautiful wife, Kelley!

I love you so much dear, and hopefully we had a great weekend away at a hotel!

I don’t know what I’d ever do without you, but thank you for your constant love and support no matter how mean I can be sometimes! I’ll always be there for you and love that we are raising such a beautiful, healthy girl!

We’ve had a wonderful weekend  thus far and an awesome marriage is a constant for us!

Pics from our weekend together….

RC and Kelley_Night Out_Splash Pad RC and Kelley_Night Out_Flying Saucer RC and Kelley_Kayaking_Anniversary RC and Kelley_Kayaking on Trinity_Anniversary

G-Ma and Avery have been doing great together and we are excited to see them both today but sad to end our nice anniversary staycation.

Always Much Love!!

Our engagement picture. Can’t believe it’s been so long already.

Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (9): Random Humor for the Systematic Life

Sometimes, okay, a lot of times, we all need a good, hearty laugh. Really, we should all laugh more throughout the day every day. Smiling and laughing release “feel good” hormones that actually decrease stress, and even forcing a smile has been proven to lower stress levels!

To all parents, including myself, consider this news you can use and force that grin!

Me reducing stress....
Me reducing stress….

Seriously, try it out when you’re feeling stressed; just stop and force a smile. It actually works! What also works is Pinterest and the infinite posts of memes, quotes, pictures, and more of hilarious content.

For no particular reason, I recently felt the weight of stress bearing down on me and sought refuge in Pinterest. Guess what? It worked! And then it kept on working for way too long; that site is addicting!

Anyway, figured all of us could use a little laughing medicine to start another week off on the right…..errr, emotions. Enjoy these random Pinterest posts of humor to assist in an otherwise systematic week ahead!

1. Something Going Mom and I deal with daily.

2. Maybe it’s for swim lessons? Or maybe the duck was tired of them riding her tail feathers!

3. One bad bird…

4. I could do a whole post on Grumpy Cat memes….hmmmm

5. It may not be with dinosaurs, but we’re doing this to Avery some day for sure!

6. So many good cat memes!

7. They had one job…

8. This is all I’ll ever think of when I see these stickers now.

9. Had to have some puns in here, since I obviously love them all!

10. Kinda funny, sad, and true all at once.

That only took me half the day to put these together since I kept getting sidetracked. Damn you, Pinterest!

Anyway, enjoy your Monday and this week!

Any plans for the week ahead? Avery is turning 9 months on the 15, and G-Ma will be watching her the entire weekend as Kelley and I celebrate our 7th anniversary at Embassy Suites. We’re just a little excited. I’ll fill you in soon!