IllumiBowl Toilet Night Light: The Future of Peeing

I was provided an IllumiBowl Toilet Night Light free of charge in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any other way and all thoughts are my own. This post does contain affiliate links in which I will earn a few cents if you make a purchase by clicking on one.

There are some crazy contraptions and ideas displayed on the show Shark Tank, and at first glance, I would’ve placed the IllumiBowl in that category. But, after Matt, the creator kindly sent one for me to try, my mind was blown toilet bowl stayed clean!

IllumiBowl Toilet Night Light

Guys, if you live with females, this tiny light just might prevent future toilet spray related arguments FOREVER! Not that I know anything about those kind of fights…..

The IllumiBowl easily fits on any toilet using a suction cup and adjustable arm.

IllumiBowl Toilet Night Light

Then you can set it to one of 9 color options or have it cycle through all of the colors.  Who wouldn’t want to have a disco pee session in the middle of the night?

IllumiBowl Toilet Night Light

While the color selection is nice, I prefer to only use the orange or red light so as to not disrupt my sleep. Thanks to my good friend, Shawn Stevenson, author of the book Sleep Smarter, I know all about the negative effects of blue light at night and how it can ruin a wonderful sleep!

Which is why this isn’t just to keep guys from “shooting blindly” at night. Anyone will benefit from having a night light that doesn’t emit blue light if so chosen, and I I’m sure ladies will enjoy having a well-lit toilet to go to at night. Let’s not forget about our little ones too, whether potty training or just in need of a bathroom night light, the IllumiBowl benefits the entire family and guests.

If you could use a practical and fun way to light up your nighttime bathroom trips, look no further than the IllumiBowl. For just $19.99, you can save yourself from tinkle sprinkle arguments (sorry, wife) and even give kids the confidence to make trips to the restroom alone at night.

The key features of this hand light are:

  • Fits on any toilet
  • Automatically turns on and off via motion sensors
  • 9 single color modes or the option to cycle all colors
  • Easy to clean with just a damp cloth
  • Peeing is fun for everyone!

Pick one or more up for yourself and friends on Amazon or find it at your local Bed, Bath, and Beyond. To keep up to date on special offers and parenting/bathroom related tips, follow IllumiBowl on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

And now, I’ll leave you with their funny, but informative video on YouTube. Enjoy!

A Baby Timeline On My Samsung Galaxy

I’m going back 2 April’s ago when I posted this baby timeline using pics on my Samsung Galaxy. It’s been long enough and I enjoy looking back to see how small our growing girl used to be. Enjoy!

So, we have been without internet for two days now. I am writing this from my phone using data I hardly ever use;  stupid AT&T…

What’s even cooler is they are finally building on the empty lot next to our house. …. right next to the nursery. Please sense my sarcasm. I guess the silver lining I’d that the workers talk loud enough that Avery might pick up a second language without us doing anything.


Since I wanted to have a post for Sunday, I figured I would just share the timeline of pics I have on my phone. Lucky you, I know!

And lucky me gets to enjoy this steamed organic broccoli with nutritional yeast, cayenne, and mustard. Seriously, I love this stuff!


Of course I’m having more of something else after, and even more after that. And yes, that’s a spork I’m using.

I’ll start with a picture of us before leaving to go to the hospital.


Here’s Kelley’s belly. .


At the hospital, I was excited about being coach.


Kelley, on the other hand, wasn’t too thrilled.


But she did great and brought us our sweet little Avery.


The deepest love we have ever known was now in front of us living and breathing as a healthy baby.


Once home, I immediately tried out the Baby Bjorn.


And Going Mom held her close with loving care as much as possible.


At four weeks we had her newborn pics taken, and I was even part of the props!


Within a few weeks, I successfully made it through a workout with Avery in the garage.


Then I grew bold enough to go on our first run.


We’ve been on many runs since the first and loving each one. The weather was nice that day, but then a major winter storm hit. No worries,  Avery got to try on her bear suit!


I guess she has some growing to do. I attempted to cut her fingernails and got her finger instead, but friends of the Facebook world let me know all parents have been there.


Swaddling was a huge part of our daily lives and keeping her arms from moving was vital to sleep!


Yeah, she wasn’t a fan. I continued wearing her in the Bjorn before realizing I needed another carrier.


G-ma got to enjoy holding a happy baby fitting one of her visits.


Going Mom and I had our first date while G-ma watched Avery.


We saw Imagine Dragons in concert and had Chipotle and beer in the parking lot.


Once again, I tried cutting Avery’s nails, and once again, I failed.


I made a visit to my old workplace, Kelley’s current employer, with Avery.


Kelley was happy to see us both.


We bought a jumper for Avery, but she was a little confused at first.


Avery had her four month shots and I don’t think she enjoyed it;  what do you think?


Finally, thanks to Onya Baby, I got a better baby carrier and was in love at first wear.


After she mastered rolling over, we “unwrapped” the swaddle and put her in a Zippy from Zipadee-Zip. We all like it much better!


Now that she’s stronger, she also does better in her jumper.


But the best seat is her infant positioner from Mamas & Papas.


We go everywhere together with the help of Onya, even in the rain.


And Going Mom is still holding her close and giving her all the love she can. Together, we are a happy family of three.


I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and hopefully I’ll have internet soon again!

Edit: the internet came back late at night, but I’m leaving this post. It’s hard work to write a post on phone!!

What do you do when the internet is down? It’s sad how much we rely on it sometimes.

Sugar Free Chocolate NuttZo Protein Brownies

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a few cents if you make a purchase using the links. There’s no extra cost to you, so please make a purchase! 🙂

sugar free chocolate nuttzo protein brownies, recipe, healthy, treat, dessert, cooking

Do you like brownies nice and gooey in the center or fluffy like a cake? I prefer the gooey version, making me feel like I’m indulging in something that packs 500 calories into each tiny square. That’s not hard to find, just go to Starbucks or any place selling brownies and their uber-rich baked goods are sure to all be around 500 calories for one serving. Luckily, these brownies offer all of the tastebud pleasing flavor with lower calories.


Maybe calories are what you’re after, but it’s best to get them from more nutritive sources like fresh fruits, veggies and lean protein. The gobs of refined sugar and oil used for most baked goods won’t do much for your body besides put you on the fast track to diabetes-ville.

sugar free chocolate nuttzo protein brownies, recipe, healthy, treat, dessert, cooking

Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth and support a healthy body with these decadent and guilt-free brownies.

Sugar Free Chocolate NuttZo Protein Brownies


 The easiest directions ever:

  • Add all ingredients to large bowl, blender, or food processor and blend well.
  • Pour into 7x11in brownie pan lined with parchment or greased with coconut oil
  • Bake for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. Stick a butter knife in the center to see if it comes out clean. If not, let bake another 5 minutes but watch it closely!


Include your kids by having them mash the bananas and help measure ingredients. When kids participate with healthy food prep in the kitchen it’s almost a guarantee that they will want to eat that healthy food!

Do you avoid turning on the oven when it’s hot outside?

How do you like your brownies; moist in the middle or crumbly and baked through?