Going Strong: Get Fit with this Full Body Babywearing Workout

I’ve been waiting for this day for a while a now; the day I could wear Avery on my back with our Onya! Now that she’s 6 months and over 15 pounds, she’s good to go!

DSC_1517 (Medium)

Now that wearing her on my back is an option, this opens up new ways to get in a workout while keeping your baby close (really close). Trying to workout while your baby is sleeping can be difficult, and it’s tough if they wake up crying as you’re in the middle of sweating it out. Do you keep going and hope they fall back asleep or end your hard work and get them right away? Not an easy answer…..like most questions regarding babies!

So, I prefer to have Avery with me when working out as much as possible. She sees her daddy being active, and hopefully will want to do the same when she can move around. Plus, it just makes for good bonding! I’m pretty sure Avery has seen me do enough burpees now that she can’t wait to do them herself. Isn’t that right, Avery?


Well, maybe.

Anyway, having your baby on your back enables to you change the loading parameters on your core and legs, allows you to get on the ground for push-ups. With that, two of the best, most functional moves you can do are squats and push-ups.

Nothing fancy schmancy here, just two simple moves that work your entire body. Like I’ve mentioned before, babywearing workouts offer built in progression. As your baby grows, so will your strength. I put together a video demonstration just to show you the moves and hopefully you find it helpful.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_U2NCaUH7w?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

As mentioned in the video, if you want to make this more challenging than 3 rounds, you can just add rounds or make it into a timed “AMRAP” (as many rounds as possible) session. This, of course, is assuming you have a comfortable and happy baby. Also, I don’t advise doing this right after your baby eats, and I’m sure you know why.

Here’s the AMRAP routine that you can print out if you’d like.

Babywearing_Full Body Blast

And for an even greater challenge, add another 5 or 10 minutes of continuous work and/or hold dumbbells while doing squats.

Always make sure you are warmed up before starting and above all, have fun getting fit with the help of your growing baby!

Check out my past Going Strong posts for more baby bearing fitness ideas:

This post is part of a new fitness link-up party co-hosted by the great guy behind Disillusioned Dad. Check it out and show some support by linking your post related to diet, health, exercise, and/or well being.



Going Dad’s Top Ten Pinterest Picks (6): Baby Proof Your Home!

You had to of known this one was coming, right? At this point, I’d expect to make these posts related to what we’re currently experiencing/learning with Avery.

Right now, she can sit up without even trying. Seriously, she’ll wake in the middle of the night and all of the sudden, she’s upright…..and crying.

Avery Sitting Up_Monitor

She eventually tumbles over and will (usually) fall back asleep.

Now the next big milestone is crawling and/or walking, and we need to get our house prepared! Of course there’s always something we’ll miss and won’t find out until she finds it for us, but thankfully Pinterest is here to offer a helping hand.

By the way Avery is able to move around just by rolling and scooting, it’s only a matter of time before she’s getting into anything within reach. If you have a baby that’s about to be or already is becoming more mobile, I hope these top ten picks help get you prepared.

1. 10+ Tips for childproofing. Practical tips and advice we all should read up on!

2.  Pict-o-graphs are fun and a great way to have important info all on one giant page. Great for printing! Now I just need a printer…..

3. DIY baby gate? Yes please, the store-bought ones are pricey!!

4. We don’t have stairs in our home, but I’m sure many of you do and would like to NOT put holes anywhere. So, here you go!

5. Pool noodles to the rescue! It may not be the prettiest way to baby proof, but you might as well get used to the fact that having a baby isn’t always pretty! We’re slowly catching on…..

6. I shouldn’t have to explain the reasoning here; babies in trash = no good. I didn’t even think of the trash until seeing this Pin!

7. Well looky here, the pool noodles make another safety appearance. Again, is it pretty? No. But will it save your kid from busting their lip or worse? I sure hope so!

8. Room by room tips on baby proofing. Just skip to the rooms you need and see if there’s any new ideas.

9.  Okay, last pool noodle Pin. Only because I have one left before ten. you could really surround your home in pool noodles! Hmmm, wonder if Going Mom would approve?

10. Just in case we missed something from the above pins, hopefully this will complete your list of to-do’s!

So, are you ready to baby proof your home? Have you already proofed thinking you were all set and found something else?

Let me know where you are in the process and please, share any tips you might have to offer!

You might be interested in my other Top Ten Pinterest Picks for helpful ideas and even a good laugh:

  1. Puns
  2. Baby Play Ideas
  3. Baby Memes
  4. Homemade Baby Food
  5. Baby-Led Weaning

Going Strong Challenge Update: I Found my First Race, Have You?

Hey there, how’s it going?

Doing well here and happy to have my trusty partner in parenting, Going Mom, home since she took off today. Avery is having her 6 month checkup and a couple more vaccinations. Remember her 5 month shots?


Yeah, oh joy…..

I’ll let you know how everything goes, but now I just want to talk about the Going Strong Challenge I posted several days ago; run a 5k with your kids.

So, have you found a race yet? Not trying to be pushy, just thought I’d check in. I know I don’t have thousands of readers or anything, but if just one of you accepts and finishes the challenge, I’d be satisfied.

Really, just getting out and being active with your kids is the main message here. I still need to pick a race to run or walk (run if in stroller, walk if I’m wearing her) with Avery, but I am signed up and ready to run my last 10k before I’m 30!

The race is called the Unforgotten Heroes Memorial Day Run and is a 5k or 10k. This is the 1st annual run and will be held at the Texas Rangers Ballpark in Arlington on Memorial Day. That’s Monday, May 26th, if you needed to know.

If you’re in the area, come join the fun and support a great cause! Are you already running on Memorial Day? What race do you have lined up?

Most of my “training” has been with Avery in the B.O.B. and our Golden, Abby, on a leash. Needless to say, I’m not expecting to PR by any means, just to run my best and enjoy the last race of my twenties. Eeeesh!

Since this run will be solo with Kelley and Avery there to support me, I still need to step up to my own challenge and run a 5k with Avery. There are plenty of races this summer so don’t worry, it won’t be long before I find one.

The best supporters, and best looking!
The best supporters, and best looking!

Hope you’re having a great Friday and getting ready for a fun and relaxing Memorial Day weekend!

Are you or aren’t you running a race this weekend?

If yes, is it with your kid(s) or solo like me?

Any special Memorial Day plans?