Getting Over An Addiction

addiction, flowers, life, tips, advice

Addiction is a terrible thing. Many of us during our lifetimes end up with an addiction of some sort and it can become something which potentially has a huge negative impact on our lives. For the new year you might want to make a new start, and whether you are addicted to social media, alcohol or something else, we have some handy tips for you.

1.Use friends

When we suffer from any kind of addiction the hardest thing we can do is go it alone and try to cope with it ourselves. The best option is to have a group of friends or even just one dedicated friend to help you through and make sure that you are on track. They will be the one who will help you back up again when you fall and this can be totally invaluable to you if you suffer from an addiction.

2. Read

If you don’t like to impose on your friends and you feel as if you are going to take up too much of their time with your issues you do have another option which you can do to make you feel better. Reading might seem like something which will be useless to you but actually it can be a great way for you to escape from the real world for a while and get lost in another one. Reading is always a good thing to do for yourself and it can be relaxing as well as making you feel more positive about things.

3. Be Accountable

The most important thing you can do to help yourself if you want to get over an addiction effectively is to be accountable to someone. If you try and go the whole thing alone it can be incredibly easy for you to fall off the wagon and make bad choices all over again. When you use Resolutions Behavioral Health or a network of people in your recovery this can be the best option for you and it will make all the difference to your progress. Being able to talk to people every day and tell them how you feel and what you have achieved is a great way to feel motivated to carry on and do this for yourself.

4. Predict triggers

When you try to manage an addiction one of the best things you can do for yourself is predict when you are going to be triggered by the world around you. It could be that when you see someone healthy and lean you want to immediately check Instagram and compare yourself, or perhaps at 3 pm you want to head out for a smoke break. Whatever the trigger is, learn to spot it before it manifests and make sure that you don’t let it break you.

5. Distract Yourself

Distractions can be the best medicine for you in any situation and when you are trying to get over an addiction, having a distraction for your mind is a powerful weapon. It will allow you not only to avoid your triggers but eventually it might even help you to not need your addictive habits any more and let them go completely. Great ways to keep yourself busy could be cleaning the house, going for a run or playing a game with your family.

6. Sweat

If one of the main triggers for your addiction is a history of depression, then this next thing should be the ideal help for you. Working out or exercising the body in any way can be amazing for your state of mind and it will make you happier. When it comes to thinking about working out this can be a good way to release happy hormones into the body and fight any depressive feelings you may have. This is effective for those of you who might have issues with your self esteem and it can be something which acts as both a distraction and a medicine too.

7. Start a Project

One of the really great things you can do for your mental state if you are struggling with depression is actually to sit down and start a little project. It could be baking and decorating a cake for someone’s birthday, making a photo album for your family or something else. The act of having something to work on and to achieve can be exactly what we need and when we do manage to finish the project and present it to others it will give us a sense of pride and achievement which is great for the soul.

8. Write it down

The value of having a diary or a journal to write down your thoughts is something which a lot of people don’t realize. When you have a journal to use for yourself and your issues you can write down your habits every day and the way you feel and it can lift a weight off your shoulders. You’ll also be able to read back and see your good and bad days, and this can help you to see what patterns of behavior are good and bad for you to practice each and every day.

9. Have a happy item

It might sound like something which is more aimed at children who are homesick, but it is true that even in adulthood certain smells and feelings help us feel relaxed and happy. For example if you have a partner and you love to wear their clothes, this is likely because the clothes smell like them and this can make you feel more relaxed when you are around them. This is why it can be a great option for you to bring along a security item with you wherever you go and use this to help you stay focused on your recovery and to make you feel more confident and happy. There is a huge value to having items like this for yourself and it can make all the difference to your mental health.

The Biggest Changes You Can Make To Your Property

A homeowner’s work is never finished. Even if you think you’ve got a grip on your property, there’ll always be something you can do to make your home that little bit better. But of course, not all improvements are created equally; some only have a marginal impact on the overall quality of the home, while others can have a bigger effect. Below, we run through some of the bigger changes you can make to your house, none of which are especially time or budget consuming.  If you want to make your property that little bit more enjoyable, then incorporate them into your plans.

property, bricks, homeowner, value


Get Rid Of the Excess

We’re not just in our home for a short amount of time. Unless something unusual happens, we’ll be there for many years. While this allows us to really dig deep and sink into the levels of comfort our home provides, the longevity of our stay does bring with it a problem that most of us fail to even see as an issue: we end up with too much stuff in the home. It’s something that happens slowly; we add more and more stuff, and then suddenly, we’re overrun with too many items. As such, a purge of your unused goods is one of the best improvements you can make to your home. It’ll make it a more comfortable, relaxing, and tranquil place to be.

Improve the Lighting

People go to great lengths to ensure the rooms in their property are well-decorated, yet fail to given adequate amounts of attention to the lighting situation. On the one hand, this is understandable: it’s more difficult to get the lighting right than other areas of the home. Most people don’t possess the skills. When you’re out and about, take a look at spaces that seem to be well lit – hotels in particular are good for this sort of thing – and then incorporate some of what you see into your own home.

Up the Comfort

What we see with our eyes is only a small part of our home experience. As such, while we want to take some steps to ensure that it looks good, we shouldn’t sacrifice everything else just in pursuit of improving the aesthetic qualities of our property. You’ll notice the difference if you up the comfort levels of your home, and you won’t look back. Adding more cushions, blankets, and other textiles will allow you to fully unwind in your home. You’ll also want to keep an eye on the temperature in the home. You can’t relax when it’s too cold (and, to a lesser degree, too hot).

Exterior Improvements

People are usually pretty adept at making sure the inside of their home is on point, yet there are more than a few who don’t give the same level of care to the exterior of their house. Yet these spaces, while enjoyed less than the inside of your house, do make a big difference to the overall quality of your home – and in fact, affect the home’s value more than you might realize, too. If your front and back yard is currently looking a little worse for wear, then work with a company that offers landscape design services. They’ll help you to realize the full potential of your outdoor spaces.

Sparkles of Flair

You’ve likely taken care of all the practical and logistical aspects of your home. But life isn’t just about that’s necessary; it’s about the sprinkles of color and fun that exist on top. The necessities allow us to survive; the extras make life worth living. The same principle, more or less, can be applied to your home. Look at adding decorations, works of art, family photos, and other items that will brighten up the space. Works of art, in particular, are often underrated by homeowners. The can bring a home to life, not to mention help tie a room together. It provides a colorful way to stamp your personality on the property, too.

Improve the Atmosphere

We make our home look good. And it’s warm enough, so we’re comfortable. What’s left to achieve? Only the atmosphere. You can take steps to boost the air and overall ambiance of the property. Plants are a good place to start; they smell great, and purify the air. Beyond that, it’s about adding an air diffuser, and spreading calming scents throughout your house. It’ll give your home a few special qualities that you didn’t realize it could have, and you’ll enjoy spending time there, too.

3 Reasons to Check Your Jeep Bumpers Before a Road Trip

You may not think about your Jeep bumpers often, but they should really be a part of your road trip checklist. Damaged and rusted bumpers are not just unsightly, they’re potentially dangerous and risk affecting other vehicle components. Here are three reasons why you should take a closer look at your bumpers before hitting the road.

1. Damage to Other Components

A damaged or loose bumper can wreak havoc on wheel assemblies and body kits. Cracked plastic bumper covers, for instance, can break off at high speeds or causing rubbing the wheel well. Before your trip, check the cover for any cracks or weak fasteners that have the potential to snap. Don’t wear out your new method wheels prematurely or damage your retractable truck steps with an errant piece of your old bumper.

2. Tow Strength

When you have a mounted Jeep winch, your bumper plays an essential structural role. If your bumper is bent or otherwise damaged, your truck loses tow strength. Additionally, you risk taking the bumper and winch clean off the chassis. To ensure maximum towing capacity, you need a strong steel bumper kit free of any rust or corrosion.

Before you leave on your trip, take a good look at all the connection points between the bumper and chassis. Inspect for rust and loose nuts. At the first sign of weakness, you should replace the bumper, especially if you plan to tow on your trip.

3. Appearance

Last but definitely not least, damaged, worn out bumpers look shabby. If you’re traveling to unknown places, your Jeep should look its best. A fresh bumper takes care of the scratches, dents and dings, giving your vehicle a fresh, clean look. Leave a good impression anywhere you travel and showcase your Jeep to the world.

With new Jeep bumpers, give your ride the facelift it deserves and tour the world in style.