Preparing for the Future Unknown

There are very few certainties in life, particularly in the ever-changing modern world, making it vital for each of us to prepare as much as possible for every eventuality in life. This is especially true when you have a family to care for and who depend on you in one way or another. For the inherently organized, this is a simple process that comes naturally; for others, the idea of having to consider the extent of possibilities that could occur, and prepare for each, is more than a little daunting.

future, life, fears, aging, anxiety, happiness

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Face Your Fears

For most, the prospect of considering and detailing your wishes in the event of a life-threatening emergency is one to be avoided – it’s simply too distressing to entertain. It is, however, a necessary evil that helps prevent heart-wrenching decisions for family members in unfortunate circumstances down the line. Often confused with a last will and testament – something entirely separate but equally important – detailing a living will is a crucial way of indicating the procedures that you will and will not undergo in the event of a medical emergency where your life is at stake. Not only does it help to clearly outline your medical wishes, but it also prevents your family from having to make any distressing decisions on your behalf. In short, a living will helps keep things simple and, as it can be amended at any time, is not set in stone.

Handy Kits for All Occasions

As many parents already know, nothing is handier than a well-stocked, pre-prepared bag or kit of items that are useful in a wide variety of scenarios. Whether it’s a Tupperware container filled with healthy snacks during your child’s playdate or fresh clothes squirreled away in a rucksack in the event of a mess-filled accident, it’s fair to say that preparation is key. Of course, there are plenty of well-stocked kits available in stores but, for the thriftier parents, it’s possible to gather up items in the home that are rarely used to create a useful kit that can travel around with you.

Some great ideas for this could include: a small first-aid kit, including plasters, general medicines, fresh water, and simple bandages; an overnight kit for emergencies stays, with a toothbrush, toothpaste, a change of clothes/underwear, a warm jumper, and a small deodorant; or a wilderness survival kit, containing a compass, a water bottle, a penknife, some string, a small microfibre towel and a wireless charger.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

The best way to prepare for the future, whatever it may contain, is to ensure that you are in the best physical and mental health you can be. Eating healthily – including a balanced diet with a good range of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables – and exercising, whilst also ingesting any vitamins and supplements you require, go a considerable way towards helping you remain in peak physical health. Not a huge fan of exercising in the gym? Then use your backyard to jog or kick a few soccer balls around, dance energetically around your kitchen or make up your own fun workouts to complete with the kids.

It may not come naturally to many, but remaining prepared for the unknown can help reduce stress, save time, and protect those you love. Each of the above tips will help to make the process of preparation simpler and easier, particularly for those who would rather shy away from organization, and will help you to embrace the unknown with enthusiasm!

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