Category Archives: New Life

Shots in the Dark: What it took to have our Daughter

So many people are dealing with the stressful situation of Trying To Conceive (TTC) in hopes of starting a family. We were there when trying to have our beautiful girl, it’s something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

In hopes that our story will help others, I felt like sharing. Many have gone through more than us to have their little one or ones, but we all share the common hardship of TTC. But in the end, it’s sooooo worth the love that is created!

trying to conceive, baby, pregnancy, parenting, family

When we knew we wanted to begin trying to have a baby, Kelley got off the birth control she was taking several months in advance. Then, like most couples we tracked days/cycles and other typical things you do as you begin trying to conceive.

I was ignorant to most of how this all worked, and Kelley had to explain a lot along the way. To me, I thought our first try would yield an instant positive on the pregnancy test and then we just wait it out for 9 months. Go ahead, laugh, and if you see me in person, laugh in my face; I’ll understand.

Well, almost a year later and we were still trying with no luck. I didn’t get it, we were a healthy couple who ate whole foods, never went out to eat, drank only in moderation (we usually share 1 beer), and exercised daily. So what was keeping us from creating our perfect offspring?

By recommendation of Kelley’s doctor, we made our first of many visits to a fertility clinic to see what was (or wasn’t) going on.  After examining Kelley and testing one of my “samples”, the doctor found several factors working against us.

I’ll keep it short and just get to the point; they though Kelley had a uterine septum  requiring surgery and I had an abnormally low, errrrrr…….. count. The doctor referred me to another doctor for a thorough analysis of my blood and scheduled surgery for Kelley.

Kelley’s surgery went off without a hitch, but required more than one stitch (sorry, had to.)! Actually, she never had a uterine septum, the sonogram just made it appear that way, but she did have endometriosis which the doctor removed during surgery. My blood results, on the other hand, came back with several abnormal levels; low T being one of them. I also had iron deficiency anemia, low hemoglobin, and others I can’t remember. Probably for the best!

This was hard for me to accept; extremely hard. I strive to live a healthy and active lifestyle, and this is all I have to show for it?! I just couldn’t wrap my head around how this was possible since I stress the importance of being so healthy. Remember that bold word in italics….

I was prescribed HCG injections twice a week to combat my low levels and they would monitor how I responded. The doctor helped explain how to give myself injections in the lower abdomen at home, and this became the norm every Thursday and Sunday each week.

A while passed and I had the whole giving myself shots thing down pretty well, but still no results. An updated blood test showed my levels were barely up. The doctor suggested we try IUI as this seemed like we had a good chance with the procedure.

I was given two new meds (thankfully just pills!) to help with my thyroid function, and Kelley was given several prescriptions as well; including shots. Poor wife, she cringed at the thought of giving herself shots. Luckily, she had a husband who was now pretty good at it, so I signed up to administer her shots.

She was hesitant with the stomach shots at first, but after I proved to her that I wouldn’t hurt her, she became accepting….somewhat. We went through two cycles with IUI, and although the norm is to try 3 before looking for other options, the doctor then suggested IVF. Being he impatient person that I am, I readily agreed and thankfully so did Kelley.

To stimulate the growth of her ovaries, Kelley needed daily shots in her stomach. That’s right, shots, plural. One to help her eggs grow, and another to help keep them from over-growing since Kelley was expected to respond well.

The eggs grew just as needed, and it was time for retrieval. After retrieval, Kelley needed another injection to help prepare her uterine lining for when the fertilized eggs were implanted. So, it looked like I would still be giving shots to everyone in the house.

But then there was the location of these new shots………..the butt! Yep, the butt. The stomach was one thing, and the needles were tiny, but the butt meant bigger, longer needles!

I’d have to work within a specific area of the buttocks, use enough force to get through to the muscular region, make sure the needle went in straight, not angled, and make sure no blood came into the syringe as that meant I did something wrong. This was to happen every day precisely at 7pm for approximately 7 weeks. Oh man, the nerves, the needles, the stress!

Even those times when we were arguing and not talking to each other, I’d still have to give her the shots in the rear, which was awkward, but necessary. Luckily, I never had blood come into the syringe, but there were times when I had to hold gauze over the area after administering…..sorry, Kelley.

Finally, after the first few days of shots in the “dark” (my reference to ass), it was time for implantation! We had several outstanding embryos to choose from, made a tough decision to only implant one as opposed to two eggs and thankfully all went well!

Long story short, our first round of IVF was a success! We proceeded with the butt shots to complete the 7 weeks worth and keep Kelley’s uterus in good condition for the newly implanted egg.

Doctors were still trying to figure out the cause of my low counts and anemia to no avail. They performed an endoscopy of my upper GI tract to see if it was an absorption issue, and even collected tissue for a biopsy; this didn’t help either. Really should’ve looked into stress more!

We still remember the first positive test Kelley took. She woke up at 5 am since it’s best to take after sleeping and not peeing for a while, and tested. It was dark, and she didn’t see anything, so she tossed the stick in the trash and came back to bed upset.

Later that morning, I was going to throw something away and saw the stick and what appeared to me to be a faint line. I had no clue how to look at a pee stick or what it meant, so I just held the thought to myself for a while. Then Kelley did the same double take at her trashed test and noticed the line as well…..we confirmed a positive!!

From there we experienced the ups, downs, scares, and joys of pregnancy and now we have the most beautiful baby girl! I can’t believe how fast she’s growing and how deep the love for our family goes.

trying to conceive, baby, parenting, pregnancy, family, issues

Back to that stress word. I stressed a lot while working in my office job as I despised the sedentary setting and well, I stress over things way too much. Working out, cooking meals for the both of us, and going to  a job I didn’t like each day took its toll on me. Some are good at accepting this, I am not one of them.

This stress that built up over the years was what actually affected me mentally and physically in ways I never thought possible. It was the cause of my low numbers and something the doctors never considered; me included. How could a non-tangible thing wreak so much havoc?

Now that I’m a stay-at-home dad, I feel worlds better, and just “know” my levels are better for obvious reasons. Today, I’m going to the doctor to get a wellness check and blood work for the first time since we were trying to conceive. I’ll make sure to post an update on my better levels, hopefully, and I’ll be damned if they aren’t outstanding!

Have you or are you currently going through difficulties in trying to conceive? If you care to share, please do. You can message me privately at if you’d like as well.

As an aside, our cat, Gus, the first pet we had together, was having renal failure and we had to give him fluids through an IV at least 2 or 3 times a week. It was a team effort to hold him, but I signed up to give the IV at home instead of driving to the vet several times a week. Poor guy, he hung on for a while, but we eventually had to put him down after his health kept getting worse.

Is Stay-at-Home Parenting a Job?

You’re one person against one or more tiny people all dependent on you. While your significant other earns the family income by heading to work every day, you are feeding, changing, cleaning house (or trying), cooking, playing, shopping, washing dishes, and somehow, finding time to eat for yourself. Yep, you’re a stay-at-home parent, but is it a job?

I’m not claiming to be an expert with only 2 months under the elastic waistband in my shorts, but I feel confident in saying that stay-at-home parenting is NOT a job. Physically and mentally exhausting? You bet your messed up, cow licked hair it is, but it’s still no job.

Now before you go getting red-faced with anger, hear me out. Saying that being a stay-at-home parent is a job, is basically saying you really don’t want to be a parent. Yeah you have your good and bad days just like you would in the office, and your co-worker(s) can be unruly and hard to talk to at times, but you’re watching your offspring learn and grow.

Because of YOU, your children don’t have to be dropped off where they don’t see either parent for hours every day. I have no ill intent to those of you that do this, and I know we are fortunate to be able to make it work. As a stay-at-home parent, you will also be there to see all of the “firsts” and hopefully capture them on video to replay over and over.

Not only that, but you’re saving your family an expensive childcare bill. Even if you could afford it, wouldn’t you rather be the one helping to shape and develop how your little ones learn? I’m pretty sure the caretakers, with multiple kids to watch over, will never be able to give the same attention as you.

Plus, I would expect less trips to the doctor’s office since you are avoiding your kid coming in contact with other sick kids at the care facility. Yes, it will happen eventually, but hopefully not as often.

Going Mom, my dear wife, is the one with a job in our family. Words can’t express how much I appreciate her for all that she does for us. She has to head to work and leave us in the morning for most days of the week and then come home to be a mother. And a fine mother she is! Literally, I think she’s pretty hot! 🙂

Two cuties that are too cute. See what I did there? ; 0


For me, I despised going to work and sitting in an office. I’m a mover, constantly wanting to do something, and plugging away at a keyboard wasn’t doing it. Now, I am definitely moving and always have something to tend to. Both of these are stressing, but work stress actually hurt my health.

As a stay-at-home dad, I have greatly reduced my stress level and the symptoms I had before have gone. Now I am able to prepare meals for Kelley, care for our child, exercise, and at least try to keep the house in somewhat good shape. Before, I tried to juggle all of this on top of work and it drove me insane!

Kelley mentioned how she notices a difference in my attitude now that I’m at home, and I fully agree. With Avery in our lives, and me staying at home with her, we are all happier and healthier as a result.

Heading out for a walk.
Heading out for a walk.

So, is staying at home to raise your children a job? Nope, that’s would mean you’re an employee of sorts. I am proud to be a stay-at-home dad and love my form of payment in love from my wonder wife and beautiful baby. Plus, her smiles are like daily bonuses!


What do you think? Would you consider stay-at-home parenting a job?

Looking Back to Avery’s First Day


We’ve only just begun riding the choppy waves of parenthood, and can already feel the frustration getting to us some days. Right now, it’s centered mostly around sleep…..or the lack thereof.

Something that helps me look past the difficult times when Avery is being fussy, is thinking back to the day she was born. The journey to just getting pregnant was very long and emotional, and I’m so happy we are parents to a healthy, beautiful baby now.

So, when Avery has the floodgates wide open with the windpipes blaring and doesn’t show signs of stopping, it helps to ease frustration by thinking back to the day we first met. Kelley started going into labor at the Baylor Regional Medical Center of Grapevine the morning of November 15, 2013. We just spent our first night there and were ready to see our dear Avery!

Kelley was in a major pain and I kept on trying to make jokes throughout the day that were only met with evil glares. After what seemed like ages with Kelley not progressing, she finally made a huge jump basically skipping any of the stages in between. By early afternoon, she was ready to deliver our baby!

Kelley, not happy with anything I did. This didn't help.
Kelley, not happy with anything I did. This didn’t help.

We all know labor and its lack of joyful, fun moments, so I’ll spare the details. Once Kelly started pushing, it wasn’t long until our little Avery was born and in her arms.

Thumbs up for a job well done by my wonderful wife!
Thumbs up for a job well done by my wonderful wife!

The feeling that overcame my whole body is one I can’t describe, but it felt wonderful, like nothing I’ve felt before (besides when I first saw Kelley walking down the aisle). I was a dad!

I remember being very adamant that both Kelley and I not have any visitors until we had our skin to skin with Avery. We had learned so much on the benefits of skin to skin and wanted to make sure we started things off right. We did, and it was another wonderful experience to add to the already awesome day.

Skin to skin with dad!
Skin to skin with dad!

Avery was born at 4:13 p.m. that Friday afternoon, 12 days earlier than her due date of November 27th. Although she was early, she was still perfectly healthy and weighed 7lbs 9.3ozs.

Kelley did have some blood pressure issues so we had to stay a couple of extra days at the hospital, but all turned out well and we were able to bring our daughter home on a nice, sunny day.

Thinking back to that day and how far we’ve already come lets me relive that overwhelming feeling and helps me to not be as frustrated during Avery’s fits. Yes, they will always be frustrating, but I’m not going to go crazy and pull my hair out…….yet.

Do you have certain memories you use to help ease any current difficult situations you’re facing?

Any other methods to help qualm frustrations that you care to share?