22 Month Photo Session + Posing As The 7 Dwarfs

This month’s photo session was more rushed than most of the previous ones, so our picture count was minimal in comparison. Luckily, Avery graced the camera with several expressions earlier in the day that I felt compelled to share.

Okay, so I always feel compelled to share, but these pictures aren’t just like the random photos I always take. Fine, you got me again, they are, but after looking through them, I noticed a close semblance to The Seven Dwarfs. Some more than others, but close nonetheless.

Snow White and 7 Dwarfs

All I was doing was snapping photos and never asked her to make any of the faces. This makes it even more astonishing (at least to me) that she hit mimicked the munchkin Snow White characters without having ever seen the movie. See for yourself and tell me if I’m just crazy or if you can see it too.

Doc – It’s like she’s listening with a stethoscope, and she’s obviously wearing a look of concern for others.


Happy – That smug look may not be an ear-to-ear grin, but you certainly can’t say she’s not happy here.


Sneezy – If “Scaredy” was the name, this would be more appropriate, but I would argue she’s gearing up for a big sneeze here!


Bashful – She even has those cute cheeks fluffed up from holding everything in.


Dopey – If you were to pose as Dopey, wouldn’t you do something like this too?


Sleepy – Spot. On.


Grumpy – Her face might say “Happy”, but just read the sign language for her true feelings…..


My first thought, when going through these pictures, was of the Three Wise Monkeys who “Hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil”, but then the dwarfs came to mind. The pictures for Doc (Hear no evil), Bashful (Speak no evil) and Sleepy (See no evil) were the ones I felt fit best. Yes?

Now for the 22 month photo session. I only have a few to share this month, hence my dwarf pose pictures above to fulfill the multi-pictures I usually do. First, we took her by surprise with a quick snap of the camera…


Avery quickly caught on and flashed us a grin as she raised her super flexible leg. She seriously puts her feet to face with ease, and does so quite often.


Then my wife and I both spouted out several pose commands at once while I waved my arms like a crazy ape in order to get her to smile. The result?


Not impressed, not the slightest. But, the mention of cheese (the actual food) made her smile and say it out loud. Going Mom was quick with the camera and caught the quick showing of her pearly whites which marked the end of our session.


Really, that pic should be her Happy dwarf pic. There you have it, our 22 month old posing as characters she’s never seen and giving one big grin for her monthly photo session.

Ack! I just thought of how we’ll soon be saying her age in years! Isn’t 2 the norm for when you do that? Or is it still acceptable to go by months? If so, for how long?

Do you have any pictures of your kids that bear semblance to movie (cartoon or real) characters?

Woo-hoo, A Giveaway for LEGO Scooby-Doo!

Who doesn’t love a giveaway? If you don’t, there’s nothing to see here, but if so, keep on scrolling. But first, check out these amazing Scooby-Doo stop motion videos created using the brand new LEGO Scooby-Doo sets! 

New videos will be uploaded weekly – so be sure to visit ScoobyDoo.com and subscribe to the WB Kids YouTube channel

I was asked to share this fun giveaway and thought it would be something all of you would enjoy. A chance to win 1 of 4 $200 gift cards from Target, Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, and Amazon would make any kid, and therefore parent, happy!

Click on the link below to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and make sure to check out the YouTube channel as you patiently wait watch the clock in anticipation of winning.

What My Toddler Eats In A Day 2 + WIAW

I enjoyed the first What My Toddler Eats In A Day edition of What I Ate Wednesday so much, I thought I’d do it again. Since we don’t make special “kid menu” food, it’s basically what I ate too.

Not much else to say today, so I’ll get right to it. Hope you enjoy and have a happy hump day! Big thanks to the host for this week’s WIAW!

Breakfast – We started with the usual morning green smoothie, or most of it, followed by a giant bowl of chocolate pumpkin oatmeal with NuttZo mixed in and a big spoonful on top.


If you think that looks like a lot, that’s because it is, but Avery can freakin’ eat! Guess I’ll take it as a compliment to my cooking…..or NuttZo is just that awesome, which it is.

Snack – I had a pear from our CSA delivery that I was going to use for our green smoothie later, but figured I’d give her a few bites. It was her first time to try and she gave the sign for more in sign language, so it won’t be her last.


She also had a whole sardine fillet from Wild Planet with zero fuss!



I expected at least a head shake, but she ate it and followed up with “That’s good!” #ProudParents

Lunch – Black bean and coconut quinoa balls.


Okay, so I’ll put my foot in my mouth since I just said we don’t do kid menu food, but I’m only half guilty. It’s still the same food, but they formed into balls so easily and made it 100 times easier to feed the crazy toddler we call daughter.

After Nap Snack Attack – There was a little oatmeal leftover from the morning, so I saved it (so close to just eating it myself!) knowing she’d want something later.


Extra NuttZo on top and she had an awesome snack to fuel a little outside playtime.


Throwing balls like a boss. Then I “threw” her a few times for fun flipping action.


Only a few, we didn’t want to lose what she just had for a snack!

DinnerBlack bean spaghetti with homemade salmon salad with mustard, zucchini, and tomatoes on top. The black bean pasta may not look all fabulous….


….but I think it makes a great cold “pasta” dish (I love cold noodles!), and it complimented the salmon salad perfectly.


Avery and I both enjoyed the dish, but the black noodles just weren’t doing it for Going Mom. So that one’s off the list for things to make my wife. Good thing it makes our little one happy since the extra I made will be her lunch!


She’s still surprising us with the good food she’ll eat, and we’re still hoping she keeps it up. Then again, it should come as no surprise since we simply keep the junk out. Half the picky eater problems I hear about can easily be solved it they were given fresh, whole foods from the start. But that’s a whole other blog post novel.

Do you love hot or cold noodles the best? Plain or with something mixed in?

Sardine lover or hater?