How to Make Your Days Off Count

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Image credit – Pixabay

We all lead incredibly busy lives, and sometimes it can feel like you never get a proper, full day off, especially if you are a parent. Even when they do happen, once in a blue moon, it’s so easy to feel like you’ve wasted them – sleeping in, rushing around doing chores, eating rubbish food because you haven’t had time to cook – and before you know it, you’re waking up on Monday morning feeling even more tired than before.

When these amazing days arrive, perhaps when the children are at the grandparents, or away with school, and you are off work – whether that is a weekend, or you work different days – it’s important to know you’re making the most of your valuable time. Follow these simple steps to help yourself feel rested, rejuvenated, and like you’ll never let your day off slip through your fingers again.

Getting Up

Sleeping in is undoubtedly one of the best aspects of a day off. However, it’s very important not to take this too far, or you risk not only wasting your day, but also damaging your sleep patterns for the next week. Scientists recommend adults have between 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Any more than this can actually be almost as bad as not getting enough sleep, as it can cause increased feelings of fatigue and even depression.

A nice compromise is to limit your lie-in to an extra hour (two at the most) – and perhaps even keep your alarm, but use the extra time to doze or read in bed before starting your day. If you’re really struggling to get up on those days off, a great incentive is to promise yourself an extra-special breakfast. Nothing tends to get people out of bed better than pancakes…


Now, your perfect idea of a day off might be to do absolutely nothing all day – and that’s completely fine! However, the idea that idle hands are the devil’s tools definitely has some truth to it. A day will always feel longer and more worthwhile if you have at least one activity planned. This can be as simple as a walk, a coffee or drink with friends – even just a craft activity at home, or finishing that book you’ve been meaning to get through. Something as small as this can give you a great sense of accomplishment, and actually help your mind relax even more than just sitting in front of the television.

Lunch and Dinner

Here is where your day off can really give you an opportunity to treat yourself. You don’t have to be eating meal-prepped dinners, or stuffing yourself with anything you can find between work and other commitments. Cooking can be an incredibly soothing and de-stressing activity for a day off, without you having to worry about time or complexity. It is now even being used as a therapy technique for people suffering from stress and anxiety, which just shows how valuable it can be. Perhaps try out some gourmet dishes you haven’t made before, or even invent your own meals without any pressure or expectation – and then you get to eat some delicious food afterwards, which is always a bonus. 


Here we get to the most important part of your day off: sheer relaxation. You have so many options here, so don’t always fall into the Netflix trap whilst the hours pass you by. Reading a book, playing a video game, or even choosing a specific film rather than a TV series are all brilliant options. A top tip is to do any of these things under a weighted blanket. Now, many people might think these are purely for bedtime, and why use a weighted blanket if you’re not trying to sleep? There are so many benefits to spending your relaxation time under a top-notch blanket – they are proven to reduce stress and help you feel secure, which will maximize your chill-out time as much as possible.

A Good Night’s Sleep

This might seem obvious, but the worst thing you can possibly do after a wonderful day off would be to stay up until the early hours, and wake up the next morning feeling exhausted. It might be tempting to make the day last as long as possible, but getting that good night’s sleep at the end of your day off is the best way to really make it count. Encourage relaxation with an appropriate CBD oil and then, try to get an early night. If this is difficult, try banning technology from your bedroom – or if that’s not possible, have a look at blue light filters for your devices so you can give your eyes the break they deserve.

Following all these tips will help you relax in the most productive way possible, and feel like you’ve made the most of those rare, wonderful days off.

Support Someone Through Illness

When friends or family fall ill, it can be a very upsetting time for everyone. It is important that you find out what is expected of you during this period. Some people are happy to take on the responsibility of looking after a loved one, and others take it on because it is the right thing to do. Whichever category you fall into doesn’t matter because the outcome is the same. Taking care of someone during their illness.

Usually, when someone is ill, there is more to it than just their illness to help them deal with it.

illness, health, sickness, prevention, healthy, support
Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash


The more you know, the more you can help. Depending on the illness or infection, from an insect bite to cancer treatment, research is your best friend. It will enable you to monitor them at home, to understand what the doctors and nurses are talking about and understand what your friend or family member is going through. It might be that in the end, you can only provide mental support and no hands-on care, or it might be that there is more physical care required than you had initially realized. Research the illness and the best ways that you can help. 


Recovering from an illness, or being in the middle of something that is incredibly painful can have both a physical and mental impact. Being aware of the mental health implications of the illness will help you be able to communicate and listen to your friend or family member to the best of your ability. 

Things like clean towels, bed sheets, and soft pillows are a great ideal. On from that thing like ice chips, straws, blankets and bed pads might be a consideration too. Medical staff will be able to help you make a list of the things you are likely to need. 

Most illnesses come with the added issue of dehydration, so whenever you’re around, make sure there is water too. 


When you have a lot of hours to fill, it pays to think about some things that your friend or family member can do during that time. In the end, there are only so many times you can play cards. Keeping their mind active is one of the most important things that you can do to help them. 

Depending on the circumstances you might need to read a book to them or make their move in chess. And when you really want to, Netflix and Amazon have so many series you won’t be pushed for something to fill the hours. 

Sometimes though what is most needed is to listen to your loved one. Talking can often help them process what is going on and gives you an opportunity to provide the best form of support. 

More often than not, your friend and family member will feel supported simply by knowing that you are there if they need you and that they can rely on you for simple things like watching a movie, picking up some groceries or some supportive words when they are most needed.

Daily Habits That Put Your Life Back On Track In Two Weeks Or Less

For many of us, life is a bit of a struggle. We try to do the right thing, but invariably, wind up going off the rails with one thing or another. 

There are some people you know, though, who always seem to have it together. Their breezy disposition makes you rethink how you live your life. How do they manage to be so calm and healthy all the time? It doesn’t seem possible. 

While some people don’t let anything get them down, a lot of people manage the struggles of life by adopting good habits. They stick with a routine that buffers them against the stresses of the world and gives them the strength that they need to lead a productive life. 

Here are some of the habits that you can use to put your life back on track in two weeks or less. 

Eating Most Of Your Calories In The Morning

When it comes to being healthy, stuffing your pie-hole late at night is a massive no-no, even if you barely ate for the rest of the day.

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Pixabay – CC0 License

The reason for this comes down to how our body clocks work. Research suggests that humans should get the majority of their calories in the morning, soon after waking. If you leave it until later in the day to get your daily energy fix, you risk inducing metabolic problems. Blood glucose spikes after meals are higher in the evening than in the morning, even after eating the same food!

It sounds like a cliche, but eating a big breakfast is a super healthy habit. It prevents you from binging in the afternoon and evening and takes advantage of your natural daily cycle. 

Saying No To Stress
Stress is a leading reason why people become substance dependent. Thus, a women’s drug rehab program will not only isolate patients but also do whatever it can to help them relax. If you adjust a person’s stress response, you change their brain chemistry.

habits, healthy living, health, life, food
Pixabay – CC0 License

When it comes to dealing with stress, most of us reach for something – be it food, drink, or something else. And most of the time, our palliative of choice is not healthy. 

Successful people, though, just say “no” to stress. They come to realize that it is a choice, not just something that happens to them and that by refusing to let it in, they can improve their lives. 

Everyone finds different methods for saying no to stress, but the knock-on effects can be considerable. When you keep yourself purposefully calm, it is much easier to say no to the unhealthy habits that cause your mind and body damage in the long run. 

Getting Rid Of Your Need To Please People

A lot of us find it tough to give up the idea that we should please other people all of the time. We think that the only way to make our lives successful is to make sure that everyone is happy with us. 
That’s not true. It is not even close to the truth. The most successful people focus on their goals, even if that means a few lost relationships on the way.

An at-home dad on a mission to keep it real when it comes to food, fun, and raising a healthy, happy family.