How to Maintain Your Hunting Boots Properly

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Image by Nicole Harrington via unsplash

Hunting boots are a great investment for anyone who is planning to take the sport seriously. Comfortable and sturdy footwear is important if you are embarking on a long hunt, as it allows you to focus on the task at hand rather than worrying about blisters or cramp. Your hunting boots are also essential for keeping warm during the colder months and for keeping the rain out. However, if you do not maintain your boots properly, then they could end up in a state of disrepair. If leather boots become too dry from mud caking, they can end up cracking, whereas if they are not dried out properly they can develop mildew. Proper hunting boots don’t come cheap, so it is important to look after them properly to make sure they last long. If you want to keep your boots fresh and functional as the years go by, here are some tips to help to you maintain them. 

Maintaining Your Boots 

In terms of long-term maintenance, there are a few different options when it comes to this, each of which will both protect your boots and maintain their appearance. If you own sturdy Harkila Boots or similar, they tend to be very resilient and will only need to undergo this process two or three times per season, rather than after each hunt. As a conditioner for leather, you can rub a natural oil paste onto the external leather of your boots in order to restore the surface and give added protection. Alternatively, if your boots are made from synthetics rather than leather you can use a chemical conditioner. 

Regular Cleaning Equipment  

For cleaning after each hunt, you will need to get the proper equipment. You will of course need soap and water, along with a soft cloth. On top of this, if your boots are leather, you’ll need a specialist leather treatment, a bristled brush and a toothbrush for getting in all the nooks and crannies. If they are non-leather, then baking soda can come in handy, too. 

The Cleaning Process for Leather Boots 

First of all, you should dry brush your boots to remove any loose dirt, then you should brush in some soap and water to get rid of any more stubborn mud or markings. You can dampen the cloth with your cleaning solution in order to clean inside the boots and use a toothbrush to clean around the laces. When leaving your boots to dry, avoid putting them near a heat source like a radiator, as this can cause cracking in the leather. Instead, let them air dry naturally. Once they have fully dried out, you should use a leather treatment to give an added layer of protection. Opt for a waterproof leather treatment in order to maintain your boots’ weather resistant qualities.  

The Cleaning Process for Non-Leather Boots 

For non-leather boots, you can be more liberal with the water as they do not carry the same risk of cracking as leather boots. You can also utilise baking soda not only as an abrasive but as a means to extract any nasty odours – see online guides for more tips on how to keep your boots smelling fresh. 

By caring for your boots properly throughout the year, you can ensure their longevity and effectiveness well into the future.

4 Shrewd Methods For Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Whether you’re planning on running an ultra-marathon, or you are hoping to get up off the couch and do your first 5K, achieving your fitness goals can be tough. After all, there’s so much stuff that can get in the way, especially when you are a parent. However, there are some tactics you can use to make attaining the goals that you set a lot easier. Read on to find out what they are.


First of all, it can make a huge difference if you take the time to define your goals accurately. The reason for this is because when you know exactly what you are aiming for it is not only easier to judge when you have achieved it, but it also stays in your subconscious, and this can work in your favor, even when you are not actively pushing for it.

With that in mind, try and steer clear of goals that are too general such as getting fit, or losing weight. Instead, go for something specific such as being able to run a 10K race. Then you can work back from this and set intermediate targets such as running a 5K and jogging around the block that will help you stay motivated on your journey.


Timing your goals is another method you can use to help you to achieve the targets that you set for yourself. It can work well because it gives you a date to work towards and provides a little time pressure that can act as a reliable motivator. Something that can help you out if you tend to put thing off or make excuses as to why you can’t workout today.

To time your fitness goals in the most effective way, it can help to record the date you are aiming for in your planner, calendar or diary. Then you can also use this to track your progress and ensure that you are doing enough to achieve your end goal by the date you have set.


fitness, tips, goals, healthy

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Reward and celabrate goals that are achieved.

Rewards are one of the best strategies to use when you are trying to achieve a fitness goal. The thing is, to work, they need to be tailored specifically to your preferences and what motivates you.

With that in mind, if you are looking to shred down and lose a little weight, a smart shirt like ones in the John Henric’s US collection can be a good reward. While if you are aiming at improving your fitness and health so you can be a more active dad, a fun family day out can work just as well.  


Lastly, something that can be hugely helpful in achieving your goals is to record your progress and when you get to a milestone. You can choose to do this using a fitness wearable, in a notebook, or chart, or even online like this to help you acknowledge and celebrate your success.

Something that can spur you on, and even remind you that you have the strength to succeed in your fitness goals when you are having a particularly bad day.