Category Archives: Health

Taking Care of Your Health as a Dad

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In this article, we’re going to look at a number of factors that are relevant to taking care of your health as a dad, particularly as you get older.  

Men’s health is different to that of women’s health, and men suffer from a variety of issues women don’t – for instance, male pattern baldness is something some men are genetically predisposed to, and whilst it is relatively common in society it is something that can still cause much trauma to the ego of many men.

Similarly, there are issues such as hearing loss and eyesight issues that affect both genders, and of course diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke are also common in both genders.  There are specific formulations of vitamin supplements that are known to be good for men, though in the majority of cases, common sense and stable health practices such as ensuring plenty of hydration and reducing fat in your diet.

In this article, we’re going to look at some of the core prophylactic measures you can take to ensure you have optimum health as you grow older.  Of course, there are remedial devices such as how a pair of glasses can help correct eyesight deterioration and a hearing enhancer can amplify sound to make it easier to hear… but, prevention is often better than cure, and so in that spirit let’s take a look at some of the aspects of your health you might want to consider taking better care of.


What you eat you become.  We’ve all heard this phrase, time and time again, yet we still manage to stuff our faces with food that isn’t good for us.  The reason for this is that many people are emotional eaters, meaning they eat to derive pleasure and celebrate or derive comfort and commiserate.

The challenge with this approach to food, however, is that it’s being used as a “drug” rather than a fuel, and in that sense, we aren’t always making the wisest choices for our health – as we are placacting our emotional urges rather than physiological needs.

Consider the food you eat to be like a bank account, in that there are certain things that are “deposits” (e.g. a healthy meal) and there are also withdrawals (e.g. a greasy doughnut that clogs your arteries).  This way, you can simply keep track of whether you’re starting to get overdrawn.


Again, we all know that the body (and particularly the brain) is made up mostly of water, yet we often live in a perpetual state of chronic dehydration.  This causes headaches, low mood, stress and aches and pains throughout all our muscles.  

The simplest solution to improving your health is found in the process of drinking more water.  The more water you drink, within reason, the healthier you will become. There are many scientific reasons for this, but in a nutshell, you just need to make sure you are drinking a LOT of water in order to stay in optimum health.


In addition to diet, fitness that raises your heartbeat is a good preventative factor when it comes to fending off heart disease.  Now, if you are in a state of poor health the last thing you want to do is start going to the gym and engaging in extremely intense sport, as this is likely to do more harm than good.  

The trick is to start off slow, and build up gradually, to ensure you are maintaining a healthy heart.  Using a heart rate monitor can be helpful to assess where your heart rate is within a class, and ensure it remains within a safe zone.


Something a lot of guys focus on, when it comes to being fit is building their muscles so that they “look good”, yet this can sometimes be at the detriment to health in longevity.  For instance, if you overwork your chest muscles without focusing on your upper back, you are likely to become hunched over which can cause postural problems down the line.

Flexibility is more important than strength when it comes to functional fitness, so getting yourself to a yoga class, or simply following along on YouTube makes a lot of sense to ease common complaints such as back pain.


Stress is known as one of the biggest killers, in the sense that it’s often the underlying cause for physiological changes in the body that lead to disease.  There’s an idea that the mind controls the body and in that sense, you want to remember that your physical health is directly linked to your mental health. Always take note of your mental health and ensure to seek help if necessary. There are plenty of products out there that can help with stress, from chamomile teas to a list of full spectrum oils. You can also reach out to a doctor, therapist, support groups, helplines, friends and family if you are struggling. Remember, you are never alone!

Cosmetic and Family Dentistry – Dentists advise

dentist, dentistry, family, health

Cosmetic and Family Dentistry – Dentists advise 

To avoid cavities, it is advisable that every individual should brush their teeth after each meal or snack. At the same time, dentists say it is imperative that the teeth be well cleaned before bedtime because during sleep there is much less saliva that can cause cavities.  

Tartar deposits can lead to gingival and gingival bleeding, which, untreated, can cause periodontal disease. Tooth-washing is not always enough. Patients should clean their teeth correctly at least twice a day, at least two minutes. 

Do not wash both arcades at the same time, but in turn. The arches must be removed during the brushing process. The brush is set at 45 degrees to the gum. Rotating movements clean the surfaces we chew. The tooth surfaces should be cleaned either with dental floss or with the mouthpiece. However, beware! The oral shower should not replace brushing. 

Besides teeth, the tongue should be brushed as it accumulates many bacteria. A soft toothbrush should be used every three months. Also, the use of mouthwash also has a determining role in cleaning the oral cavity. It reaches the hardly accessible places for toothbrush brushes. 

The man was endowed with 32 teeth. We say that they are sufficient to have a long life without problems. Obviously, if oral hygiene would be appropriate. However, there are some habits that people have and in which they use teeth for purposes other than they were created. You can check out dental clinics online by keying find a dentist near me, to see which clinics are near your location and also do a research beforehand. 

Opening bottles 

There is an unorthodox habit that teeth use as bottles openers. Wrong! Even if they resist once, twice, teeth are not designed to cope with such forces. 

Break hard food 

Among the harshest foods are pistachios and nuts or hazelnuts. There is a category of people who turn to teeth when cleaning/breaking these fruits. Wrong! Teeth can never hold a hammer. 

Often, the teeth can crack or even fracture in a naughty nail. The habit is not only unsightly but also harmful to teeth. Also, under the nail, there are many microbes that then come in contact with the oral cavity. 

Sucking the finger is a common habit for the little ones. If by the age of 2-3 years this gesture is informative, it can later produce jaw deformation and push the upper incisors forward and sometimes upward. Moreover, schoolchildren may experience teething that affects teeth. Running the pencil, marker, or pen can cause asymmetrical tooth position or even gum damage. That’s why this habit is to be avoided. 

Many times, with the passage of time, the teeth get a yellowish tint. Even though a person regularly brushes their teeth, the yellow spots penetrate the white tooth protection layer and the enamel.  More info here.

dentist, dentistry, family, health

What are the reasons why the teeth become yellow? 

Tooth coloring can occur because of the beverages and foods a person consumes. Foods and beverages that can affect white teeth are carbonated drinks containing dyes, coffee, red wine, tea or berries. Tobacco is also the enemy of white teeth. 

If there is a more yellow tooth than the rest, most likely this is due to the nerve that would be affected. The dentist can treat the root canal and then if the treatment is done correctly, the tooth can regain its color. 

Some medicines can change the color of your teeth. These include antibiotics or antihistamines. Moreover, as expected, the lack of dental hygiene can also lead to yellowing of the teeth. 

Unlike other professional teeth whitening methods, the Zoom Lamp delivers superior results, which last for a long time in just 60 minutes. Depending on the yellowing state, the teeth of those using the ZOOM Lamp treatment will be whitish. 

Studies have shown that this whitening method is 100% safe and effective. The procedure does not destroy and does not affect the tooth enamel. It should be noted that this procedure does not cause pain because it is performed under local anesthesia. 

Additional resources: 

Teeth are susceptible especially when they meet with crunchy or stronger foods 

That is why certain foods should be avoided in order not to overload the teeth. Which are these? Among the most harmful tooth foods include sugar-rich foods. They are to be avoided, especially in the evening, because if the teeth are not cleaned suitably sweet foods increase the risk of cavities. Citric is also to be avoided because they contain acids that can attack the tooth enamel. Neither dried fruit is good because it is full of sugar and sticks to teeth. Pickles are not a wise choice for teeth. Dental enamel has serious problems when it meets the combination of vinegar and sugar. 

Drinking carbonated drinks are also a real nightmare for teeth. They contain acids that cause demineralization and erosion of the tooth enamel. Neither alcohol is beneficial. Consumed in larger quantities, it inhibits salivary secretion, producing the sensation known as “dry mouth” in the people. These damages teeth because saliva is recognized as the primary means of the natural cleansing of teeth and gums.