The Best Prep For Runners

If you have been running for a while and want to take it to the next level, or perhaps you are new to running and looking to get yourself in the zone before you slip your trainers on – this post is for you. 

Preparing for a run isn’t simply tying your running shoe laces up and being done. Your body goes through several processes as it is running, and it needs to be in the best condition to do that. 

running, exercise, fitness, health, endurance, training, trail

Photo by Brian Erickson on Unsplash

Here are a few simple things you can do to prepare yourself for running. 


If you have been running in whatever is comfortable up until now, then it is time to change the game up. The running gear you use has a significant impact on your performance. 

At a minimum, you should be looking to invest in the following:

  • Running shoes are designed for the ground you run on. If you want to use Vibram shoes for a natural foot shape, keep in mind you will likely need extra support by Achilles tendon taping
  • Sunscreen is essential even on overcast days – opt for sweatproof sunscreen. 
  • A sun hat and sunglasses designed for running
  • Slimline hydration pack or bottle
  • Reflective accessories and clothing

Choosing running shoes isn’t an easy task; you must get measured in a professional running store. You might have high arches and need extra support, or perhaps you have a wide foot. 

No matter what the issue is, you need to have the perfect fit. Poorly fitting trainers will leave you prone to ankle and knee issues. 

Need more tips? Choosing Running Shoes

Starters timetable

If you have been running for a while, this section isn’t for you. Starting your running journey might not begin with how you think. Your body needs to be conditioned to run and run well. 

Start by combining jogging and walking between 4 and 6 times a week. Jog for a few minutes and walk for a few minutes as the weeks pass, minus some walking minutes and add them to your jogging speed. After a few more weeks, try jogging the whole way one or more times a week. 

Experienced runners

After you have been running for a while, it’s time to go a little harder. Instead of a gentle warmup, start pushing your body hard. This is called priming and is often underappreciated to get into the zone and perform your best immediately. 

Your body adapts to the demands of running hard, and the longer your run, the more effortless it becomes, so use your warm-up and the first round on the track and go all out. 

Something runners have in common is the drive to do something and achieve it. Once you have been running for a while, it’s time to set yourself some big goals—sign up for some marathons and races. The deadline on your fitness will mean you are more focused than you have ever been before, and that can be a beautiful thing.

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