Preparing Your Kids For Moving Home

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Moving home is a time of both excitement and stress. When you’ve got kids, it’s vital to prepare them properly for such a big change. While some children will handle a move well, not all children are the same, so it’s best to tread carefully. If you’re soon to be moving home with your kids, let’s consider how you can best prepare them. 

Explain carefully

You will need to explain the move as carefully as you can to your kids. The way that you go about your explanation will largely depend on how old your children are. With toddlers and younger kids, the move will be harder to understand. The best thing that you can do is to use your kids soft-toys, doll’s house or trucks to act the process out. When you start packing your kids toys away, they may be anxious. Try to make it clear that the toys will be waiting for them at the new home. If your kids are older, you’ll want to explain in more detail, including the reasons for the move and ask them if they have any questions. Understand that your children may experience sadness or anger at this time. Plan lots of fun activities for your kids to distract them if they feel upset. 

Use stories 

Often, children’s storybooks are an excellent way to explain changes and processes. The characters in stories can help your children to feel that they are not alone in this experience. There are plenty of books out there which deal with the subject of moving home. If your kids like ‘Winnie The Pooh’ why not try the book ‘Tigger’s Moving Day.’ You could also try ‘My Very Exciting Sorta Scary Big Move.’ The book is written by Lori Attanasio Woodring and features a range of moving themed activities. You can find these books on Amazon along with plenty of other moving themed books for kids. 

Keep what you can

If you want to prepare your kids for moving home, it’s a good idea to keep as much of their bedroom furniture and belongings as possible. When you get to your new place, your kids are likely to feel more at ease if they have the same furniture, bed sheets and colour schemes. Being in an unfamiliar place can be a little scary for children. Keeping their old belongings can help them to feel a sense of security. If your children are younger, it’s best to pack up the house yourself without their involvement. 

 With older children, you may want to get them to help with the packing. Involving them in this way can allow your kids to get excited about a new adventure. You’ll want a great removal company with many years of experience. This way, the process will run smoothly and create no added stress for your kids. It’s worth looking at this website here for a highly professional and experienced moving company. 

Spend time in the new area 
It’s a great idea to let your kids spend some time in the new area so that the moving process feels a little less strange. Take them to the local parks, allow them to visit their new school (if appropriate). If your new neighbors have children, it can be a great idea to arrange a play-date to help your kids to make friends.

Older And Bolder: Coping With Ailing Health While Still Being A Good Parent

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Image – CC0 Licence

Being a dad is all about the physical, mental, and emotional. Whether it’s through the great experiences you have with your children, the challenges you suffer, as well as the good and bad times, it’s the biggest learning curve that you will ever undergo in your lives. As we get older we can find that it becomes more difficult to look after our kids, quite possibly because we are suffering ourselves. In one respect, getting older is to blame, but with getting older, comes a plethora of issues that we either anticipated, or we didn’t think would ever come. What are the best ways to be the best parent you can be, while also coping with these issues?

Fight To Keep Your Body A Temple

As angry as it can make you, if your body doesn’t do what you want it to do it can feel like fighting a losing battle, but you have to remember that there are things you can do to keep yourself in as good a condition as possible. We can spend a lot of time feeling sorry for ourselves rather than looking for a method to keep ourselves fighting fit. Granted, the internet can provide a lot of false information, especially with long-term problems like arthritis, but at the same time, are you doing enough to keep the problems at bay? If you have tried everything, you could always go to a specialist, get recommended for something like stem cell therapy or look at altering your lifestyle so so you take the edge off.

Have “The Talk”

You feel that you have to be the stronger person, especially with your children, and sometimes it can feel like the polar opposite. It could seem like your child is taking care of you which causes a lot of stress. The important thing is to talk about it. It’s one of the best ways to combat the stress, but also, your children need to know, in as honest a manner as possible, how you are feeling. Remember that as your child gets older, they will be able to understand more, but this means you’ll have to reinforce the message more than once. If your child is too young to comprehend, you don’t have to go into great detail, but explain there are things that you’re not able to do right now that other parents can. At the same time, remember that they need reassurance. They may have concerns, but also, they may just want to help. While it’s important to let them help, make sure they’re not doing too much for you because this role of a caregiver could very well place unwanted and unnecessary pressure upon them.

Sometimes You Have To Prioritize Yourself 

As we need to set an example for our children, it can feel like we need to push ourselves into overdrive. This means pushing through the pain, but sometimes we have to take a step back and look at it in the grand scheme of things. In one respect, letting your children see you push through the pain is a good behavioral trait, but if this is been going on for a long time, you’ve got to know when to put the foot on the brake. Finding the right balance is crucial, but so is realizing when you just have to prioritize yourself. You may need a bit of rest, or you just want some time away, but t’s important to communicate to your children that they aren’t the root cause of this. It is so easy for our children to feel like they are to blame, but as long as you reinforce the truth, and tell them that you need a rest, or give them other things to do, this can help lighten the load.

Get Help, Even Though You Are Too Proud

If we are suffering in one way or another, getting help is an obvious solution on the surface, but we can feel so proud to do this; help is something we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for. You might even be eligible for assistance depending on your condition. And we can all feel a bit proud to even say the words “I need help,” but if we’ve been in pain for a long time, there comes a point when our skills can start to suffer. We have to remember that we’re not just doing it for ourselves, but our children. And with any condition, whether it’s a chronic illness or a mental health problem, it is all about making sure that everybody benefits from you being around.

4 Cheap and Cheerful Activities The Kids Will Love

There’s nothing better than having a couple of days off to spend some quality time with the kids. These are the moments you will cherish. 

But finding something everyone will enjoy that won’t cost a fortune can be tough. You can’t visit theme parks and movie theatres every time the kids are off school.

So if you’re looking for some fun family activities the kids will love but which won’t break the bank, check out the ideas below.

activities, kids, family, parenting, fun, play
Image Source: Pixabay CC0 Licence

Playgrounds, Skateparks and State Parks 

Most communities have at least one free playground for children of all ages to enjoy. Fresh air, exercise, and hours of fun for the kids, it’s definitely worth getting acquainted with all the best playground spots in your area.

More and more skateparks are popping up too. You have to make the initial investment in a skateboard, BMX or scooter. But if you’ve got adventurous little ones with a need for speed, you could set them up with a fun, active hobby for life. 
If you live near a state park, make the most of it. Not everyone is so lucky! Hiking, camping, swimming and cycling will keep the whole family entertained, without costing you a penny.

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Image Source: Pixabay CC0 Licence

In a coastal area like Venice, you could try fishing for something a bit more hands-on –  fishing guide venice.

Movie Marathon

If the weather forecast isn’t so hot, why not enjoy a movie marathon? Get some popcorn in, make a pillow fort, and let Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings do the hard work. 

Or better yet, crafty kids might enjoy making their own film. You don’t need a fancy camera to make a YouTube movie and stretch the kids’ creative muscles. You can write a little script, dig out some old clothes for costumes, and use your mobile phone for footage. Then use some free video editing software for the polish. 

Not so great with tech? Write and perform a play instead. Acting and storytelling are great for a child’s creative development and might lead them to a career-worthy passion.  

Volunteer Work 

Volunteer work is chicken soup for the soul. It’s also free, a great way to introduce your kids to the community, and to get everyone out of the house. 

Whether it’s visiting a lonely older person, getting outdoors for some litter-picking, taking a rescue dog for a walk, or helping out in community gardens or allotments, helping others in a great way to spend time with the family and brighten everyone’s day. 

Baking and Lemonade 

Cookies, cakes, pies and lemonade – whatever your family’s favourite treat, kids love getting stuck in and making their own food. 
Baking can also be a great way to recontextualise that pesky math homework into something more practical. For some easy recipes kids can help with, click here.

activities, kids, family, parenting, fun, play
Image Source: Pixabay CC0 Licence

And if you think you have a little business person in the making, you can’t beat a good old-fashioned lemonade stand to teach them the ropes. 

And there we have it! Use these ideas to get the ball rolling and find the perfect day out for your kids, without breaking the bank.