Family Selfie on the Playground: #MySundayPhoto

Climbing the wall at our tiny neighborhood playground is the latest feat of our growing toddler. Earlier this week I asked if she wanted to try, and she surprisingly jumped right to it.

As with most things related to a growing tot, it’s bittersweet to see. I love seeing her accomplish new things, but that means she’s *gasp* getting older and *deeper gasp* more independent! Ahhhh, parenting is tough in so many ways.

But it’s also rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Especially when we can spend some family time together. Watching her climb the wall and smile as she reaches the top is nothing but satisfying. Then topping it off with a family selfie to end a wonderful day.


playground, #mysundayphoto, sunday, parenting, toddlers, cute, kids, dad, family

Even in the Texas heat, we’re doing our best to keep active outside. Sometimes it can’t happen, but that’s why we have our living room construction site/play area.

As always, big thanks to Darren and his never dull #MySundayPhoto linkup. Check out his blog full of beautiful pics and join in on the #MySundayPhoto action!


Boys Just Want to Have Pun

Okay, I’m sure girls want to have pun too. But since I’m a guy, it the title only made sense. Either way, when it comes to puns, they just, well…..

Mouse Clicker Pun

I’ve racked up a few puns since the last pun post and it’s time to share. Groan, moan, laugh, cry, or stare with a blank look, whatever you do, hope at least one elicits a little smirk on your face.

  • I tried to think of a geology joke but the good ones Argon. I felt boulder and tried digging deeper, but that created too much pressure and I’ve hit rock bottom. Guess I took telling jokes for granite.
  • When the lost artist wandered into a war zone, he drew fire.
  • Finding a guard you can trust takes sentries.
  • Finding a good marionette to buy is complicated, there’s too many strings attached.
  • Chemistry teachers love giving periodic pop quizzes to their students.
  • I quit working at the sunglasses business because things seemed a little shady and my future felt dim.
  • War photographers shoot as many people as they want and know to never use a cannon.
  • Translators for the deaf perform an outstanding service, you have to hand it them.
  • There was a major conference on apathy, but no one cared to attend.
  • The newly hired oil rig crew quickly lost interest in their job when they found drilling was just boring.
  • Ever since the business owner needed more room for parking, he’s had a lot on his mind.
  • The elderly photographer tried to transition from using film to going digital, but nothing developed.
  • I asked my friend why he auditioned to cast in a water play without me. He said “I’m too swamped but meant to run it bayou since we’re on the same stream.” But it was too little too lake, his statement didn’t seem reel.
  • The tortillas tried forming a rock band, but ended up wrapping instead.
  • Throwing a cat out the window makes kitty litter.
  • Tennis players grunt too much when they play, I can’t stand all of the racket.
  • I saw Tony Stark looking upset at the doctor’s office because he just found out he had anemia. I heard his friend, James Rhodes, tell him, “You need some iron, man.”
  • Seeing all of the horses was scary at first, but everything kept stable since we didn’t stirrup any trouble.
  • She was scared when she found a skeleton her boyfriend’s closet, but he was just trying tibia a little humerus. He really gets under her skin.

If you liked these enough, please share with others. My blog is feeling a little down and could use some share love. Thanks in advance!

Sugar-Free Peanut Butter Protein Granola

sugar-free peanut butter protein granola, nuttzo, healthy, food, cooking,

One absolutely essential thing I learned as I became serious about my health is that food matters!

Like gas for your car, the higher octane (quality), the better it runs. Same for your body, higher quality, wholesome food will help it fire on all cylinders by performing better physically and mentally.

Over the years I became fed up when searching for food without added non-food ingredients I can’t pronounce. So I started making my own as much as possible. Like, for instance, granola.

I used to be a cereal fanatic years ago. You usually find some form of sugar as the second ingredient along with processed grains made to resemble “O’s” or little leprechauns. Tasty, yes, but not worth putting in my body.

As my health views changed, I switched from the sugary kind and found low to no sugar varieties as much as possible. But even then it’s still processed into shapes and conveniently packed into a perfectly shaped box. I finally decided there were better alternatives than pouring crunchy clusters into a bowl for a “healthy meal”.

Looking to fill the gap to get my cereal fix, I created a quick and easy recipe for granola. Most granola has a lot of sugar and processed vegetable oil added; I wanted to avoid both.

With the help of stevia and tasty fruit like ripe bananas, applesauce, or pumpkin puree (yes, it’s a fruit), avoiding fat and sugar is easy. Omitting low quality oil and using fruit puree as a substitute allows your recipes to have sweetness with way less calories from fat.

Here’s something that is healthy and fairly simple to make.

Sugar and Oil Free Peanut Butter Protein Granola



  • Preheat oven to 325.
  • Mix the dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl using a wire whisk.
  • In a separate mixing bowl, add all wet ingredients and mix well.
  • Add the wet to the dry and stir until well combined.
  • On a parchment lined cookie sheet spread the mixture out evenly and bake for 30 – 35 minutes. Every 10-15 minutes stir the granola for even baking.

I used to make this all the time for Kelley and myself, but had to put an end to it for a while. If you’re wondering why, it’s because we became dangerously addicted to its delicious crunch. We’d both sit at work and mindlessly chomp away until it was gone! You can have too much of healthy food too.

Although it’s wonderful alone, my favorite way to enjoy this granola is with plain Greek yogurt, NuttZo, and frozen blueberries in a cup.

Refills usually always happen.

Make this for yourself and family to help fuel the day or as a healthy snack anytime of day.

Are you a cereal addict?

In milk, yogurt, or both?

What’s your favorite form of cereal; flakes, o’s, clusters, or tiny sprouted crunchy grains like Ezekiel (The only boxed cereal we use now)?