Category Archives: Going Green

Children’s Health Is Degrading In America. What Can We Do?

According to a Children’s Health Fund report, over one-third of children between the ages of 17 and 1 have at least one health condition. A whopping 40% confirm that the condition affects their day-to-day activities. 

Not all conditions may be life-threatening, but children living with conditions such as autism, asthma, and even anxiety problems can experience unexpected challenges. Additionally, modern US lifestyle choices can present huge risk factors, such as a poor diet or lack of physical activities. What can parents do to improve their children’s health and give them the best chances in life? 

young teen boy outside,

Unsplash – CC0 license

Help them feel comfortable with their pediatrician

Children of all ages may feel uncomfortable when they need to visit the doctor. Young children are prone to panic and tears. Older ones tend to clam up for fear of sounding silly. So, it is important to build up their confidence and create a positive and productive relationship with the doctor. Arranging for regular checkups with a family doctor, for instance, can normalize medical visits. It can also encourage your child to build a trust relationship with their doctor, so they are more likely to talk about their health concerns. Many dangerous conditions can be prevented and avoided if they are caught early! 

Prevent vitamin deficiencies

Here are some alarming facts about our diet. Over 9 in 10 Americans have vitamin deficiency, including a lack in potassium, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and magnesium. Vitamin deficiency can lead to mild to severe anemia and disruption of normal body functions. Some individuals can even experience extreme symptoms such as personality changes, mental confusion, and irregular heartbeats. Severe anemia can have dramatic impacts on your health. 

Unfortunately, vitamin deficiency is a frequent occurrence because the nutrient intake in fresh produces has dropped over the last century, some cooking processes remove nutrients, processed food is low in vitamins and minerals, etc. Bringing supplements and multivitamins for teens can make a big difference! 

Teach them normal portion sizes

According to researchers at the Human Nutrition Center, 92% of US restaurants serve oversized portions. It is no wonder that obesity is increasing alarmingly in the United States as people become unable to recognize standard portion sizes. As a population, we eat too much. Yet, it’s not out of gluttony but a lack of understanding. Therefore, the sooner you educate your kids about portions and macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat), the earlier they can make an informed choice about their food. 

Make sports a family activity

Kids embrace more and more a sedentary lifestyle because they learn by observing their parents. Therefore, making physical activities a part of your family routine starts with us, parents. It could be simple things such as planning a ball game every weekend together or going for a run before breakfast with your teen. There is no need to overdo it. What matters is that you show your child that being active can be fun and beneficial. 

Some of the best activities you can try as a family, regardless of your fitness level, include:

  • Cycling
  • Hiking
  • Tennis and basketball games in your backyard
  • Zumba classes

Parents have a responsibility to prepare their kids for the future. Showing them the best way to manage their physical and mental health early can prevent many issues that can be aggravated through poor lifestyle choices.

How To Talk To Your Kids About The Environment

Hearing discussions about climate change and environmental destruction may be fascinating and worrisome for young children, depending on their age.

It can be difficult for parents to know how much to express without worrying their children. No parent wants their child to grow up without understanding environmental issues.

What is the best way to strike the correct balance?

Many youngsters have lately gone on strike from schools all across the world, citing Greta Thunberg as their inspiration. As a result of the widespread media coverage, it has sparked widespread concern among youngsters about the status of the world. Here, we look at how you can talk to your children about climate change and the environment. 

kid outside holding a tree leaf, environment, earth, recycle, sustainable, eco-system


Do not try to hide the truth from them.

While switching off the television when your child walks into the room may be tempting, it prevents them from learning about the world around them. Young children are more prone than adults to hear misleading stories from other children, which might cause them to feel fearful.

Instead of avoiding the subject of the environment, look for opportunities to speak about it with others. It is critical that young children do not believe they are destined to live on a dying planet, despite the fact that big adjustments must be undertaken. When discussing an environmental issue, emphasise the positive things that can be accomplished.

Use child-friendly language

Provide a straightforward explanation of what an “environmental issue” is to your youngster. Until you are confident that people will grasp what you are saying, avoid using technical phrases such as “biodiversity” and “ecosystem.”

When discussing a problem, place it in a local context that the youngster will understand and remember. For example, if you are concerned about biodiversity loss, you may talk about wildflowers, the dangers of shark finning or diminishing bee populations in your local region.

It is important to keep things as basic as possible for them in order for them to comprehend the issue at an age-appropriate level.

Look to do something practical.

The best way to learn about environmental stewardship is to participate in it as much as possible. Look for initiatives and activities in your community that you can participate in and contribute to.

You could do one of the following:

  • Participate in an organised litter pick-up event as a volunteer.
  • Teach your youngster how to sort the recycling each week by demonstrating it to him or her.
  • Attempt to eat vegetarian or vegan meals.

Start small and encourage your youngster to be concerned about the people and things in their environment. As they mature, they have the potential to become more ecologically conscious.

Final thoughts

When children are young, it is critical that they learn how to care for and appreciate the natural world around them.

However, avoiding talking about issues out of fear of upsetting your child might result in uncertainty and concerns as a result of the mixed signals.

As an alternative, keep your message pleasant and focused on local concerns while speaking in child-friendly terms. Look for opportunities to lend a hand at local events and be sure to recognise and thank them for their contributions, no matter how insignificant.

Do You Find It Hard To Take Care Of Yourself? These Tips Can Help

Taking care of yourself can be hard, especially when you’re a busy parent! You’ve got the kids and the house and your partner to look to first, and that means you can forget about focusing on your inner self. And the longer this habit goes on, the harder it can be to turn things around and look after you again! 

Which is why we’ve brought these tips to you. Taking care of yourself can be tricky to pick up on, but the more you practise it in little ways, the easier it’ll be to feel good in yourself again. So without further ado, here are some tips for focusing on what you really need that also won’t take up too much of your time. 

man and woman doing yoga outside, calm, stress, anxiety, health, take care of yourself

Pexels Image – CC0 Licence

Spend Less Time Indoors

Are you someone who seems to always be indoors? Maybe you’re always behind the wheel or you work at a desk 8 hours a day? Well, one quick way to make a change to your self care routine is to simply get outside! Take your laptop out into the garden with you, take a quick walk around the block during your work break, and make sure you’re soaking up some of those sun rays. 

In doing so, you boost your Vitamin D levels, which boosts all of the systems in your body. You’ll look and feel healthier, and you’ll be sure to stretch your legs more often. Getting the blood pumping around your body is key to keeping muscles supple and flexible, and it’s an easy way to get your weekly exercise in as well. 

Take Advantage of Telemedicine

Telemedicine is the act of seeing a doctor online, meaning you no longer need to head out to an appointment and spend 20 or more minutes in a waiting room. All in all it makes it easier to keep up with your health, and you still get all the benefits of seeing a doctor face to face. 

So the next time you’re thinking about cancelling a checkup, be sure to see if there are any online doctors in your area. An internet connection is all you need to take care of yourself here, and you can still be at home doing a bit of housework or looking after the kids in the meantime. If you don’t have good internet then now is the best time for you to look into the best fiber internet provider, as you can then get the speeds you need, while giving the kids chance to entertain themselves.

Don’t ignore injuries (even light ones)

If you feel something snag out of the ordinary or you’re involved in any kind of accident, you shouldn’t assume that you’ll bounce right back, after the fact. Make an effort to see your doctor and get their professional opinion. This is especially true when it comes to things like car accidents, which can leave invisible injuries like whiplash. If something like that happens to you, having that medical evidence can help you make a claim with the help of professionals like Dennis Hernandez. That way, you can make sure that you’re not put into financial dire straits to pay for the treatment,

Swap Out the Usual Snacks

Do you like to snack? Don’t worry, we all do. It’s human nature to eat when we’re hungry, even if that means outside of mealtimes, but it’s key to ensure ‘healthy’ snacks are in reach when you want to sate an empty belly. 

Some carrot sticks and hummus, a cereal bar, or banana are all great examples of this. Of course, you can still have chips or a chocolate bar if you want, but keep these as rare treats. Snack healthier and you’ll notice more effects on your health than just your waistline! 

Taking care of yourself can be super simple. Keep methods little but impactful for great long term results.