What Happened to Nap Time?!

Are you someone who counts on having things planned at least for the day ahead? With food, I drive my wife crazy by constantly trying to plan ahead, and this goes for most other areas in a day. As a stay-at-home dad, for instance, I think and strategize my day according to Avery’s nap time.

Since I’ve transitioned from the office to a stay-at-home dad, I have learned to count on her long morning naps to get most of the things I can complete. Working out, cooking for myself and Kelley, cleaning myself (most days), and internet time if I can.

Lately, Avery stays up longer before her morning nap, so now I bring her with me to work out and maybe get some food prep out of the way if she allows. Well, today, after working out and taking cues from her rubbing her face with heavy eyes, I figured nap time was imminent.

Bottle in hand, lights off in the nursery, and white noise on, I proceeded to help Avery fall asleep. She wasn’t having the bottle, so I gave up and tried singing (keyword: tried) to soothe her, but she just started smiling. Crap, what happened to that sleep, face rubbing girl five minutes ago?

Eventually, she dozed and I laid her in the crib. But, instead of three hours later, it was twenty freakin’ minutes later and she was already screaming! She’s done this before, and on most days, she gets herself back to sleep. Not today! Nope, she started kicking the side rails of the crib with the vigor of a UFC fighter!

I watched the monitor in hopes of things calming down, but eventually had to go in and try to console her. Still, she just cried louder when I offered the bottle, and even louder if I set her down. I felt the top of her head for tiny horns because I was convinced she was replaced by a demon child. No horns were found; phew!

Over the span of two hours of trying to get her to sleep, I just brought to the kitchen with me while I finished my daily food tasks. Avery seemed content in her jumper for a while, and even flashed me smiles when I’d look over at her. For the most part, she was keeping busy.


I kept trying to offer the bottle to her, but I think this look says it all….


So I carried on slicing a jicama to put in the dehydrator to make chips.



I was concentrating pretty hard on making sure the slices were thin enough, when I noticed it seemed quiet……a little too quiet. I looked up at Avery in her jumper and, well……


Oh sure! She won’t sleep in a perfectly nice crib, but being suspended in a jumper is no problem! I went over to see how out she really was, and I’d say like a college freshman on rush week!


My hear sunk when I saw this, and I picked her up in hopes of laying her down somewhere better. Wrong move. She never went back to sleep, just cried instead. We fought with the bottle a while, and then it was time for a walk. When all else fails, I can count on our trusty Onya Baby Outback to help Avery take a nap.

Like a charm.
Like a charm.

Ten minutes into the walk and she was out. The weather was cool and comfortable, but I covered her with the integrated hood just to keep the sun off her head. Plus, it’s becoming a universal sign that I’m walking with a sleeping baby and most of my neighbors know just wave; no talking! Thank you, neighbors!!

An hour later and Avery started squirming from under the hood so I took it off to say hi.


We were in a new phase of the neighborhood where a lot of construction is going on and I’m sure the noise woke her. The previous night, we had very high winds with rain and hail, and the port-a-potties around the sites had blown over. Being one who likes to turn random things into fun, educational games, I decided we’d count the port-a-potties that were tipped.

Tipped Porta-potties

Hmm, seemed like more than that. Oh well, counting is counting, and who doesn’t love turned over port-a-potties? Oh, that many, huh?

Avery continued to be stubborn on taking the bottle back home, and finally Going Mom came home from work. Yay, another non-demon to join forces! Kelley happily held her dear demon daughter for a while and then fit in a work out for the day.

All in all, Avery’s longest nap was in the Onya (I seriously love and depend on this thing!) for around 45 minutes. It’s nighttime as I’m writing this and Avery finally conked right out after her bath. Fingers crossed for a good night!

I figure it’s the first signs of teething and feel like we’re in for a long, painful, and sleepless ride. Oh wait, that’s parenting in general, huh?

Have you ever had a really “off” day with your baby?

What’s the longest your child has gone without sleep?

10 Things Baby Wearing Dads Should Never Say in a Public Restroom

Yesterday, Avery and I made our usual two store grocery trip to Sprouts and Costco in hopes that we won’t have to go this weekend. We live only a few miles from the Texas Motor Speedway, and since it’s race weekend, driving anywhere is worse than most days.

Since we don’t head out until after her morning nap, I some work in the kitchen to tend to. I try to make Kelley’s meals in bulk so I am prepared for a few days out, so I readied four ready-to-be-grilled bean and goat cheese sandwiches. Sometimes, I wonder why I don’t make one for myself…..


Oh yeah, because I’m more of a roasted beet, Brussels sprouts, and garlic kind of guy.

DSC_0510 (2)

I could find something to do/cook in the kitchen all day, but Avery makes sure that never happens. She woke up from her morning nap with loud moans permeating the baby monitor. She was in an area the monitor couldn’t capture, so I went in her room to see what all the fuss was about.

DSC_0492 (2)

How a sleeping baby is able to roll around and get their leg stuck in the slot of their crib, I haven’t a clue. Luckily, she didn’t hurt herself and seemed fine once Daddy was there with a camera in her face.


I liberated our daughter from her self-induced leg restraint and gathered everything to head out. Our first stop was Sprouts, as usual, and the urge to use the restroom suddenly hit me while perusing the aisles. Damn multiple cups of green tea and coffee!!

As I stood at the urinal, I looked down at Avery in the Onya Baby Outback carrier and tried to keep her from letting out any random cries as she generally does. Why she has to fuss as I hopelessly stand at a urinal, no clue. But, as I tried my best to offer soothing words, I paused and realized what I was saying might be taken the wrong way considering my location.

Then I thought back to the countless times before when I was wearing Avery and had to use a public restroom. “Crap” (not literally), I thought to myself, “Anyone in the restroom at the same time must really be questioning what they heard from me!” I know if I were in a stall and heard some guy talking in a soothing, coo-like voice, I wouldn’t come out until I knew he was gone.

So, I listed the top ten things a dad should never say while wearing their baby and using a public restroom. And if you’re wondering, yes, I have said all of these to Avery. It’s a surprise I’m still allowed in these stores!

To help you see things from my perspective.
To help you see things from my perspective.
  1.  Don’t worry, you’ll get bigger. (I said this to Avery when her head couldn’t see over the carrier.)
  2. Well, hello there.
  3. Uh oh, I need to get you a burp cloth.
  4. Daddy won’t take long.
  5. I’m so proud of you!
  6. What do you see up there? (This is when Avery is looking up at the ceiling.)
  7. Mommy is going to be so happy to see you!
  8. Please stay still so I can finish.
  9. Are you hungry?
  10. If you’re good, we can play with that new toy at home.

Yeah, needless to say, I’m going to be more conscientious about how I word things when talking to Avery in a restroom.

Baby wearing dads, have you ever said anything to your baby while wearing them in a public restroom? 

I don’t know how the baby wearing moms deal with this issue, but if you have any good stories, please share!

Going Review and a Giveaway: Unwrapping the Swaddle with a Zipadee-Zip


At first, we thought Avery hated being swaddled and we were reluctant to use one on her. But, we eventually grew desperate and gave the traditional swaddle a try and she surprisingly slept almost all night! For a while, it helped contain her crazy arms so they wouldn’t distract her from sleep, but then her strength became too much to contain her beastly baby arms.

I don't know how these arms got out, I swear!
I don’t know how these arms got out, I swear!

Like most desperate parents, we went in search for a solution on the internet. Sometimes, the internet just overwhelms you with other parents’ opinions and you end up more confused than you were at the start; this was one of those times. After a lot of back and forth, we ordered a sleep sack called the Woombie. It had great reviews (like everything else), so why not give it a shot?

Bad Wake Up

Nope, no good. Once in it, her arms could still go right to her face where she would try to eat them. Then, taking advice from the internet again, I first wrapped her arms securely beside her with a long piece of cloth. Success! Avery’s arms were kept safely at her side and she was sleeping mostly through the night in her crib.


But, babies grow, and they become more active by rolling over. Before Avery learned to roll over, a friend of ours asked if we heard of the Zipadee-Zip which is made to transition out of swaddling. I wasn’t aware of the Zipadee-Zip (Zippy for short), but wanted to learn more.

The Zipadee-Zip was born when Stephanie and her husband Brett struggled to find a way to get their daughter to sleep without a swaddle. Stephanie created the first Zippy on her sewing machine at home, and after successfully getting her daughter to sleep in it, she and her husband built a website to market their new product. Stephanie sewed each order herself with true passion and care which explains how their small Texas business has grown all from word of mouth by happy customers.

Initially, I expected something that kept the arms a little more contained, but then that would defeat the purpose of allowing them to roll themselves over. The Zipadee-Zip is made to provide your baby with the feeling of being enclosed, like a swaddle, but allowing for full range of movement to roll around as they please.

Check out this video to see how easy it is to use the Zipadee-Zip:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cS5KMso3UE?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

Here are a few reasons why the Zipadee-Zip is loved by many:

  • It’s easier to put on than PJ’s
  • Keeps little hands and feet warm all through the night
  • Prevents babies from scratching their face and startling themselves awake
  • Makes late night diaper changes a cinch
  • The perfect transition after outgrowing the swaddling blanket
  • The ideal wearable blanket
  • Encourages sounder, cozier sleep
  • The breathable fabric but enclosed design makes it perfect for both hot and cold weather

To learn more on the Zippy and view testimonials, just visit their website and Facebook page.

I promptly wrote Stephanie about having the chance to review the Zipadee-Zip for my blog, and she kindly agreed to send us two. I was so excited when she agreed, I couldn’t wait to tell Kelley the great news! Remember when I first mentioned them in this post?


Although she wasn’t rolling over yet, I was eager to try it out during one of her daytime naps. I zipped her up and laid her down for an afternoon nap in which she accepted fairly easily; a little too easy.

My arms are free!!
My arms are free!!

That lasted 30 minutes. Not a big deal since her afternoon naps are always short anyway. For a while, we stuck with the sleep sack and arm wrap for nighttime and I would use the Zippy during her morning naps. Avery started to get used to having her Zippy and would sleep a good 3 hours in the morning on most days. Now it was time for the big test; nighttime!

I'm a star.......fish!
I’m a star…….fish!

The first few tries were not very successful and Avery wound up in bed with us earlier than usual. We stopped using it for a few days, but she still had issues with sleep, so maybe it wasn’t the Zippy.Then, Avery finally started rolling over and we knew we needed to use the Zippy for all of her sleep times!

I was worried on how the first night would go, but surprisingly, she slept great! We have been using the Zippy ever since, and although some nights are better than others, we have peace of mind knowing she can safely roll all over the crib. And she makes certain to use every inch of space in that thing!

Ahhh, the freedom to sleep however I want!!
Ahhh, the freedom to sleep however I want!!

When putting her in the swaddle, Avery would cry before, during, and after the wrap, but with the Zippy, she’s more content. Hmmm, I guess babies like to have freedom to move around too!

Shhhhh, don't let everyone know our secret!
Shhhhh, don’t let everyone know our secret!

Another plus is that your baby goes from already adorable to super adorable in this starfish-shaped wearable sleep blanket! I even took Avery out for a run in the stroller, and walk in our Onya Baby Carrier while wearing her Zippy, so don’t limit it to the crib!


Going Mom and I both love the Zippy and the sleep it has provided for Avery as well as ourselves, and we know our baby is safe while wearing it. Avery seems pretty happy and comfortable with her Zippy too….

Sleeping while daddy works out in the garage
Sleeping while daddy works out in the garage

The Zippy makes you want to just hug and squeeze your adorable baby forever, but don’t do that, squeezing is bad. I can only think of one suggestion to improve the Zippy; adding a second zipper at the bottom. This would allow for diaper changes in the middle of the night or during a long nap and I feel would be very beneficial.

Zippy approved!
Zippy approved!

Are you ready to get your little one out of a swaddle and into a Zipadee-Zip? Well, Stephanie, being the amiable lady she is, has agreed to let me give one away to a lucky reader! Awesome, huh?!

To enter, just click the Rafflecopter link below and follow the steps to earn entries. The contest ends next Friday, April 11, 2014, and I will announce the winner soon thereafter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway