Are You Making These Common Mistakes With Your Children’s Diets?

Over the past few years, healthy eating has become a buzzword for all of the right reasons. We now understand far better how what we eat impacts everything from cognitive function through to our hearing health. It’s hardly surprising, then, that as a parent, you’re keen to inject these benefits into the food you serve to your children.

Unfortunately, with kids requiring very different nutritional intake, it’s all too easy to get healthy eating wrong here. This can be a problem considering that not getting the right nutrients in childhood has been proven to significantly impact later life, affecting cognitive development and increasing the risks of escalating issues like obesity, diabetes, and even heart disease. Furthermore, studies have revealed that children who don’t eat right are 50% more likely to be diagnosed with hearing loss during pediatric hearing tests. Of course, each of these is a worst-case scenario, most likely caused by ongoing poor diets throughout childhood. However, to keep these issues truly at bay, it’s also essential to avoid the following mistakes.

# 1 – The limitation mindset

As adults, changing our diets often means limiting certain foods, keeping portions smaller, and generally making an effort not to indulge. For kids, however, the limitation of any foods can prove detrimental, increasing their desire for the sugary, fatty foods they aren’t allowed, and also generally preventing the sometimes extensive nutrition that they need to grow. Of course, no one’s saying that you should pile their plates high with endless chips, but healthy meals where they can eat as much as they want, finished with an occasional treat to satisfy their curiosity in that area, are far more likely to result in the growth, and balanced eating outlook, on which healthy diets rest.

health, children, kids, healthy kids, nutrition, parenting, food, diet

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# 2 – Cutting out the carbs

Adult diets like Atkins and Keto encourage us to cut out carbs, but studies reveal that healthy childhood functioning relies on at least one carbohydrate per meal. What’s more, the fact that children under two can struggle to digest whole grain fibers means that those carbs should be things like the white bread and pasta we’ve been taught to avoid. This is because the higher glucose content in these foods plays a key role in healthy brain development, helping children to stay alert, curious, and receptive to learning all day long.

# 3 – Opting for low-fat dairy

As adults we’re often taught to fear fats in place of low-fat yogurts, semi-skimmed milk, and even reduced-fat cheeses, but these same foods can leave childhood diets severely lacking. That’s because full-fat dairy, particularly blue milk, is vital for childhood development, especially between the ages of one and two, as it ensures the fat stores and full vitamins that children need for the healthy development of bones, and growth in general.

Childhood diets can be confusing to get right when they’re often the opposite of what we consider ‘healthy’ eating for ourselves, but make sure that you research to give your kids the best possible shot at a healthier life moving forward.

Why You Should Change Your Diet Today

There are so many benefits to eating healthy, it can make you wonder why we don’t all do it. Let’s be honest, eating junk food is not good for us but it makes us feel good or fills us up when we are too busy to make ourselves something decent to eat. With this in mind, here are some reasons why you should ditch the bad habits and make some healthy changes to your diet.

health, diet, healthy, food, nutrition, whole food

 marijana1 from Pixabay 

Better sleep

Sleep is one of those thighs that we need but it seems to evade us. If we can make our diet a bit better, our sleep schedule can improve as well. This is because the change in sugar levels can help us to sleep instead of keeping us awake. If you seem to feel tired a lot of the time, then you might want to take a look at the amount of sugar that goes into your body every day. It can take time for you to notice the change to your sleep pattern but you should feel the benefits within a couple of days of ditching the sugar.

Better loving

We shouldn’t have to say this but being unfit does not make a great time in the bedroom, especially if you are tired. If you have realised that things are not great in this department, you should have a look at potential issues.  Is it awkward to discuss Erectile Dysfunction Treatment? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Definitely. Give yourself those tough talks and get your bed antics back to rival your 25-year-old self again. The only people who will benefit from this are yourself and your partner.

More energy

On the back of the previous points, it is worth mentioning that overall a healthy diet will give you more energy. This is important as you have stuff to do and responsibilities. You don’t have time to feel tired. You need to be sleeping well during the night so that you can blast through your day. If you have more energy, you will have the time to get things done, enjoy time with your family, and enjoy your time on this planet a lot more. And, if you have more energy, you will not be as grouchy, so people will want to spend more time around you too.

Save money

We are all looking for ways to cut back on our bills, but what if the biggest culprit is our food bill? Could we save money by switching our afternoon chocolate bar to an apple from the fridge? The answer is yes! The chocolate bar in question might not cost much but they add up. Try to take away some of the nasty treats that you seem to eat and swap them for something easy and healthy. The end result should be gaining some pounds instead of gaining some weight.

And there you have it, some reasons why you should make the change to healthy eating today, and they are all for your own benefit.

DHT: The Hormone That Can Cause Baldness

Have you noticed your hairline receding recently? If so, you must be scratching your head as to what is causing it. After all, hair loss occurs due to many reasons.

You may be losing your hair because of stress or genetics. However, if you are a man, then the cause is most likely hormonal. DHT is a substance in men that can result in male pattern baldness.

If you want to learn more about DHT, you’re in the right place. Below we have detailed everything that you must know about it.

What Is DHT?

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen (sex hormone) that is made as a byproduct during the formation of testosterone. It is the primary hormone that results in the development of male sex characteristics. For example, during puberty, DHT can result in:

  • Voice deepening
  • Increase in body hair
  • Growth of male sex organs
  • Change in fat storage
  • Increase in body mass

Besides these, DHT offers other benefits too as you grow old. For example, it maintains your muscle mass. Additionally, it plays an integral role in sexual health and fertility promotion.

How Can DHT Levels Rise?

DHT is linked to hair loss when its levels in the body reach an extreme high. That is why you may wonder what exactly increases this hormone’s quantity in the bloodstream.

Well, testosterone produces DHT with the help of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. About 10% of testosterone is responsible for this action, as per research.

All this means that anything that increases your testosterone levels will also cause DHT to rise in your body. This can happen due to vitamins, supplements, dietary changes, and much more.

However, there is one thing that you should note. Typically, DHT results in male pattern baldness when the individual is genetically predisposed to it. This means that they have genes for hair loss that make them sensitive to this androgen.

How Does DHT Result In Hair Loss?

If you are susceptible to hair loss because of genes, you’re most likely to face male pattern baldness due to DHT. This can happen in females as well. That is because women also have some quantity of testosterone in their bodies.

Typically, DHT can bind to specific receptors present on your hair follicles beneath the skin. The androgen alters the phases of the hair growth cycle by shortening the growing period and extending the resting phase.

As a result, the follicles weaken, reduce in size, and eventually die. When your follicles are no longer functioning, no new hair growth takes place. So when your old hair falls off, you are most likely to suffer from baldness.

However, there is one interesting thing about DHT that will pique your curiosity. It is that this androgen affects other areas of the body too. For example, it is responsible for increasing hair on the chest, back, and much more.

How To Prevent Hair Loss By DHT?

DHT is a hormone whose amount in the bloodstream can be varied. This means that the baldness it causes can be prevented. You may have heard about shampoos helping to reduce the levels of DHT. Well, they can be effective but do not prevent balding altogether.

The definitive method of reducing DHT in the body is by taking finasteride. This is a pill that prevents the conversion of testosterone to this androgen. When no DHT is made, you are less likely to suffer from hair loss.

Finasteride is a type of DHT blocker that is most effective on the market. You can combine it with minoxidil to have more noticeable results. Typically, a 1mg dose daily is necessary for preventing baldness.

Additionally, there are natural options to reducing DHT:

What Happens When DHT Levels Are Too Low?

You have learned everything about high levels of DHT up till now. However, this does not mean that a low amount is beneficial. When the quantity goes below the normal range, you will suffer from other problems.

In all genders, low levels of DHT can delay the individual from hitting puberty. Besides that, in men, it may also result in incomplete development of the sex organs. In addition, prostate tumors can develop because of a lack of DHT too.

Bottom Line

That was all you needed to know about DHT. The hormone is beneficial in many ways but comes with some risks too. If you have the gene for hair loss, you must keep your DHT levels in check.